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John E. Muñoz, PhD

Adjunct Professor, System Design Engineering

UX Research Scientist

SYDE543 - Winter 2023

Week 1, Lecture 1

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Course Introduction


“All” you need to consider about SYDE543

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Lecturer (JohnHCI)

Physics Engineering (Bachelor)


(Master Engineering)

Human Computer Interaction


Interactive Assistive Technologies

(Postdoctoral Fellow)

UX Research Scientist and Professor

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Areas of Expertise

My research embraces a multi-faceted approach to design interactive games and simulations with the potential of assisting people on different healthcare and training scenarios.

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Teaching Crew

Naomi Paul

(Full time)

Msc Student, System Design Engineering, Human Factors researcher, aviation simulation, VR, Métis Nation of Ontario

Khatereh Shariatmadari

(Part time)

Msc Student, System Design Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Human Factors researcher

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About this course

Shi Cao

His experience and material from previous human factors courses

Don Norman

His approach and foundations in human factors and UX

My inner me

My personal journey, experience and intuition

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Course Overview

Brain and cognition

Human errors, memory, attention, performance, cognitive processing.

Design Projects & Tutorials

Design thinking, UX Library challenge, final design project, lab visits, homunculus VR experience.

Research Methods

Working with human subjects, ethics, neuroergonomics, user centered design, neurotechnology and accessibility

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Course Objectives


Have fun!

Relevant cognitive ergonomics research methods for experiments involving human subjects

Stay curious and proactive to maximize the learning


Social and professional skills to improve public presentation and other important skills


Important cognitive ergonomic concepts, theories and principles


Relevant aspects of inclusive design methodologies


Cognitive ergonomic principles to produce improved system designs

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Class times & Locations


Mondays 11:30 - 13:20 at E5 6004

Wednesdays 11:30 - 12:20 at E7 2409 (Ideas Clinic)


Wednesdays 12:30 - 13:20 at E7 2409

Mostly used for hands-on activities, visits and presentations

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Course Materials

Wickens, C. D., Helton, W. S., Hollands, J. G., & Banbury, S. (2021). Engineering psychology and human performance. Routledge.

Forsythe, C., Liao, H., Trumbo, M. C. S., & Cardona-Rivera, R. E. (2014). Cognitive neuroscience of human systems: work and everyday life. CRC Press.

“The mind machine is a podcast devoted to the latest research in applied neurosciences, physiological computing, neuroadaptive interfaces and human factors psychology.”

Gramann, K., Fairclough, S. H., Zander, T. O., & Ayaz, H. (2017). Trends in neuroergonomics. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 165.

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Lots of other resources

Gilbert, R. M. (2019). Inclusive Design for a Digital World: Designing with Accessibility in Mind. New York: Apress. (Optional)

Availability: Free to download here.

Norman, Don. The design of everyday things. Basic books, 2013.

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Interactive Boards

Lucid Chart

  • Easy to use and learn
  • Free Educational license
  • Intuitive and interactive
  • Optional (you can raise your hand and participante instead)

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Course Breakdown

Ethics/Case Study

Use case

-Video (5%)

-Presentation (5%)

Case study presentation - working with human subjects (10%)


Assistance and proactivity in the hands-on activities (10%)


Course test (20%)


First assignment (20%)

Final assignment: Design Project (30%)





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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


Racist comments, hostile interactions

Conflict Resolution

Be empathetic and nonjudgmental

Classroom Cohesion

Team activities, workshops and presentations

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Today’s Lecture

1. What is cognitive ergonomics (Wickens, Ch. 1)

2. Technology applications and industry (Parasuraman, Ch V)

Course Introduction

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What/Why Cognitive Ergonomics?


Terminology, areas of research and why is this important.

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What do you expect to learn in this course?


-Join Lucid App

-Use one sticky note and define on your own words what is CE?

-Check other’s responses

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— John E. Muñoz

“The exploration of how well products are mapped to the cognitive capabilities of their intended users ”

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Scientific disciplines

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Cognitive Physical

Ability to see, hear or become aware via senses


Ability of storing and retrieving information


Focusing the senses on something or someone


Long working hours and its effects


Daily energy needed to perform activities

Energy Expenditure

Study of joints and their relationships during human movements


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Why study Cognitive Ergonomics?









Cognitive capabilities of human users when using systems

Systems or mechanisms more tailored the user preferences

Designed systems using a powerful source of knowledge: how the brain works

The interaction between humans and systems via emphasizing cognitive components

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Creating Solutions for Aging

  • Understand cognitive capabilities of older adults when interacting with phone applications.
  • Better allocate tasks and resources between elder users and websites.
  • Improve user experience by means of adding accessibility features related to aging.

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Cognitive Ergonomics Research Questions

Do users expect the technology to work

Information facilitate learning and memory?

Is certain information being displayed

To what extent

Training is required to use a solution?

Is important to assist users


User knowledge assumptions are met



How much


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Technology Applications and Industry


Areas of application and industry needs

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Boeing 757 CFIT Accident, Colombia

Focus of lessons learned (link)

  • The crew read back the wrong transponder code
  • An adequate approach review was not performed
  • The descent checklist was not accomplished
  • Approach control’s response to “is that all correct, sir?” was incorrect.
  • The SELECT DESIRED WPT (waypoint) information on the display screen was not user friendly.
  • The crew did not disengage the autothrottle after the GPWS warning.

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NASA Langley & Human Factors

NASA started investing more time and resources in HF research (link).

NASA Modulation Team at Langley and their research in physiologically adaptive systems has been inspirational (link)

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Human Machine/Computer Interface

Human Machine Interface (link)

The analysis of cognitive tasks needs to consider both the interaction of users with the systems to perform a tasks as well as the user interaction with the machine

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Human Machine Symbiosis. Digital and Biological

  • Adaptive Automation


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We humans have always been adept at dovetailing our minds and skills to the shape of our current tools and aids. But when those tools and aids start dovetailing back—when our technologies actively, automatically, and continually tailor themselves to us just as we do to

them—then the line between tool and human becomes flimsy indeed.

Andy Clark, Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds

What is the mind-body problem?

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The study of brain and behavior at work.

Ultimately, research in neuroergonomics can lead to safer and

more efficient working conditions.

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Intelligent Adaptive System


Adaptive Layer

Inputs Commands

Displayed Information






User Monitoring Data



User-centered adaptive system (link)

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II. Virtual Reality and Neuroergonomics

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Training in Virtual Reality

Spatial, postural, biofeedback, behavioral data


Flexible and dynamic virtual environments for controlled training


VR offers full-body and realistic immersivity


Haptic, voice, hand gestures and body movement


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Brain-Based Systems and VR

Active BCI

Passive BCI

Passively (no need of user’s intention) interprets brain signals to provide insights on their cognitive states

The user intentionally performs a mental task that produces a certain pattern of brain activity

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VR and Physiological Measures

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Automatic Virtual Environment CAVE

  • Perhaps the most famous virtual reality product of the nineties was the CAVE.
  • Room whose walls consist of screens displaying a virtual environment.
  • CAVE may be the first simple implementation of the holodeck (Star Trek’s vision).

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III. Social Robots and Human Robot Interaction

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Social Robots

—Cynthia Breazeal, MIT

“Social robots are designed to interact with people in human-centric terms and to operate in human environments alongside people”

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Social skills


Sensing Affect




Endowing robots with social/emotional skills will facilitate the acceptance and improve the interaction with humans.

More tools are needed for multimodal detection of human affective states.

Long-term adoption of social robots requires a more effective working alliance for behavior change goals or learning gains.

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Do you have any questions?

Please email the TA’s first:

{nvpaul, khatereh.shariatmadari}@uwaterloo.ca


EC1, Games Institute

Office Hours: Wednesday 14:30 - 16:30

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik and illustrations by Storyset.