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Grab all your things from your cubby before the bell rings

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Last in class day to work on portrait assignment!

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Liu Xiaodong

  • 1963 Jincheng, China
  • Oil Painting
  • 90’s fame- painting day to day Chinese life (friends and family)
  • Currently professor at CAFA- Beijing China

Self Portrait, 1993

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Displacement series

Great Migration at the Three Gorges, oil on canvas, 2003.

  • Largest Hydroelectric project in human history (1/9th)
  • 1.3 million people displaced
  • 1400 Villages flooded

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New Settlers at the Three Gorges, oil on canvas, 2004.

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In Between Israel and Palestine 15, 2013

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Time, 2014

Humans Will Have to be Kinder to Robots

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Painting 2 Painting 3

  • Black and white- background to foreground
  • Begin painting general to specific (make sure you are looking at the original picture!)

  • Paint ornate pattern/designs in the background first!
  • Begin painting general to specific (make sure you are looking at the original picture!)

I’m still not done yet, a few final touches