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Workshop 1

Session 1

Starting the Formative Assessment Process

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Do Now:

What team norms would you like to establish?

Grab some sticky notes and record these expectations.

When you are finished, place them on the Team Norm poster board on the wall.

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Essential Question: What do our grades say about what our students know?

Reflection Questions:

  • If the teacher didn’t grade the paper, do you think the student’s final grade in the course would reflect his true learning?
  • While this is an extreme case, what does your gradebook communicate about student learning?

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Priority Standard 1.0:

I will be able to continuously improve my instructional practice by collaborating with my colleagues utilizing the formative assessment process.

  • I can justify the need to shift to the formative assessment process.

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Formative Assessment (a)

Grade your pre-assessment using the answer sheet provided.

As a student, what does your grade tell about your learning?

What about as a teacher?

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Let’s try that again.Grab the first two handouts behind the blue piece of paper.  





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Let’s Start with the 2.0 Questions…

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Keeping Track of My Learning

Important things to include on a tracking sheet:

  • Student Name
  • Course Name
  • Priority Standard
  • Student Goal (score and date)
  • Personal Learning Plan
  • Place to track multiple assessments taken on different dates for the same standard

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Term Clarification

  • Formative Assessment vs. Summative Assessment vs. Instructional Feedback
  • Formative Score vs. Summative Score

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Instructional Feedback

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

Scored and Recorded?




Common to a building or an entire course?




Used to direct instruction?




Tied to Priority Standards?




Helps students set goals and gauge their progress?




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Priority Standard 3 (PS3) = Summarize a Text

Priority Standard 1 (PS1) = Characterization

SS for PS3

FS #3

FS #2

FS #1

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PLC Essential Steps

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Step 1: What do we expect all students to learn?

  • Let’s begin by creating a Guaranteed, Viable, and Rigorous Curriculum by starting with Priority Standards

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Guaranteed - In our schools, it is guaranteed that specific content is taught in specific courses, regardless of the teacher to whom a student is assigned. The curriculum is not only being TAUGHT TO students but, more importantly, is being LEARNED BY students.

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Viable - There is enough time to teach and for the students to learn the standards identified as guaranteed.

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Rigorous - Helping students develop the capacity to understand content that is complex, often ambiguous, and personally or emotionally challenging.

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Pick the statement that describes the environment in most high school classrooms.

A. Teach, test and hope for the best

B. Assessment to inform instruction and motivate students

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1st Semester - Traditional Grading

2nd Semester - Formative Assessment Process

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Workshop 1

Session 2

Creating Priority Standards

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Priority Standard 1.0:

I will be able to continuously improve my instructional practice by collaborating with my colleagues utilizing the formative assessment process.

  • I can create priority standards.

34 of 54

Let’s Brainstorm!

  • Using the Bulls-eye handout in your binder, categorize your priorities for the course.

  • What are the non-negotiable skills someone in your profession (biologist, mathematician) needs to have?

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Group up!

  • Group 1 – Erica, Marie, Nate
  • Group 2 – Brittany, Greg, Stephanie
  • Group 3 – Aquan, Josh, Drew,

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Group up!


  • Combine your lists, eliminating doubles and adding anything else that comes to mind.


  • Large piece of sticky paper
  • Individual priority lists


a single, consolidated list on large sticky paper

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Be back in 10 minutes!

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What did you come up with?

  • Post your lists on the wall.
  • Elect one representative to present your list to the group.

  • Let’s pare the three lists down to a single list, eliminating doubles/triples.

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Hierarchy of Instructional Design

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Hierarchy of Instructional Design

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Group up!�(same groups)


  • Using the Google doc and the Marzano visual, write out exactly what you would like the students to be able to do or know.
  • Write one for each Big Idea.
  • Use the standards to hone your language and make nominations for additions to the list.


  • Large sticky paper
  • Google doc
  • ACT guidelines
  • Common Core State Standards
  • Group members

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Be back in 30 minutes!

Please post your list of priority standards on the wall.

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Gallery Walk

Using post-it notes, please walk around with your team, reading and placing comments on the other two teams’ posters.

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Let’s compile and consolidate one last time…

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Hierarchy of Instructional Design

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�Let’s Take a Break…Please be back in your seat in 5 minutes.

Great Job!

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Hierarchy of Instructional Design

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Building a Proficiency Scale

The Next Step:

Moving from a Priority Standard to a Proficiency Scale

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  • Divide up the remaining Priority Standards.

  • Individually or in teams at your school, develop level 3.0 learning targets for this Priority Standard(s).

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Formative Assessment (b)

Grade your post-assessment using the answer sheet and proficiency scale provided.

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Did you learn anything?

  • Track your formative score (b) on your tracking sheet.
  • Revise your learning goal if necessary.
  • Develop a Personal Learning Plan.

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Personal Learning Plan

Websites -

Human resources - Amelia, Matt, Jessica, Dave




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1st Follower Video

Please take our survey.

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So, let’s make sense of what we know so far…

  • Word Splash Activity