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e-Health Task Force @ TNC 22 Trieste�

GÉANT eHealth Task Force


June 13, 2022

Mario Reale / GÉANT / Research Engagement & Support Team

GÉANT eHealth task Force Coordinator

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Welcome ! Agenda for today

Time start

Time end


Presenter / Discussion item



Opening�Introduction to the meeting

Mario Reale





Sharing eHealth data.

Data Valley White Paper

Silvia Martinelli, �Paola Aurucci �University of Turin



Towards a European Sovereign Health Data Space

David Manset�be-ys.com



Digital ecosystem for women’s & children’s health:

experimentation of a certified

platform for advanced telemedicine

Andrea Cassone

IRCCS Burlo-Garofolo TS



Discussion on next steps and workplan items

All - Trieste and online

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The landscape around us NRENs

  • The EC is heavily committed to invest in eHealth:
    • Horizon Europe, DEP, EU4Health Programme on-going
    • HaDEA Health and Digital Executive Agency (establ. April 2021)
    • EHDS regulation proposal (published on May 3)
    • Cross-border medicine: MyHealth@EU platform
  • Member States are developing their national eHealth initiatives
    • Various level of maturity across different countries

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HaDEA:EU Health and Digital Executive Agency

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COVID aka: make the most of every crisis

  • COVID 19 has kept us apart for 2 years but it also helped to underline how responding to pandemics needed cross-border synergies in Health in the European Union
  • The EU digital COVID certificate has been an amazing achievement supported by the EC and the European Health Network ( July 2021 )
  • Quick response, cross-border collaboration, relying on digital technologies and mobile communication ensured success ( 590+ million certificated issued )
  • Sharing of research data on COVID significantly boosted the development of vaccines

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EHDS (European Health Data Space regulation)

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What role can we as NRENs play ?

Run away, of course.

We’re still in time for it !

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What role can we as NRENs play ?�(outcome of two community events)

  • Liaise with the EC and inform our eHealth community connected institutions about new call, project calls, regulations, communications
  • Primary use of Health Data and Telemedicine
    • Provide high bandwidth and enable ubiquitous teleconsulting, diagnosys
    • Train and disseminate to help making tools, processes LANs and WLANs secure
    • Liaise with national eHealth initiatives /domestic agencies
      • Identifying collaboration domains (eInfrastructure, Storage Services, Cloud)
  • Secondary usa of Health Data and Research
    • Push for the adoption of our open, community standards (e.g. AAI, AAI-a-a-S)
      • Ensuring FAIR access to research data - avoiding vendor lock-in
    • Providing eHealth specific services (e.g. anonymization, secure data transfer..)
    • Evaluate possible contributions to medical research eInfrastructures (EHDS)

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The GÉANT eHealth Task Force

  • Approved by the GÉANT Community Programme Committee in July 2021
    • for a first initial year of work
    • Following two main community events (Jan 27, June 25)
  • Mandate from NRENs: to gather NRENs’ efforts on eHealth, exploit synergies, exchange best practices
    • Seek specific collaborations with Health related projects
  • Goal for the TF is to implement the work plan and include additional work items if needed
  • The approved TF work plan is available on

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eH TF Workplan


Work Item

Work Item Lead



Initial GAP analysis report, also based on outcomes of eHealth baselining event, including a prioritized list of items to work upon [ https://bit.ly/eh-tf-gap-analysis ]




Comprehensive report on key eHealth datasets locations




Organization of first GÉANT joint Security and Privacy training for eHealth �[ Planned for July 6, 2022, https://events.geant.org/event/1205/ ]




Production of a GÉANT community white paper on eHealth baseline of required services and tools


To do


Implementation of a reference eHealth data access and analysis

workflow using the GÉANT CCF (Community Cloud Flow)



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  • Prof.Gabriele von Voigt �Leibnitz Universitaet Hannover�Fachgebiet Computational Health� Informatics DE
  • Prof. Joao De Miranda �Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP)� CERENA/IST, Universidade de Lisboa PT
  • Prof. Maria Luisa Lavitrano �Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca IT
  • Dr. Gilles Matthieu �Research Engineer at INSERM, French eHealth Institute FR�
  • Prof. Christian Lovis / Uni Geneva �Chairman, Medical Information Sciences, University Hospitals of Geneva CH


Current Steering Committee members

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Roadmap from the Steering Committee

  • Dissect the problem of supporting eHealth in its natural domains
    • Infrastructure Interoperability /Ethical Issues /Regulatory /Business related
  • Acquire information on the exact status of national eHealth initiatives in each EU country, including the legal aspects/frameworks
  • Push for the adoption and the enforcement of standards
  • Training, Training, Training !
  • Liaise with the national eHealth initiatives and large international collaboration in eHealth

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Topics for possible webinars for NRENs

  • Funding Opportunities
    • New funding opportunities are available which could be functional to stimulate activities in eHealth:
      • New tenders for the HERA preparatory phase / HERA preparation topic
        • Infrastructure/Info systems, AI tools and models for data treatment)
      • New calls from HeDEA - Health and Digital Executive Agency
  • Latest EU commission landscape developments
    • Specifically starting from the EHDS regulatory framework

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First GÉANT Security and Privacy

training for eHealth

  • University of Malaga and online, July 6th 2022
  • Developed by GN4-3 WP8 GÉANT and SURF
  • Registration on https://events.geant.org/event/1205/
  • Topics covered:
    • Introduction to Privacy
    • Implications of privacy on services and on handling personal data
    • Introduction to Security
    • Security in action: how to protect your resources and services
    • Anonymization and Pseudo-Anonymization techniques
    • A summary of the new proposed EHDS regulation

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Risks and mitigations

Risk name

Risk description

Possible causes


None there

Insufficient NRENs buy-in

NRENs just do not have enough free manpower to commit

  • Clear estimate of available manpower
  • Synergies with other initiatives

Empty BoF

Poor attendance to the BoF

Competition with concurrent BoFs�Insufficient dissemin.

Careful planning involving NRENs; �Communications to NRENs

“I like the idea” (but go ahead without me)

Lack of NREN committed volunteer manpower

Wrong perception on the opportunities

Target communications on opportunities


Insufficient coordination with relevant bodies and ongoing community activities on eHealth

Lack of key contacts;�Missing perceptions on opportunities by external proj. or initiatives

Proactive seek to establish periodic updates/catch-up with initiatives(e.g:EOSC-Life)

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Some suggested discussion points �(later today)

  • How to enhance the participation level from the NRENs
    • Getting a clear picture of National eHealth initiatives and related applicable Legal frameworks
  • How to effectively exploit collaborations and synergies with worldwide initiatives
  • How to promote the services and open standards the NRENs are familiar with in the eHealth domain
  • Coordinate about the forthcoming deliverable
    • Specific additional ideas on content
    • Sharing work

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e-Health TF update

eHealth TF wiki home:


Thank you !

Mario Reale / GÉANT - Research Engagement & Support
