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May 31

May is Jewish American Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the ways in which faith and culture intersect.

The Hebrew word "kosher" means "fit, correct or proper." The term kosher has become synonymous with purity, quality and high standards of preparation. The process of certification involves examining the ingredients used to make the food, examining the process by which the food is prepared, and periodically inspecting the processing facilities to make sure that kosher standards are maintained.

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May 31

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in America.

“Although Indian American computer architect Ajay Bhatt had a hand in developing a range of computer-related technologies, the one he’s best known for is the Universal Serial Bus—better known as the USB. After emerging on the tech scene in the late 1990s, the USB became one of the most popular ways of transferring data from one device to another. The invention elevated Bhatt to celebrity-status in the computer world. “ - Elizabeth Yuko for History.com

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May 23

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in America.

According to Lakshmi Gandhi from History.com, “While female pilots weren’t permitted to serve in America’s armed forces until 1974, women civilian pilots played a crucial role during World War II. The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) program, a division of the federal civil service, trained women to fly non-combat missions: testing military aircraft, transporting planes between bases, training male bomber pilots and hauling gunnery targets to be shot at with live ammunition.”

Hazel Lee was one of those women.

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May 24

May is Jewish American Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the ways in which faith and culture intersect.

Hedy Lamarr was a Jewish American actress, inventor, and military code-maker. It is because of her that we have wifi. Although she was a prolific inventor, it took 55 years for her to receive public acknowledgement.

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May 26

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Let’s Talk About Problem Solving.

What are the steps for solving a problem?

How can we get ready to problem-solve?

What are considerations for problem solving at home, school, or the workplace?

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May 17

May is Jewish American Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the ways in which faith and culture intersect.

Two hundred non-Jewish women led a protest to save their Jewish husbands after they were arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis. The only open protest against the Holocaust in German history, it quickly grew to over 1,000 women. While most intermarried couples divorced, Elsa Holzer along with other women refused to stand down in the face of insurmountable odds against the SS, to save their husbands and children from death.

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May 19

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in America.

Yuri Kochiyama was a tireless political activist who dedicated her life to contributing to social change through her participation in social justice and human rights movements.

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May 20

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Let’s Talk About Mindfulness

According to Debra Burdick, author of Mindfulness Skills for Kids and Teens, mindfulness is “paying attention to what’s going on right here, right now inside of us and outside of us.” What can you do to practice mindfulness throughout your day?

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May 10

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in America.

Musician Ledward “Led” Kaapana says,“When the Mexican cowboys came to the Big Island [in the mid-1800s]to help the Hawaiians upgrade their cattle, they brought their guitars,” he said. “When they left, they left their guitars, but forgot to teach the Hawaiians how to tune them. So, the Hawaiians created their own tuning.”

10 of 147

Student Climate Surveys (May 12)

AAST students should complete the Climate Survey today in Advisory. This survey is about the climate at your BASE School…not AAST.

Survey Instructions are here.

11 of 147

May 23

May is Jewish American Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the ways in which faith and culture intersect.

Dr. Gertrude Elion was a first generation Jewish American biochemist and pharmacologist who was the first to develop chemotherapy treatment for childhood leukemia.

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May 13

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Let’s Talk About Stress and Sadness.

If you are experiencing high levels of stress or sadness, there are steps you can take to help soothe the emotion and strengthen your resilency:

  • If you can name it, you can tame it. Try to identify the emotion (anger? Sadness? anxiety?).
  • Try to identify the main source of the emotion. What external, internal, and/or biological influences are fueling your emotional fire? What can you do to help alleviate those influences?

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May 3

May is Jewish American Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the ways in which faith and culture intersect.

In 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed May as Jewish American Heritage Month in celebration of the 350 Anniversary of American Jewish History.

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May 5

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Let’s Talk About Stress

Which statement do you agree with more strongly:

  • Stress is harmful?
  • Stress is enhancing?


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May 6

May is also Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, so some of our Advisory lessons will be focused on exploring the history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in America.

In 1992, Congress designated May as Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month to mark the anniversary of the immigration of the first Japanese to the US and to commemorate the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869.

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April 26

April is School Librarian Month, so our Advisory lessons will be highlighting some of the best books to be found in the AAST Media Center. This week’s focus will be on fiction books.

The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang is a book taking the fantasy genre by storm. Follow Fang Runin as she fights her way up through the social ranks of society. Political intrigue, magic, science fiction technology, and martial arts are all to be found in this start to a finished series.

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April 27

Success After High School

What do you think you’ll need to be successful after high school?

Include 10 things that you’ll need (e,g, skills, experiences, strategies, and real things (like money)).

18 of 147

April 28

April is School Librarian Month, so our Advisory lessons will be highlighting some of the best books to be found in the AAST Media Center. April is also Poetry Month, so today we will focus today on a fictional book written in poetry that expresses the main character’s journey.

The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo uses slam poetry to show the emotions, trials, and victories of Xiomara Baptista as she goes through high school and finds her own voice.

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April 19

This week we are celebrating Earth Day! Earth Day is a holiday focused on celebrating our home planet and advocating for change that would help protect it for future generations. Numerous STEM fields are connected to this global effort.

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April 20

Financial Literacy

How would you define “financial literacy”?

What do you think is included in financial literacy? List at least five items.

21 of 147

April 21

This week we are celebrating Earth Day! Earth Day is a holiday focused on celebrating our home planet and advocating for change that would help protect it for future generations. Numerous STEM fields are connected to this global effort. One such organization is NASA.

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April 5

April is School Librarian Month, so our Advisory lessons will be highlighting some of the best books to be found in the AAST Media Center. This week’s focus will be on non-fiction books.

The Sawbones Book is based on the popular podcast of the same name. Sydnee and Justin McElroy guide the reader through all of the weird things humans have done in the field of medicine. Dancing plagues, grave robbers, the power of honey, and the heroes and villains of medicine are all covered here.

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April 6

Providing Customer Service

Many first jobs are in the service industry which provide opportunities for practicing customer service skills.

In your opinion, what are three good and three bad behaviors that impact your customer service?

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April 7

April is School Librarian Month, so our Advisory lessons will be highlighting some of the best books to be found in the AAST Media Center. April is also Poetry Month, so today we will focus on Devotions by Mary Oliver. Mary Oliver’s poetry is centered around nature and the emotional healing that can take place there. The poem When I Am Among the Trees highlights some of the core elements of her work. She has won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize.

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March 29

March is Women’s History Month so we will be celebrating women whose contributions changed society for the better. This week we will be focusing on politics.

Shirley Chisholm was the first African American woman in Congress and the first woman and African American to seek the nomination for president of the United States from one of the two major parties. During her zeven terms in the House of Representatives, her motto was “Unbought and Unbossed” as she advocated for women and minorities.

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March 30

Charting Your Future

What is a goal or activity that you are passionate about?

Why are you passionate about it?

Describe how you feel when you are doing this activity or working toward this goal.

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March 31

March is Women’s History Month so we will be celebrating women whose contributions changed society for the better. This week we will be focusing on politics.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the most influential lawyers focused on expanding gender equality in the law. She broke multiple barriers through her college attendance, professional career, and Supreme Court victories. She argued cases of gender discrimination before the Supreme Court 6 times and won a remarkable 5 of them.

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March 22

March is Women’s History Month so we will be celebrating women whose contributions changed society for the better. This week we will be focusing on the field of science.

Dr. Gladys West has massively contributed to our current scientific technology. She is the creator of the Global Positioning System that all of our current mapping and travel relies on.

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March 23

Today we are focusing on how to positively respond to feedback.

Imagine you are working at a new job and it’s time for a quarterly review. Your supervisor tells you that there are many things you are doing well but also a few areas you need to improve on.

What is an effective way to respond to this feedback?

How can feedback - positive and/or negative - from an employer, teacher, parent, or coach be helpful?

30 of 147

March 24

March is Women’s History Month so we will be celebrating women whose contributions changed society for the better. This week we will be focusing on the field of science.

Sally Ride was the first woman astronaut in space from the United States. On the missions she participated in, she engaged in multiple experiments that expanded our scientific knowledge. After she retired from being an astronaut, she was a major figure in encouraging girls to pursue STEM fields.

31 of 147


Composting is BACK at AAST! Watch the video for a step-by-step guide to proper composting. If you have questions while you’re in the cafeteria, Mr. Barrineau will be there to assist!

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March 8th

March is Women’s History Month in the United States. It started out as International Women’s Day in 1908 when women workers in New York City went on strike for better working conditions and has since then grown to an internationally recognized holiday.

Today we are going to look at the history of the holiday.

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March 15

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day which celebrates the patron saint of Ireland. The holiday actually has its roots in the United States due to the heavy Irish immigration during the mid-1800s. Here’s a little bit of history for both St. Patrick and his holiday.

Also, this week’s Advisory Challenge is to wear green on St. Patrick’s day, March 17th. So remember to break out the shamrocks!

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March 16

Today we are going to focus on the job interview skill of making a good impression.

What do you think are the main components of of a good first impression (within the first minute of meeting someone)?

List at least three.

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March 17

March 18th is South Carolina Day! In order to celebrate our state, please go through the PowerPoint below in order to test student knowledge about South Carolina.


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March 9th - Communities That Care Survey (juniors)

This survey helps local leaders determine what supports young people may need.

Students can skip any question(s) that they don’t want to answer.

All responses are anonymous.

Survey link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HnHkPGPS_9ES1N4Os1QJta9Kkfpk4PFG/edit

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March 9th

What does mental health and well-being mean?

How do they apply to your life?

How do you try to maintain your mental health and well-being?

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March 10th

A major part of the early Women’s Rights Movement and International Women’s Day was the fight for suffrage, the right to vote.

In the United States, this right was achieved in the 19th Amendment which made it unconstitutional to discriminate by sex in voting rules. Unfortunately, full voting rights would take longer to be achieved for women of color.

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Thursday 3/3 HOW TO COMPOST

Composting is BACK at AAST! Watch the video for a step-by-step guide to proper composting. If you have questions while you’re in the cafeteria, Mr. Barrineau will be there to assist!

40 of 147

Thursday 3/3 HOW TO COMPOST

Composting is BACK at AAST! Watch the video for a step-by-step guide to proper composting. If you have questions while you’re in the cafeteria, Mr. Barrineau will be there to assist!

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Thursday 3/3

March is Women’s History Month so we will be celebrating women whose contributions changed society for the better. This week we will be focusing on the field of medicine.

Alice Hamilton fought against both sexism in the field of medicine and the dangers of working in Industrial Era factories. She researched industrial diseases and worked to make the workplace safer for workers of all types.

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Tuesday 3/1

March is Women’s History Month so we will be celebrating women whose contributions changed society for the better. This week we will be focusing on the field of medicine.

During her time working for the Food and Drug Administration, Frances Oldham Kelsey fought to ensure the safety of Americans from a drug called thalidomide. Despite it being widely used, she believed that it hadn’t done enough safety checks during testing. And she was right,

43 of 147


While Marvel’s Black Panther was a blockbuster in 2018, the ideas and visions of the future for Black Americans that are highlighted in the film have their roots in music and writing from the 1970s. Be sure to visit our media center to check out some of the authors mentioned in the video!

February 28


44 of 147

The Father of Modern Gaming

If you’re an avid gamer, you owe the evolution of your favorite pastime to Jerry Lawson. Lawson was the first person to create a gaming system designed for interchangeable cartridges and went on to found his own company that created software for Atari.

February 25


45 of 147

Senior Advisory Feb. 24

HSTW Student Survey

  • All seniors should complete the HSTW survey.
  • The survey can be found here (also posted to Senior Google Classroom).
  • Students should choose their school from the drop-down in question #1.
  • Question #2 is OPTIONAL - students should skip this question and move on to the next slide.
  • This survey helps AAST to improve the services and overall educational experience provided to parents and students. Please take the time to give us quality feedback.

Thank you!

46 of 147

Black Women in STEM

While the numbers are increasing, there is still disparity in the representation of women of color in STEM careers. “According to the National Science Board, women make up 47% of the current workforce but only 28% of the current science and engineering workforce. Of this percentage, women of color comprise about 5%.”

February 24

“Women of Color in STEM: The Past, Present, and Future.” Maryville Online, 9 Jan. 2020, online.maryville.edu/blog/women-of-color-in-stem/#:~:text=Statistics%20on%20Women%20of%20Color%20in%20STEM&text=According%20to%20the%20National%20Science. Accessed 23 Feb. 2022.


47 of 147

Black History Celebrations in Latin America

While February highlights Black history and achievements in Canada and the United States, Black History is celebrated in many ways in many different months in Latin America.

February 23


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Friday, February 18

Black History Month

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

Sir David Adjaye

  • Award Winning Architect
  • Designed many buildings around the globe
  • Has won over a dozen awards for his work
  • Was knighted, and hence the name “Sir” as his title
  • Has contributed to a unifying of cultures and ideas through his structures.

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Thursday, February 17

Black History Month

Henrietta Lacks

  • Her cells (HeLa cells) were collected and were nonconsensually reproduced in a lab
  • Her cells were the first immortalized human cells
  • These cells are the most important cells in medical research
  • They are still in use today for lab testing

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

50 of 147

Garrett Morgan

Garrett Morgan is more commonly known for the invention of traffic lights, but he risked his own life to prove that one of his other inventions, a fireproof hood, could save lives, too.

February 16


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Tuesday, February 15

Black History Month

Yoruba People

  • One of the largest African cultures
  • Western Africa (Nigeria, Benin, Togo)
  • Culture has spread to Caribbean area

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

52 of 147

The History of Social Dance

TikTok popularizes them, but social dances have a rich history just waiting to be explored. Take a moment to learn about the origins of some of the most popular social dances and their meanings.

February 14


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Gullah Origins and Traditions

Zora Neale Hurston, a Harlem Renaissance anthropologist and author, was raised in a small community in Florida near the southernmost part of the Gullah-Geechee corridor and traveled throughout Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama communities also along the corridor. Her most famous work, Their Eyes Were Watching God, contains language, tales, and songs from these travels.

February 10


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Friday, February 11

Black History Month

The Scientific Accomplishments of African American Chemists

  • Many African Americans have accomplished many great achievements and have gone unnoticed.
  • Percy Julian
  • Mae Jemison
  • Patricia Bath
  • Betty Harris
  • George Washington Carver

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

55 of 147

Wednesday, March 2

Ash Wednesday

What is Ash Wednesday?

  • It marks the first day of the 40 days of Lent, a roughly 6-week period dedicated to prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for Easter.
  • The practice of Ash Wednesday dates back to the 11th Century
  • Many Christians avoid eating meat

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56 of 147

Monday, February 7

Black History Month

Maya Angelou, an American poet, author, and activist that helped pave the way for civil rights and feminism through her writing

  • She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows. She is most known for her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the first of a series that outlines her past trauma and how she overcame it.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

57 of 147


MUSC Sponsors a Poetry Contest in Activist and Educator Septima P. Clark’s Honor!

The theme of the 2022 contest is "While We Breathe, We Hope," which is inspired by the second motto of South Carolina, “While I Breathe, I Hope.” Poems featuring this theme will be given preference. The contest is open now through March 15, 2022. Contest details and the online submission form are now available at: https://musc.libguides.com/spcpoetrycontest

February 8


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Wednesday, February 9

Black History Month

The story of black culture in the US, and the roots of the word “Cool”

  • The word “Cool” is associated with entertainment, fashion, and media, but it comes from somewhere much deeper within the history of black people in the United States. It is a common, trendy word in the contemporary world, but it is also important to note and learn where the word really came from.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

59 of 147

Thursday, February 10

Black History Month

The History of Black History Month

Black History Month has over a century long story dating back to the end of slavery in the United States. This month is dedicated to recognizing Black achievements and culture around the world, and is recognized across the globe.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Dr. Carter G. Woodson


Have you heard of Dr. Woodson before? What historical figures, inventions, and/or advancements do you remember from previous Black History Months?

  • Was the second African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard?
  • Founded the Association for the Study of African American Life and History which determines the theme for each year’s Black History Month?
  • Created the week that later became Black History Month?

February 1


61 of 147

Friday, February 4

WMBF Grand Strand Today

Featuring AAST:

Watch our students shine as they share what makes our school special.

62 of 147

Wednesday, February 2

Lunar New Year!

The story behind Chinese zodiacs

  • It is based off of a classic Chinese myth, “The Great Race”
  • Each animal has their special qualities and succeeded in different ways!
  • Instead of birth date & time, Chinese zodiacs are based on year!

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

63 of 147

Friday, February 4

Dress Code Refresher

64 of 147

Friday, January 20, 2023

Lunar New Year 2023 will be on Sunday, January 22

A short video explaining the different ways that Lunar New Year is celebrated by different East, Southeast, and South Asian countries!

  • It is one of the most important holidays in most Asian countries that celebrate it.
  • Food is a prominent part of Lunar New Year.
  • Red & gold are the celebratory colors, but definitely do not wear black if you get invited to a celebration!

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

65 of 147

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Wear Red on Friday to celebrate!

A short film about the special meaning & significance behind the red envelopes, and Lunar New Year!

  • This year, 2022, is the year of the tiger, hence the reasoning behind the young woman’s nickname being “Little Tiger”
  • Red envelopes are given on Lunar New Year, but also as gifts in general for congratulations!
  • Success is valued for children because most parents, immigrating from other countries, were not able to be given the same opportunities.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Monday, Jan. 24, 2022



Fire Drill Procedures (review)

Emergency Signals Video

67 of 147

Monday, January 24


Celebrate National Compliment Day by…

  • Giving a real compliment every day to at least one person you know.
  • Acknowledging qualities and traits that make your family, friends, and acquaintances the wonderful people they are.

Be sure to write it down. Not just for our Advisory Challenge, but also so that you can see the power in your own words!

68 of 147

Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2022



Standard 17 Bus Video

69 of 147

Tuesday, February 15

Black History Month

Yoruba People

  • One of the largest African cultures
  • Western Africa (Nigeria, Benin, Togo)
  • Culture has spread to Caribbean area

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

70 of 147

Tuesday, January 18

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr.

  • A pioneer in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and an overall powerful influence.
  • Was a proponent of civil disobedience and peaceful protesting
  • The Holiday is celebrated the third Monday of every January

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

71 of 147

Wednesday, January 12

All about Food!

Ghanian Food

  • Ghana is a relatively small country but with great cultural diversity
  • The food is a

staple to the

country and

is enjoyed by

people of all

tribes in the


Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

72 of 147

Wednesday, December 8

In honor of Computer Science Education Week, try out some of the activities/courses included at Code.org.

  • Why is Computer Science Education Week always around Dec. 9th? That is the birthday of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, who invented the first compiler and coined the term “bug” (an error in a program) after removing an actual moth from a computer.

73 of 147

Monday, December 6

Safety & Security Reminders for Students

  • Use a clear bookbag (more have been ordered) and unzip the top to help staff search more efficiently
  • Remove and unzip lunch bags and pouches from your bag and place into a separate bin
  • Travel light - remove anything you no longer need to carry in your backpack. Even clear bags may need to be emptied if staff cannot see what is inside.

74 of 147

Friday, December 10

Christmas in Spain


Christmas, or Navidad, is an important holiday in Spain. Much like in the western world, Christmas is spent with family and close friends. But Spain has its own unique traditions. Let’s learn more about Christmas in Spain.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

75 of 147

Wednesday, December 15

Christmas in Germany

10 German Christmas Traditions

  • St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6th
  • Krampus is believed to be the evil spirit who punishes bad children
  • On Christmas, presents are believed to be left by the Christmas Man (Weihnachtsmann) or the “Christkind”

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

76 of 147

Tuesday, February 15

Black History Month

Yoruba People

  • One of the largest African cultures
  • Western Africa (Nigeria, Benin, Togo)
  • Culture has spread to Caribbean area

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

77 of 147

Friday, December 3

Christmas in Africa


Africa is a large continent with hundreds of cultures. And many of them celebrate Christmas differently. Lets learn about how many Nigerians celebrate the joy of the Christmas season

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

78 of 147

Thursday, December 2

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

Recognizing Native American Heritage

Often times, our indigineous cultures are overlooked and disregarded, as history shows. However, there are some media outlets that are working hard to make sure that this culture is recognized. Let’s learn about one media outlet that is doing just that - making sure that Native American culture is recognized.

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Wednesday, Dec 1

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

Mary Golda Ross (1908-2008)

A pioneer in her field, Mary Golda Ross was the first known Native American female engineer, and the first female engineer in the history of Lockheed. She was one of the 40 founding engineers of the renowned and highly secretive Skunk Works project at Lockheed Corporation.

80 of 147

Tuesday, November 30

Artist Fritz Scholder (1937-2005)

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Fritz Scholder was a leading Native-American figure in American art history, best known for his groundbreaking reinvention of the way Native Americans are portrayed in contemporary art.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

81 of 147

Monday, November 29

Hanukkah in Israel


Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE. It is celebrated with fun, faith, family, and food.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

82 of 147

Friday, November 12

Basket Weaving in Native Culture

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Basket weaving is an intricate art in Native American Culture and important to the people. Designs are inspired by their unique culture.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

83 of 147

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Navajo code talkers of WWII

Native American Heritage Month

85 of 147

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

86 of 147

In Flanders FieldS

The poem In Flanders Fields was written by Canadian physician Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae during WWI. It has inspired the use of the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance Day.

In the spring of 1915, shortly after losing a friend, McCrae wrote his now famous poem after seeing poppies growing in battle-scarred fields.

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88 of 147

The missing man table

89 of 147

Tips for writing CARDS

Here are some good writing prompts:

  • My favorite holiday tradition is…
  • I love the holidays because…
  • Where I live, we celebrate by…
  • I know someone in the Military…
  • I appreciate what you do because...

90 of 147

Tips for writing CARDS

  • Please address the card to “Dear Soldier”
  • Be respectful and polite
  • Write a holiday greeting, keeping in mind that our troops are diverse in their holiday practices and beliefs
  • Write a personal note, For example, how do you celebrate the holidays?
  • Sign your first name ONLY and town and state where you live
  • Keep homemade cards no larger than 8 x 11 inches folded in half
  • Do not seal any envelopes

91 of 147

92 of 147

Letters of thanks make an impact

93 of 147

Thank you for your service!

Ms. jolea wegner

Mr. tracy johnson

United States Air Force

United States Army

94 of 147


Academy for the Arts, Science & Technology

Nov. 8-11

95 of 147

Monday, November 8

Native American History

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Native American history is often shrouded or glossed over, but they are the foundation of this country. Let’s learn a little bit about the history of Native cultures and their unique contributions.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

96 of 147

Friday, November 5

Deb Haaland (1960-Present)

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

  • First Native American woman elected to Congress
  • Currently serves as the Secretary of the Interior, the first Native American to serve a cabinet position (2021-Present)

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

97 of 147

Wednesday, November 3

How whale is prepared

American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

  • They are often eaten quickly
  • Whale is often eaten frozen
  • Eating whale is a large part of Inupiaq (in-oo-pee-ak) food as well as moose and walrus
  • Is Inupiaq and Inuit the same?
    • In Canada, the term Inuit is used to mean both the Inuit and Yupiak peoples. Inupiat – The singular form of Inupiaq. Inupiaq – In Alaska and Arctic Siberia, where Inuit is not spoken, the comparable terms are Inupiaq and Yupik, neither of which has gained as wide a usage in English as Inuit.

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Monday, November 1

How Coco Honors Día de los Muertos

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

  • Celebrated November 1 & 2
  • Celebration of life and death
  • Most commonly celebrated in Mexico

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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October 26, 2021

German-American Heritage Month

Contributions from German Culture

  • Architecture by John Roebling, who designed the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Levi Strauss, who patented blue jeans!
  • Oktoberfest - the German Fall Festival

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Oct. 25

Addressing & Preventing Bullying

Deep Thoughts…….

The terms Target and Aggressor are used when discussing people who are bullied and people who bully others.

Why not use the term Victim?

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Wednesday, October 20

Filipino Heritage Month

The Importance of Food in FIlipino Culture

  • Filipino recipes have been passed down from generation to generation
  • Different dishes have different meanings, such as long pancit noodles that symbolize long life
  • In this brief video, Lilibeth Mojica goes into detail about the significance of cuisine in filipino culture

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Monday, October 18

Unity Day Advisory Challenge - Oct 20th

Why do we honor Unity Day?

Watch the video here.

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Friday, October 15

How do you decide whether or not to repeat gossip you’ve heard?

Socrates “Test of Three” Legend

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Thursday, October 14th

Dealing with Gossip:


  • What is gossip? Write a definition.
  • Is gossip good? Bad?

Wrap Up: How do you decide whether or not to repeat gossip you’ve heard?

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Friday, October 8th

Reflecting on the discussion yesterday answer these questions:

  • Of the positive friendship/relationship traits discussed, which traits do you think you display the most?
  • Which traits could you improve upon?
  • What friendships in your life are you interested in making better?
  • What are some ideas that might help?

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Thursday, October 7

Hispanic Heritage Month - Santiago Calatrava

Santiago Calatrava (Spanish Architect and Engineer)

July 28, 1951-

  • Born in Valencia, Spain
  • Known for his bridges and building that employ curves and cables in their design
  • Designed and built the World Trade Center Oculus on Ground Zero

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Thursday, October 7th

Reflecting on the past three days, answer these questions:

  • How can we develop and maintain meaningful relationships?

  • What are obstacles to maintaining relationships and what skills are necessary to overcome these obstacles?

Discuss as a class.

CLICK to next slide for today’s Multicultural Committee offering!

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Wednesday, October 6th

Energy Day Video

Presented by the Clean Energy Major

Building on the discussion from yesterday:

  • In groups of three or four people discuss:
    • What social skills are necessary to overcome obstacles in a friendship/relationship?
    • Choose a recorder to make a list of 10 helpful socialskills
    • Each group will choose a reporter to read out their list.
    • Determine as a class a list of 10 helpful social skills.

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Tuesday, October 5


Building on the discussion from yesterday:

  • On a piece of scratch paper, write what obstacles can hurt/undo a friendship/relationship? Do not share.

  • Ball up your piece of paper to create a snowball and place it in a destination of your teachers choosing.

  • Students will then come up one by one to pick another snowball.

  • Students will read their new snowball and record it on the board.

  • Discuss as a class

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Monday, October 4

October is Anti-Bullying Month

The people we choose to be friends with, spend time with, is often determined by how we feel when we are with that person.

Make a list of the five traits you value most in a friendship/relationship.

Share one trait from your list and explain why that trait is important.

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Monday, September 27th

  • Complete the Kuder Navigator Career Assessment. It is the first assessment in Kuder Navigator. Students can access Kuder in the Student Learning Commons through Clever.

Kuder Navigator Instructions.

  • Once they complete the assessment they should see careers that correlate with their interests. Click on each career for more information.

3. Complete the Student Career Questionnaire, in Google Classroom, list 3 careers you would like more information about .

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Tuesday, September 28

Hispanic Heritage Month

The Celebration of Cusco

  • Cusco is a city in Peru
  • Was the capital province of the Incan Empire until the Spaniards came
  • It’s a World Heritage Site and there are carnivals celebrated to appreciate the culture of the city and its traditions.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Wednesday, September 29th

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Thursday, September 30th

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Friday, October 1

Hispanic Heritage Month - Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (Mexican Painter)

July 6, 1907-July 13, 1954

  • Lived in Coyoacán, Mexico City
  • Known for her portraits and nature-inspired paintings
  • Painted personal experiences and self-image due to her injuries and gender
  • Twice married to the painter, Diego Rivera

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Thursday, September 23rd

The goal of the game is to uncover facts about group members during the course of conversation. Upon finding a team member that matches the description in the square, players mark the name in the box.

The first player to get five consecutive boxes wins.

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Friday, September 24

Hispanic Heritage Month- Dr. Ellen Ochoa

Dr. Ellen Ochoa: Astronaut and Engineer

  • She was the first hispanic woman to travel to space
  • She and her crew researched and tested the effects of solar activity on the Earth’s atmosphere
  • Became the director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center where she oversaw astronaut training and research

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Monday, September 13, 2021


  • Students write down three aspects of themselves that no one else knows.
  • Form groups of three or four and read your information to each other and compile a group list of students aspects.
  • Each day, this week one member of the group will read all of the group’s aspects to begin the class The rest of the students guess which group member is which.
  • Students celebrate one another’s unique selves, and respect for each other. Continue Erin’s Law, if not complete.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Agenda- Read another groups’ characteristics

Best Part of Our School Activity

  • List three specific aspects of AAST you like.

  • Break into groups of 3-4 and share three ideas in your groups, and work together to choose which ones to include in a group list of five positive aspects about AAST

  • Next, each group selects a representative to go to the board to write down his or her group’s list.

  • Representatives from each group work with the class in order to combine the top five lists into one class-wide top ten list.

  • Teachers will email their top ten list to Mrs. Ford.

Continue Erin’s Law, if not complete.

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Wednesday, September 15

Hispanic Heritage Month

Welcome to Hispanic Heritage Month! All this month, you will see content brought to you by members of the Multicultural Planning Committee. To start off, let’s learn from Mounika Addula about how amidst diversity, there can still be unity.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

Read another groups’ characteristics

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In spite of her negative experiences linked to discrimination, she does not focus on the negative, but rather captures positive moments from her childhood. She has lived in San Francisco since 1976.

Carmen Lomas Garza has dedicated her life to art since she was thirteen years old. Born in Kingsville, TX, in 1948, she comes from a family of Mexican origin. She felt the effects of discrimination growing up. She was punished for speaking Spanish in school and segregated for being Mexican American. As a result, she made the decision to develop Mexican American culture through her art. During the Chicano (Mexican American) movement of the 1960’s, she began to pay attention to family traditions.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Thursday, September 16

Mexican Independence Day

  • This day celebrates the Mexican War of Independence fought

September 16, 1810 – September 27, 1821

  • The people of Mexico fought Napoleon's occupation of Spain
  • One of the most important events in Mexican history and celebrated throughout Mexico

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

Hispanic Heritage Month - Mexican Independence Day

Read another groups’ characteristics

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Friday, September 17

America Ferrera Actor/Speaker

  • Ferrera is an American Actor born to Honduran parents
  • She has pursued and acted in notable series/films such as Ugly Betty and How to Train your Dragon.
  • In this short clip she details how she was able to turn stereotypical views into her own power.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

Hispanic Heritage Month - America Ferrera

Slide One of Two for Today!

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Tuesday, September 21

Hispanic Heritage Month - Mexican Mestizo Pageant

Mexico’s Mixed-Race Pageant

  • Mexico has a rich culture mixed with Native and Spanish influences.
  • This video shows off a pageant that sheds light on the mixed race people of Mexico.
  • The pageant requires knowledge of the history of Mestizo culture in Mexico and has been going on for hundreds of years.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Friday, September 17, 2021

Read another groups’ characteristics

Happy Constitution Day!

What do you know about the United States Constitution?

What purpose does it serve?


What is one thing you learned from the video?

What is one thing that surprised you about the formation of the Constitution?

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Monday, September 20th

Personal Coat of Arms

In the five sections of the shield, draw and color a picture in response to one of these five questions:

  • What is your favorite subject at AAST?
  • How do you like to spend your spare time?
  • What is something you think you are very good at?
  • What is something you think your peers don't know about you?
  • What is one of your personal values?

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Tuesday, September 21

Hispanic Heritage Month - Mexican Mestizo Pageant

Mexico’s Mixed-Race Pageant

  • Mexico has a rich culture mixed with Native and Spanish influences.
  • This video shows off a pageant that sheds light on the mixed race people of Mexico.
  • The pageant requires knowledge of the history of Mestizo culture in Mexico and has been going on for hundreds of years.

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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Friday, October 1

Hispanic Heritage Month - Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (Mexican Painter)

July 6, 1907-July 13, 1954

  • Lived in Coyoacán, Mexico City
  • Known for her portraits and nature-inspired paintings
  • Painted personal experiences and self-image due to her injuries and gender
  • Twice married to the painter, Diego Rivera

Brought to you by the AAST Multicultural Planning Committee

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September 8, 2021


Low-Tech Social Network

1. On a piece of paper, ask students to draw their "avatar" on the index card - their "profile picture" on this social network, so to say. Add their names and base school to each card as well.

3. Stick each avatar card on a large whiteboard. Make sure to leave plenty of room between each card.

4. Ask each student to draw lines to avatar cards of people they already know in the room. Also, specify how they know them ("worked on a project together", "lunch buddies", "went to the same base school").

5. Were you surprised by the connections?

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September 9, 2021


What happened on 9/11?

  • What do you know about 9/11? What do you think you know about 9/11? What do you want to learn about 9/11?

  • Video

  • What did you learn? What discrepancies did you find in your thinking?

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September 9, 2021


What happened on 9/11?

  • What do you know about 9/11? What do you think you know about 9/11? What do you want to learn about 9/11?

  • Video

  • What did you learn? What discrepancies did you find in your thinking?

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September 10, 2021


What happened on 9/11? Part 2

While watching the 4 videos, consider the following questions;

  • Did they face any obstacles or challenges that day?
  • How did they respond to 9/11, both immediately and over time?

Discuss each video as a class using the questions as a guide.

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Monday, August 23, 2021


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Friday, August 20, 2021


Student Handbook Presentation

Pages 11-14

  • Sign Sheet

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Thursday, August 19, 2021


Student Handbook Presentation

Pages 7-10

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Student Handbook Presentation

Pages 1-6

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Students please join your Grade level Google Classrooms.


    • Junior Class: qinbwep

    • Senior Class: uygrpro

Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament


August 17, 2021

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Advisory 2021-2022

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Tuesday, August 24, 2021



Fire Drill Procedures

Emergency Signals Review

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Wednesday, August 25, 2021


What are your goals for the semester?

  • Write down 3 goals for this semester.

  • Form a groups of four and stay socially distanced.

  • One by one share your goals with one another.

  • Once complete, return to your seat and put your goals somewhere safe. We will revisit throughout the semester.

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Thursday, August 26, 2021



Emergency Signals Video

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Friday, August 27, 2021


  • Pictionary People

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Monday, August 30, 2021


Erin’s Law

Student Login Process

Enrollment Code: aast201617

Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn, who is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, which is registered with the State of Illinois and the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization.

“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches: Students in grades preK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult. School personnel all about child sexual abuse. Parents & guardians the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Erin’s Law

Student Login Process

Enrollment Code: aast201617

Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn, who is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, which is registered with the State of Illinois and the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization.

“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches: Students in grades preK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult. School personnel all about child sexual abuse. Parents & guardians the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families.

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Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021



Standard 17 Bus Video

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Thursday, September 2, 2021


Erin’s Law

Student Login Process

Enrollment Code: aast201617

Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn, who is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, which is registered with the State of Illinois and the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization.

“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches: Students in grades preK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult. School personnel all about child sexual abuse. Parents & guardians the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families.

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Friday, September 3, 2021


Erin’s Law

Student Login Process

Enrollment Code: aast201617

Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn, who is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, which is registered with the State of Illinois and the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization.

“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches: Students in grades preK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult. School personnel all about child sexual abuse. Parents & guardians the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families.