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Eugene Petrenko



Building self-contained toolset with Gradle


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About me

PhD in Computer Science

At JetBrains (ReSharper, TeamCity, Upsource, Toolbox App and many more)

Open source projects & plugins

Fun in Kotlin & DSLs

Blogging at http://jonnyzzz.com

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What is Toolset / self-contained mean?

Building DSLs with Kotlin

A Self-contained DSL Toolset in Gradle

Live demo

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What is Toolset



Build scripts


IDE support


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An instrument to work with the language (e.g. DSL) with all required operations

Should � not require any complicated setup� be easy to upgrade� have an IDE support� allows extensibility or plugins

Minimalism, implementation details isolation

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Toolset for?

Language is most likely a

Domain Specific Language

Examples� Business rules� Configuration management (e.g. Logger, CI settings, Clouds)� Game logic / Lua scripts generators (e.g. Moonscript)� Workflow editors (e.g. JetBrains YouTrack Workflow editor, MPS based)�

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YouTrack Workflow Editor / DSL

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Tools from screenshot

JetBrains YouTrack workflow editor

JetBrains MPS used as IDE (via Java Web Start)

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How DSLs are used

Generate code in target language from a DSL

extend target language with higher level concepts

use better syntax

add more semantics checks or tests

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How DSLs are used also

A two way transition

Import code from original language

Change, test, refactor DSL code with help of Toolset & DSL� A DSL should be designed for better refactorings

Generate original language code back�

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How to implement a DSL

There are many ways

Re-invent the wheel

Use Languages Workbench, e.g. JetBrains MPS

Use existing language as base, e.g. Groovy, Scala, Kotlin

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Target Language

If cannot change target language

May not be fully supported in IDE, no refactoring

Not as powerful as java/kotlin (e.g. no loops, conditions, functions)

Lacking in validation & semantic checks

Lacking in extensibility

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DSL in General Purpose Language

Use existing language, author a library for it

better IDE support with no IDE extensions needed

flexible & faster development with loops, conditions, etc

better validation & semantic checks

extensibility is possible

We will use JetBrains Kotlin language for examples

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Why Kotlin?

Open source static typed language by JetBrains

Easy to learn & use

Great IDE support (Eclipse & IntelliJ)

Easy to write static typed DSLs

IDE understands types in DSLs

More on kotlinlang.org

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Example: Log4j Logger config

Let’s consider trivial log4j configuration

<category name="category2warn">� <priority value="WARN"/>�</category>

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Example: Logger configuration

Replace it with a DSL in Kotlin

loggerConfig {� category("category2warn") {� + WARN� }�}

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DSLs in Kotlin: Extension Functions

fun String.parenthesize() : String { � return "($this)" �}

//usage�"some text".parenthesize()

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DSLs in Kotlin: Higher order Functions

Function type

(String, Long) -> Int

Extension function type

String.(Byte) -> Unit

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Example: Logger configuration. Kotlin

An parameter is an anonymous extension function

Last parameter of a function call can be without braces ( )

fun loggerConfig(� closure: LoggerBuilder.() -> Unit)

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Example: Logger configuration

Replaced it with a DSL in Kotlin

loggerConfig {� category("category2warn") {� + WARN� }�}

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Example: Logger configuration. Use forEach

loggerConfig {� listOf("A", "B", "C").forEach {� category("category.$it") {� + WARN� }� }�}

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Example: Logger configuration. Use forEach 2

loggerConfig {� listAllRootPackages().forEach {� category("category.$it") {� + WARN� }� }�}

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Example: Logger Configuration. Library Extensibility

Extract common part

loggerConfig {� listAllRootPackages().forEach { � warnCategory(it) � }�}

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Example. Logger Configuration. Shared Library

//library�fun Log4jBuilder.warnCategory(n: String) {� category("category.$n") {� +WARN� }�}

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DSLs in Kotlin

Static typed

With IDE support, code completion, error highlighting, refactorings

Can add semantic checks easily

Can have extensibility or unit tests

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DSLs over general purpose language (kotlin) can be useful

We need a Toolset with IDE support

=> Let’s build one with Gradle

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DSL Toolset with Gradle

Implementation details can be hidden in a plugin

Easy to reuse & upgrade

Reuse ‘java’ and ‘kotlin’ plugin features

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Building a Kotlin DSL Toolset

Toolset for DSL should

generate to original language code (and from)

Be easy to use / install / update

Should contain an IDE support

This is the only way to have success in DSL adoption

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Extensibility Support

Extend � DSL & Generator

make IDE support work for it

Benefit from Gradle/Kotlin features

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Tests support

Once we have a code in Kotlin for DSL

Let’s have tests for such code

May require support from DSL library

Reuse unit tests support from IDE (no extra code)

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Example. TeamCity2DSL

My goal was to learn Kotlin & practice in DSL building

I was looking for proper tooling


�Note: TeamCity 10 will have DSL support out of the box.

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TeamCity in Action

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JetBrains TeamCity

Powerful continuous integration server by JetBrains

Configuration objects:� Project� Build Configuration� Build Configuration Template� Meta-Runner� VCS Root (Version Control)

Project settings are in XML, available via Version Control

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Why DSL for CI?

A DSL allows to use richer (Kotlin) language instead of XML

Higher level concepts can be used� Project, VCS Root, Build Configuration, etc

Basic semantic checks of XML data is implemented� Smarter that XSD/DTD� Reports domain-related errors

Kotlin language refactorings on TeamCity entities� *Requires right DSL design

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Toolset: Workflow

configuration in XMLs

-> generate Kotlin code

-> refactor, compile, test

-> generate configuration XML

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The Toolset: Refactoring Tool

TeamCity project settings are in a set of XML files

XML files under version control

‘xml2dsl’ and ‘dsl2xml’ tasks

Bring IDE support

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Initial Solution

Implement tasks in Ant (required locally)

Download dependencies (Kotlin), call compiler, and everything is done with Ant� Partly duplicated in IntelliJ settings

Hard to update to newer version

No IDE project included (so a template project was introduced)

Complicated startup

No extensibility supported

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IDEA: Use one build tool

No duplication of settings� e.g. IntelliJ project + Ant Script

No tricky files or templates

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Initial Gradle Build for Toolset

buildscript {� repositories {� mavenCentral()� }� dependencies {� classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"� }�}�apply plugin: 'java'�apply plugin: 'kotlin'�

repositories {� /// DSL apis, Generator apis, kotlin�}��dependencies {� compile "...$DSL_VERSION"�}��task xml2dsl { /*...javaExec…*/ }�task dsl2xml { /*...javaExec…*/ }

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Use Gradle plugin

New plugin syntax � => only 3 lines in build.gradle� all dependencies from jcenter()��Move all details into plugin code

Use Kotlin for the plugin implementation

plugins {� id "ID" version "VER"�}

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Toolset in Gradle: Self-contained

This should be enough to implement this all with Gradle

//root build.gradle file

plugins {� id "org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl" version "0.1.15"�}

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Gradle plugin case

Easy to use / upgrade

No IDE configuration required

IDE support is out of the box

Test runners from java plugin

�=> A self-contained toolset that can be used to develop DSL code

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With IDE support

We created a Gradle plugin that uses standard extensibility

It works in IntelliJ as is

Code is greed, refactorings are available

Tasks are detected

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Tricks inside

Dependencies on ‘java’ and ‘kotlin’ gradle plugins

Automatic download of dependencies (DSL, generator, extensions)

Gradle DSL extensions for extensibility

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Trick: Implicit Kotlin Setup

From the plugin we know Kotlin version/dependencies that are required

=> declare dependency from Kotlin in plugin’s pom

project.apply { config ->� config.plugin("java")� config.plugin("kotlin")�}

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Initial Gradle Build for Toolset

buildscript {� repositories {� mavenCentral()� }� dependencies {� classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"� }�}�apply plugin: 'java'�apply plugin: 'kotlin'

repositories {� /// same again�}��dependencies {� compile "...$DSL_VERSION"�}��task xml2dsl { /*...javaExec…*/ }�task dsl2xml { /*...javaExec…*/ }

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Trick: Downloading Dependencies

Publish to a maven repo

Generate constants from the plugin build

Same dependency names & versions (not hardcoded)

Same components & plugins

In plugin code:

Include generated list of dependencies & repositories

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Initial Gradle Build for Toolset

buildscript {� repositories {� mavenCentral()� }� dependencies {� classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"� }�}�apply plugin: 'java'�apply plugin: 'kotlin'

repositories {� /// same again�}��dependencies {� compile "...$DSL_VERSION"�}��task xml2dsl { /*...javaExec…*/ }�task dsl2xml { /*...javaExec…*/ }

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Trick: Running TeamCity2DSL

Obvious plan:� Declare everything onto buildscript classpath� Run classes as-is

Problem: classpath is shared. Can have conflicts� It did not work with jdom which conflicted with Gradle internals

Solution: � Load classes explicitly� Avoid any buildscript level dependencies

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Toolset in Gradle: Self-contained

This should be enough to implement this all with Gradle

//root build.gradle file

plugins {� id "org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl" version "0.1.15"�}

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Trick: Extensibility support

TeamCity2DSL supports extensions via .jars� e.g. custom DSL for a build runner

We need the way to support extensibility in Gradle Plugin

=> Use Gradle’s DSL extension mechanism.

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Extending DSL & Generator

plugins {� id "org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl" version "0.1.15"�}��teamcity2dsl {� extension '...:commandline-runner:0.1.15'�}

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Trick: Update configuration from Extension

Update Project instance once DSL extension method is called

Pass Project into a DSL extension class


update Project in afterEvaluate. May not work

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Trick: Unit Tests

Once Kotlin and Gradle are used

Tests are available out-of-the box

IDE support is also included automatically

add dependency on junit & code

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Live Demo

Let’s have a look in IntelliJ on TeamCity project configuration example

Start from scratch

Adding an extension

Adding unit tests

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Live Demo

Welcome back

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Testing the plugin code itself

All tests are integration tests� Running on a gradle script sample

Local maven deployment is used for such tests� A dedicated step is created to publish all dependencies� Local maven added into repositories

Base project is used to setup tests

There are a number of tests for the tool itself, without Gradle

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It’s possible to build self-contained toolset as easy as

plugins {� id "PLUGIN" version "VERSION"�}

With IDE supported, easy to use, easy to upgrade, extensible

Implementation details are fully hidden

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Outline: Self-Contained DSL Toolset in Gradle

Self-contained DSL toolset with IDE support is doable � with JetBrains Kotlin for DSLs� with three-lines in Gradle� can share with non-IT people�

Build your own toolset!

Example implementation & details are here�https://github.com/jonnyzzz/TeamCity2DSL

�JetBrains TeamCity 10.0 will have it’s own DSL support �JetBrains MPS is a DSL languages workbench

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Follow me @jonnyzzz

Thank you!

Learn more at www.gradle.org

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TeamCity2DSL: build.gradle

plugins {� id "org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl" version "0.1.15"�}

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Extensibility Implementation

Add more .jars for “compile” configuration

Use Java Services API (via resource file)

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A Toolset

Consider Domain Specific Languages use case

source files� XML build definitions for CI� Business processes definition files� Logging configuration files�

Those files are tricky to ��

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Self-Contained Toolset

This is a tool that

Easy to use, try, upgrade

Includes an IDE support

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Generating code to simplify changes management

Tricks in creating self-contained Gradle plugin



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Tool. Configuration files editor

Experiment in DSL area & Kotlin

Convert TeamCity build configurations XML files into Kotlin Code

Apply IDE refactorings to author build configuration change

Moves semantics and constraints into Kotlin library

Makes use of IDE to author non-trivial changes to XML

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Problem: Implementation details

download dependencies & compiler

setup toolset, directories, classpath

register extensions

configure IDE

run compiler, call tool tasks, run tests, implement tasks

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Problem: User experience

Tricky to install & start working

Complicated upgrade

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Plugin Tasks

Plugin adds two tasks:



Plugin should replace all configuration

It should be easy to install & upgrade

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Plugin entrypoint

Plugin is implemented as usual via

class GeneratorPlugin : Plugin<Project> {� override fun apply(project: Project?) { � //code will be here� }�}

I’ll omit this in next slides, assuming

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Plugin: Defining Tasks

Tasks are defined in the standard way

Nice trick is to add dependencies in the next statements

project.tasks.create(� "dsl2xml", Dsl2Xml::class.java)

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Plugin: Downloading Dependencies

The trick is to create an internal configuration and declare dependencies there

val configuration = project.configurations� .maybeCreate(NAME)� .setVisible(false).setTransitive(true)��project.dependencies.add(� conf.name, “foo.bar:1.2.3”)

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Plugin: Avoid duplicating repositories

I use the following trick in plugin#apply

copy all buildscript repositories into build repositories

project.buildscript.repositories.forEach {� project.repositories.add(it) �}

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Plugin: Loading Classes

val config = project.configurations� .getByName(NAME) ?: throw failTask(...)��URLClassLoader(� config.files.map{ it.toURI().toURL() }.toTypedArray(), � null)

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Plugin: xml2dsl task is ready

Dependencies configured automatically

Task is executing in standalone classloader

Kotlin code is generated

Next: Setting up compiler & implement dsl2xml task

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Plugin: Adding Source Root

Generated DSL code should be in a dedicated source root

project.convention� .getPlugin(JavaPluginConvention::class.java)� .sourceSets.getByName("main")� .java.srcDir(PATH)

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Plugin: Add tasks dependencies

dsl2xml task should compile DSL prior to execution

Adding dependencies can be done as follows

val dsl2xml = project.tasks.create(...)�dsl2xml.dependsOn(� project.tasks.getByName("classes"))

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Plugin: Putting all together

buildscript {� repositories { … }� dependencies {� classpath 'org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl:gradle-plugin:${dsl-version}'� }�}��apply plugin: 'org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl'

//xml2dsl & dsl2xml tasks are registered

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Live demo

Open project from scratch

Show tasks and code navigation (in IntelliJ)

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Testsing plugin: template

buildscript {� repositories {� mavenLocal()� mavenCentral()� maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/jonnyzzz/maven" }� }� dependencies {� classpath '${DSL_PLUGIN_CLASSPATH}'� }�}�apply plugin: '${DSL_PLUGIN_NAME}'

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Extensibility for the Generator

We use Java Services API

And deal with classloading carefully

Implemented via one line: � fix the gradle plugin to include more packages� via DSL extensions (and custom supply to ‘dependencies’)� via ‘compile’ configuration

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Plugin: Extensibility

Register extension into project

project.extensions� .create(� "teamcity2dsl", DSLSettings::class.java)

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Plugin: Extensibility. Read

Access extensions from script or task

Use project#afterEvaluate

Add more dependencies to the generator



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Plugin: Extensions

buildscript {� repositories { … }� dependencies {� classpath 'org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl:gradle-plugin:${dsl-version}'� }�}��apply plugin: 'org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl'��teamcity2dsl {� plugins.add ‘org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl:sample-plugin:0.0.1’�}��

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Plugin Extensions: Classpath

‘compile’ configuration should include those classes

An internal configuration should extend compile configuration to add generator implementation

Isolation is nice to have

Simplification: Use same classpath for all, � add dependencies to ‘compile’ configuration

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Writing Unit Tests

Just works, just add junit or testng dependency

Running tests will make it compile main sources (including generated DSL)

Will work out of the box

‘xml2dsl’ task may be executed via dependencies

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Create a Gradle plugin to � reduce build or tools complexity, � avoid binaries and copy-pastes and to hide details.

Generic tricks and ideas�


�TeamCity 10.EAP contains another builds DSL implementation

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Short build script

buildscript {� repositories { … }� dependencies {� classpath 'org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl:gradle-plugin:${dsl-version}'� }�}��apply plugin: 'org.jonnyzzz.teamcity.dsl'

//exposes xml2dsl and dsl2xml tasks

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DSLs in Kotlin

html {� head { title = "Hello Kotlin DSLs" }� body {� div { + "Loren Ipsum" }� }�}

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DSLs in Kotlin: Lambda Expressions

Last function-parameter of a method can be without ( )

fun html(builder: HTML.() -> Unit)��interface HTML {� fun head(builder: HEAD.() -> Unit)� fun body(builder: BODY.() -> Unit)�}

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DSLs in Kotlin. Explained

html {� head { title = "Hello Kotlin DSLs" }� body {� div { + "Loren Ipsum" }� }�}

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DSL Extensibility

TeamCity supports plugins (e.g. build runners)

Extend � DSL & Generator

make IDE support work for it

Example: add syntax for your build runner (e.g. Gradle Build Runner)�

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Example: Logger configuration. Kotlin 2

A config function from extension function

Last parameter of a function call can be without braces

fun category(name: String, � closure: CategoryBuilder.() -> Unit)

operator fun WARN.unaryPlus()

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