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Defragmenting our Community


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What is the Problem?

Make initial infrastructure

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What are some Solutions?

Add discourse

Anchored on Telegram

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What is the Action plan?

Agreement on SecurEth discourse and Telegram

Video chat of governance group every two weeks

Person, job description funding, find a leader


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What is the Action plan?

Action Steps:

  • Where do we go from here to talk?
    • Telegram for short-form
      • Sub-channels for various topics
    • securETH discourse for long form
    • Video chat
      • General: frequency every 2-weeks to start
      • Figure out specificity from there
  • Need to decide as a group from here.
    • Problem solving approach
    • Who will handle the menusca of organizing these working groups
      • Their scope
      • Potential term definition
    • Who’s paying for it
      • ECF can put forth more risk
    • What is the org structure? Should we create a non-profit?


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Who Do I contact to learn more?

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Questions? Comments? Concerns?