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Lecture 06

Let Patterns, Tail Recursion, Exceptions

Programming Languages

UW CSE 341 - Winter 2021

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Updates 2021-01-22

  • Homework 2 is out!
    • Due Friday 2021-01-29 by 5pm
    • Start early! (Great job so far!)
  • POPL 2021 is happening… right now ;)
    • My PhD students have a talk at 9:40. Field Trip?

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Pattern Matching

& let Bindings

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let binds with patterns

  • Writing match … with ... to use variants just one way to pattern match
    • We can also use patterns with “each of” types (e.g., tuples and records)
  • We have been using pattern matching since the beginning!
    • Every let binding actually allows a pattern on the left-hand side (LHS)
    • Remember: a lone variable is a pattern!

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let binding patterns

  • Primarily useful for taking an “each value” apart
    • Recall: pattern (x1, …, xN) matches value (v1, …, vN)
    • Pattern {f1 = x1; …; fN = xN} matches value {f1 = v1; …; fN = vN}
      • Field order doesn’t matter in record patterns!

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Let Expressions : Local Variable Binding

Syntax: let p = e1 in e2

    • Where p is a pattern and e1 and e2 are expressions

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Let Expressions : Local Variable Binding

Syntax: let p = e1 in e2

Type Checking

    • If e1 has type t1 in current static environment AND
    • If p is a pattern that matches values of type t1 AND
    • If e2 has type t2 in static environment extended with “bindings from matching p
    • Then let x = e1 in e2 has type t2
    • Else, report error and fail

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Let Expressions : Local Variable Binding

Syntax: let p = e1 in e2


    • If e1 evaluates to value v1 in current dynamic environment AND
    • If p matches v1 AND
    • If e2 evaluates to value v2 in dynamic environment extended with “bindings from matching p
    • Then let x = e1 in e2 evaluates to value v2

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let binding patterns : really for “each of”

  • Technically can match variants in a let binding, almost always a BAD IDEA!

(* very bad style! *)

let first xs =

let x :: _ = xs in


let get oa =

let Some a = oa in


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let binding patterns

  • Not just for variable bindings! Can also use patterns in function definitions!

Syntax: let [rec] f (p1 : t1) … (pN : tN) : t = e1 in e2

    • Where p1, …, pN are patterns and e1 and e2 are expressions

  • Have to extend type checking and evaluation “as expected” too!

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let binding patterns

(* still not great style,

but shows patterns *)

type date = int * (int * int)

let get_day (d, (_, _)) = d

let get_month (_, (m, _)) = m

let get_year (_, (_, y)) = y

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let binding patterns

(* still not great style,

but shows patterns *)

type date = int * (int * int)

let get_day (d, (_, _)) = d

let get_month (_, (m, _)) = m

let get_year (_, (_, y)) = y

(* a bit better, but patterns overkill *)

type date =

{ day : int

; month : int

; year : int }

let get_day {day = d; month = _; year = _} = d

let get_month {day = _; month = m; year = _} = m

let get_year {day = _; month = _; year = y} = y

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Nesting Patterns

  • Notice that our definition of patterns and pattern matching is recursive
    • So you can nest patterns! Usually better to nest patterns than nest matches

let rec zip3 xs ys zs =

match xs, ys, zs with

| [], [], [] ->


| x :: xs', y :: ys', z :: zs' ->

(x, y, z) :: zip3 xs' ys' zs'

| _, _, _ ->

failwith "zip3: bogus”

let unzip3 trips =

let rec loop xyzs (xs, ys, zs) =

match xyzs with

| [] ->

(xs, ys, zs)

| (x, y, z) :: rest ->

loop rest (x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs)


loop trips ([], [], [])

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Tail Recursion

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  • In functional programming, we generally use recursion instead of loops
    • Code follows the data” -- recursive data processed by recursive code!
  • But every recursive call needs to get “fresh space” for local variables
    • Remember: when calls recurse, they locally extend the dynamic environment!
  • Next: let’s refine our mental model of how calls execute (call stacks)
  • Also next: let’s see how to make recursion as efficient as a loop!

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Call Stacks

While a program runs, a call stack tracks function calls “in progress”

  • Calling f pushes a stack frame for f on the stack
  • When f finishes, its stack frame is popped from the stack

Each stack frame records:

  • Values of local variables
  • What’s left to do” in the function (“context”, “continuation”, etc.)

With recursion, same function may have many active stack frames

  • One per started-but-not-yet-returned recursive call

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Do we ALWAYS need a stack frame? (Hint: No.)

  • If a recursive is the result, then nothing left to do when it returns
    • Such calls known as tail calls
    • Instead we could “cut out the middle” and just have callee return the value to the caller!
  • ML handles tail calls specially
    • Pop caller’s frame BEFORE the call
    • Allow callee to just reuse caller’s stack space!
    • This can take O(N) space usage down to O(1) 🤯

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How OCaml really executes last

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Moral of Tail Recursion

  • When efficiency is important (> 10,000-ish recursive calls) use tail recursion
    • Not always possible or elegant
  • There is a methodology to transform functions into tail-recursive style
    • Create a recursive helper with an accumulator argument
    • Old base case becomes initial value for accumulator
    • New base case just returns the accumulator
    • Be careful with order though! Tail-recursive version often reversed
  • See code and links for more examples:
    • Length, reverse, sum, etc.
    • RWO, Cornell CS 3110

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Always use Tail Recursion?

  • Not always possible to use constant stack space (e.g., tree traversals)
    • In such cases, just use “normal recursion” -- often such data structures not “too deep”
  • Always beware of premature optimization!
    • Write code to be read by humans!!
  • Of course, crashing is bad
    • Avoiding stack overflows requires tail recursion sometimes
    • Need to develop taste and exercise judgement

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Definition of a Tail Call

A tail call is a function call in tail position. An expression is in tail position when:

  • In let f p = e, the expression e is in tail position
  • If if e1 then e2 else e3 is in tail position
    • Then e2 and e3 are in tail position
    • BUT e1 is NOT in tail position!
  • If let p = e1 in e2 is in tail position
    • Then e2 is in tail position
    • BUT e1 is NOT in tail position
  • If e is NOT in tail position, then neither are any of its subexpressions

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Exception bindings declare new kinds of exception:

raise expressions can throw an exception:

try … with … expressions can catch exceptions

exception Bogus

exception BadNum of int

raise Bogus

raise (BadNum 1)

try (* ... *) with Bogus -> 0

try (* ... *) with BadNum n -> n

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Exceptions as “One Big Variant”

  • Exceptions are very similar to variants, except:
    • A single “global exception variant type” called exn
    • Unlike normal variants, we never know all the ways to build an exception
    • So can never be sure that try/with matches are exhaustive!
  • Declaring a new exception binding adds a constructor to exn
  • Exceptions are values! Can pass them as arguments, return them as results
  • try … with … is like pattern matching on exn
  • Syntax and semantics “work as expected”
    • Formalizing needs a bit more machinery than we will dig into right now