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Tuesday, Sept. 25th , 7:30 - 8:00 am

  • Wipe down your desk
  • Sharpen your pencils
  • Get your chromebook from cart
  • Put your literacy materials on your desk
  • Write down homework for the week in your planner
  • Morning Activity - Typing Tuesday
  • Morning Announcements through Safari

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Tuesday, 8:05 - 8:30

After announcements, students will get in a morning meeting circle on the carpet.

One student can start, and going around the circle, each student can share one thing they did over the long weekend.

After everyone answers, students can silently go back to their seats and read to self until literacy starts at 8:30.

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Reading - Module 1: Unit 2: Lesson 2

  • I can describe how pages 121-138 of Esperanza Rising contribute to the overall structure of the story.
  • I can interpret metaphors in”Las Almendras.”

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Read Aloud Las Almendras in Esperanza Rising Novel

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Please use your copy of the Sora text or personal copy of Esperanza Rising while listening.

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“Las Almendras” of Esperanza Rising

Quietly reflect:

What does this part of the story make you think?

Triad Talk:

  • What is the gist of this


  • Looking at the key, where do you think this part of the story fits into the structure? Why?

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“Las Almendras” of Esperanza Rising

Quietly reflect:

What does this part of the story make you think?

Triad Talk:

  • What is the gist of this


  • Looking at the key, where do you think this part of the story fits into the structure? Why?

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Making Connections between the UDHR and “Las Almendras”

Which human rights were threatened in Las Almendras?

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Interpreting Metaphors in Las Almendras

Second Learning Target:

I can interpret metaphors in “Las Almendras.”

Have you ever heard...

  • I am a rock.
  • She is an angel.
  • Is anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room?
    • I am strong, solid, and reliable.
    • She is kind and sweet.
    • Is anyone going to talk about that really obvious problem?

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Interpreting Metaphors in Las Almendras (Purple workbook p. ?)

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ALLBLOCK Class 9:30 - 10:30

Activity 1 - Complete DLI Week Three Day 2 ( See slides accompanying this one)

Activity 2 - Flocabulary assignments -

Complete Similes and Metaphors assignment

Complete Personification assignment

Activity 3 Read to self using their own book or a research book from the unit.

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- Page 179

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CMS Math Topic 2 Lesson 1

  • I can add decimals to the thousandths place using models and place value strategies.


  • Write down homework for the week from calendar on board
  • Complete Solve and Share on sheet from teacher
  • Reflex website when you finish

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CMS Topic 2, Lesson 1

Juanita is starting an exercise plan.  She wants to walk or run for exercise once in the morning and once in the evening each day.  She created a table to record the daily distance she walks in kilometers. What is Juanita’s total distance for today?

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licesed under CC BY


2.78 + 3.58 =

2.78 + 3.58 =

2 + 3 = 5

0.7 + 0.5 = 1.2

0.08 + 0.08 = 0.16

5 + 1.2 + 0.16 =

(5 + 1) + (0.2 + 0.1) + 0.06 =

6 + 0.3 + 0.06 = 6.36

6.36 km

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CMS Topic 2 Lesson 1

Try This Problem!

Juanita’s Mama, Papa, and Abuela heard about Juanita’s new exercise plan, and they decided to join in the fun! Choose one person in Juanita’s family and find the total distance.  How many kilometers did that family member walk?

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Visual Learning Bridge

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Convince Me

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Take out a piece of paper.

Joe has $15 to buy some school supplies. He needs to buy a binder for $5.50 and 2 packs of red pens for $1.99 each. How much change should Joe get?

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Carly drank two bottles of water this afternoon. She drank one bottle before soccer practice and it held 13.7 ounces. She drank the other bottle that held 7.25 ounces after practice. She wants to drink at least 32 ounces of water each day. How many more ounces of water does Carly need to drink?

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Practice Problems

Move box to see


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Practice Problems

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Science Lesson 11

Good Conductors of Heat:

Conductor Breakdown


Exit Ticket

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Heat Transfer

  • I can explain the three major types of heat transfer- conduction, convection, and radiation.

Conductor Breakdown

Best Conductor Lab

Exit Ticket

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Say the word 3 times

Hear it in a sentence

Metal is a good conductor of heat.



Di la palabra 3 veces

Usa la palabra en una oración

El metal es un buen conductor del calor.

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a material that allows heat to pass through it easily.

un material que permite que el calor lo atraviese con facilidad.




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Metal is a good conductor! Some metals are better than others

Copper and silver are the best conductors

¡El metal es un buen conductor! Algunos metales son mejores que otros.

El cobre y la plata son los mejores conductores.



A BAD conductor is called an insulator.

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Confusing Parts

Un conductor de tren es otra cosa.

A train conductor is a different job… but just like metal he lets things go through!

Partes difíciles



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Your Turn!

Dices la palabra en una oración

One item I would want to be made of a conductor is….

Un artículo que me gustaría estar hecho de un conductor es...



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Conductor Lab

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Which of these spoons was the poorest conductor of heat energy? Which was the best? Explain your thinking.�

Why was the bead helpful in this experiment?

Why is it important to repeat the experiment using the same amount of water, shortening, and spoon size?

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Don’t Get Tricked!

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12:50 - 1:00 PACK Up, Clean Up, Put away Chromebooks

  • Chromebook helpers: call each row to put up chromebooks
  • Students: clean up under your desk and pack needed supplies for the night in your backpack.
  • Students: Flip your chair on desk and wait until teacher tells you to line up