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Tues. 10/18 & Wed. 10/19�English Day 22!


1. Fill in your planner with the homework

2. Take out ISN

HW: Read for 30 min (New Q2 Reading Log!)

Complete the “Choice Novels Google Form”

To Do:�-Cut out and tape in new reading log (back of notebook)

-Cut out Characterization Notes sheet (next page in front of notebook)

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  • Notes on types of characters
  • Read chapters 8 and 9
  • Answer comprehension questions using text evidence

English Day 22

Learning Target: I can finish reading chapters 8 and 9 of Animal Farm and answer a question from each chapter using textual evidence.

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Types of Characters

  • Protagonist - Main or most important character in the story

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Types of Characters

  • Antagonist - The character who is against or opposes the protagonist

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Types of Characters

  • Dynamic Character - A character who changes or evolves significantly in the story

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Types of Characters

  • Static Character - A character who does not change throughout the story

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Types of Characters

  • Round Character - A character who has good and bad qualities - they have a complex personality - you might not know if you love them or hate them

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Types of Characters

  • Flat Character - A character whose personality is simple and obvious, they might be overtly kind or extremely cruel, the audience knows whether they are good or bad

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Read ch. 8 & follow along in book with the audio (Pg. 98)

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Chapter 8 Questions (pick 1)

  • In what ways do the pigs use the other animals’ illiteracy and lack of intelligence to keep the animals from rebelling against the pigs? 
  • In what ways is Napoleon treated like a very special animal? Why do the pigs want Napoleon to be considered special? 
  • What clues are there in the account of the Battle of the Windmill that Napoleon might be a coward and that Squealer probably is a coward? 
  • How does Squealer “spin” the Battle of the Windmill to make the animals happy and proud? Why does he do this?

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Read ch. 9 & follow along in book with the audio (Pg. 114)

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Chapter 9 Questions (pick 1)

  • Why did the animals believe that, in spite of the hard work and little food, life was better for them now than when Jones was master of the farm? 
  • How did Napoleon trick the animals into forgetting how hard life was for them? 
  • What was the cruel trick played on Boxer when he fell ill and needed the help of his fellow animals the most? 
  • Who returned to the farm after being gone for a long time? Why do you think the pigs allowed him to stay?

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Read ch. 10 & follow along in book with the audio (Pg. 127)

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Chapter 10 Questions (pick 1)

  • Which animals got to retire? 
  • Which animals benefited from the rebellion and which did not? 
  • The pigs starting walking on their hind legs in this chapter and they began carrying whips. What do these things symbolize?
  • Why was it important for the sheep to learn “Four legs good, two legs better”? 
  • What did the animals discover when they peeked in the farmhouse window and watched the men and the pigs arguing over a card game? 
  • In his toast, what was it about Animal Farm that Mr. Pilkington admired? 
  • What happened to the name Animal Farm? Why?

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Have a great Day!