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Kite Hill (West)

2334-2354 Lake Shore Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90039

24 June 2019

SMMC Board Meeting




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“Through direct action, alliances, partnerships, and joint powers authorities, the Conservancy's mission is to strategically buy back, preserve, protect, restore, and enhance treasured pieces of Southern California to form an interlinking system of urban, rural and river parks, open space, trails, and wildlife habitats that are easily accessible to the general public.”

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Bobcat Video

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Red-Tailed Hawk video

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Kite Hill Looking Up

Part of Kite Hill as seen on Lake Shore

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Kite Hill Looking Down

Kite Hill with Lake Shore below

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Kite Hill as seen from Lake Shore

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Detail of West area showing Fellowship Pakway connection and remaining green corridor bordering Elysian Park

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Ability to connect edges of trails through Elysian Park and beyond.

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