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Grab everything from your cubby before the bell rings, please don’t start painting yet!

Including your sketchbook:)

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Chuck Close

Born in 1940- still alive

American painter and photographer

Severely paralyzed since 1988

His assistants grid the paper and the canvas for him. He labels each square with numbers so he doesn’t get lost in the squares.

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We are using a grid for accurate scaling and proportions

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Painting 3

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Realism 1 2 3 4

I used a grid for accurate scaling and proportion. Overall the finished product looks like the person or animal intended. (Advanced only- I incorporated a pattern/design around my subject matter)

Technique (x2) 1 2 3 4

All values are present and in the correct location. I layered multiple coats of paint so there would not be brush strokes on my art work. I painted background to foreground. I painted with a consistent style.

Craftsmanship 1 2 3 4

I displayed appropriate technical skills. My project is neatly made and strong in its construction and appearance (paper is not ripped, no pencil marks etc…).

Employability Skills

Art was my primary focus each day. My attendance strong. My phone/social did not interfere with my productivity.

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Paint styles: Hard edge

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Blending paint (no hard edges)

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Other styles:

Pointillism Layering (no blending)

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Realism 1 2 3 4

I used a grid for accurate scaling and proportion. Overall the finished product looks like the person or animal intended. (Advanced only- I incorporated a pattern/design around my subject matter)

Technique (x2) 1 2 3 4

All values are present and in the correct location. I layered multiple coats of paint so there would not be brush strokes on my art work. I painted background to foreground. I painted with a consistent style.

Craftsmanship 1 2 3 4

I displayed appropriate technical skills. My project is neatly made and strong in its construction and appearance (paper is not ripped, no pencil marks, pant streaks etc…).

Employability Skills

Art was my primary focus each day. My attendance strong. My phone/social did not interfere with my productivity.

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Painting 2 Painting 3

  • Choose a portrait with VALUE (can be of a famous person or a photo you took!)
  • Apply a 1inch by 1 inch grid on the photograph
  • On the large paper create a 2 inch by 2inch grid
  • Black and white- background to foreground

  • Choose a portrait with VALUE
  • In your sketchbook create a minimum of 3 compositions of your subject matter and patterned background-show Ms. S
  • Create grid for portrait- erase gris and begin engulfing in patterns and designs
  • Paint background first!