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RSE –�The CES model curriculum

Brentwood Diocese Education Service

~ St Bonaventure’s ~

John Adams, Diocesan Secondary Religious Education Adviser

Thursday 30th January 2020

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Prayer to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

in you we contemplate

the splendour of true love;

to you we turn with trust.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

grant that our families too

may be places of communion and prayer,

authentic schools of the Gospel

and small domestic churches

Holy Family of Nazareth,

May families never again experience

Violence, rejection and division;

May all who have been hurt or scandalised

Find ready comfort and healing.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

Make us once more mindful

Of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,

And its beauty in God’s plan.


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The Catholic Church in England and Wales

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The Catholic Church in England and Wales


The Catholic Church in England and Wales

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The Catholic Church in England and Wales

The Catholic Church has welcomed the Government’s move to improve Relationship Education in primary schools, Relationship and Sex Education secondary schools and Health Education in all schools.

Catholic schools already perform high quality Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and the Catholic sector is the only one with a model curriculum covering ages 3 -19.

The Catholic Church also welcomed the fact that the Government had used the Catholic model curriculum as examples of best practice.

Catholic education centres around the formation of the whole child, therefore the teaching of healthy relationships is an essential part of this.

Fundamental to Catholic belief is that parents are the primary educators of their children and the Government’s recommendations are clear that the right for parents right of withdrawal will be maintained.

Also welcomed was that schools with a religious character will continue to be able to approach Relationship and Sex Education within the tenants of their own faith.

The Most Rev Malcolm McMahon, Archbishop of Liverpool and Chair of the Catholic Education Service commented:

“Catholic schools already teach high quality and age-a formation of the whole child; RSE is key to this and we welcome the Government’s commitment to improving it in appropriate Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and will continue to do so. Catholic education revolves around the all schools.

“The reason why Catholic schools do RSE well, is because they teach it in full conjunction with parents who are the primary educators of their children. It is good to see that the Department for Education will continue to support parents and teachers to ensure that RSE provision in all schools will be of a high quality.” - 18th July 2018



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The Catholic Church in England and Wales

Paul Barber, Director of the Catholic Education Service commented: “We welcome this commitment by the Government to improve Relationships and Sex Education in all schools.

“Catholic education is centred on the formation of the whole child and age appropriate RSE is an essential part of this. It is essential for creating well rounded young people, for equipping students to make good life choices, and for keeping our children safe.

“As such, the Catholic schools’ sector is the only one in the country to have a comprehensive and holistic RSE curriculum for ages 3-19. The proposals announced by the Government today are compatible with the Catholic model curriculum.

“In fact, the Government’s own statutory guidance recognises the Catholic RSE curriculum as an excellent example for schools to use and is one of the few external organisations the guidance referenced as best practice examples.

“The Catholic Church teaches that parents are the prime educators of their children and we are pleased to see the Government sharing this fundamental principle.”   25th February 2019


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The Catholic Church in England and Wales


The Catholic Church in England and Wales

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The Catholic Church in England and Wales

What does outstanding RSE

in Catholic school look like?

In order for Catholic RSE to be fully effective it needs to:

Be faithful to the Church's vision of human wholeness whilst recognising the contemporary context in which we live today;

Involve parents as they are primary educators of their child;

Provide a positive view of human sexuality and dignity of the human person;

Equip young people with the ability to make practical judgments about the right thing to do in particular circumstances;

Explore and promote virtues which are essential to

promoting respect and dignity;

Be delivered in an age appropriate way which reflects

the development of the child;

Be part of the cross-curricular work in both primary and secondary schools;

Be sensitive to the needs of the individual pupil and recognise the mix of pupils

with different sexual orientations, genders and family backgrounds

in each class;

Be taken seriously by governors and teachers as an integrated part of

the broad and balanced curriculum that Catholic schools offer;

Be delivered by competent professionals who understand

the Church's teaching.

Why is RSE in Catholic Schools important?

RSE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life.

Why is RSE in

Catholic Schools important?

RSE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life.


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The Catholic Church in England and Wales

What does outstanding RSE

in Catholic school look like?

In order for Catholic RSE to be fully effective it needs to:

Be faithful to the Church's vision of human wholeness whilst recognising the contemporary context in which we live today;

Involve parents as they are primary educators of their child;

Provide a positive view of human sexuality and dignity of the human person;

Equip young people with the ability to make practical judgments about the right thing to do in particular circumstances;

Explore and promote virtues which are essential to

promoting respect and dignity;

Be delivered in an age appropriate way which reflects

the development of the child;

Be part of the cross-curricular work in both primary and secondary schools;

Be sensitive to the needs of the individual pupil and recognise the mix of pupils

with different sexual orientations, genders and family backgrounds

in each class;

Be taken seriously by governors and teachers as an integrated part of

the broad and balanced curriculum that Catholic schools offer;

Be delivered by competent professionals who understand

the Church's teaching.

Why is RSE in Catholic Schools important?

RSE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life.

Why is RSE in

Catholic Schools important?

RSE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life.


for Catholic RSE

The Bishops on the CES management committee have approved the following Catholic RSE resources for use in Catholic schools. These resources have been developed using expertise of teachers who deliver RSE and PSHE in a Catholic context :

A model Primary Catholic RSE Curriculum

A model Secondary Catholic RSE Curriculum

A model RSE policy for Catholic schools

Good practice in developing a Catholic school RSE policy

A quality standard for Catholic RSE

A Governor Audit for RSE

A document which sets out who is responsible for teaching RSE

Outstanding RSE in a Catholic Context – A case study


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Resources and further reading


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Resources and further reading

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Catholic Education Service


Very latest news

(5th December 2019)


Updated October 2019

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Theme 1 : Created to love others

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Theme 2 : Created and Loved by God

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Theme 3 : Created to live in community(local, national, global)

compatible with

152 objectives

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RSE statutory guidance requires that

[33 +] 37 objectives

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CES model policy


Very latest news

(5th December 2019)


Updated 2016

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CES model policy


Principles in creating

or updating policy

  • Mission Statement
  • Consultation
  • Equalities
  • Content
  • Programme
  • Resources
  • Responsibilities

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Prayer to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

in you we contemplate

the splendour of true love;

to you we turn with trust.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

grant that our families too

may be places of communion and prayer,

authentic schools of the Gospel

and small domestic churches

Holy Family of Nazareth,

May families never again experience

Violence, rejection and division;

May all who have been hurt or scandalised

Find ready comfort and healing.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

Make us once more mindful

Of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,

And its beauty in God’s plan.