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3D Lesson

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Go through each slide and follow instructions.

When you see this box it means you have a question or reflection you need to answer.

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3D Printing

A 3D Printer is different from a regular printer because:

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What is 3D Printing?

Watch the video on 3D printing. Answer the following questions.

  • What did you know about 3D printing before?

  • What are three things you can create with 3D printers?

You have to answer both questions in complete sentences.

If you feel you learned nothing, then choose any fact from the video and type that.

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What is 3D Printing?

Check out 3D printing videos to show you how things work.

Check out this slide deck if you want to know more about 3D Printing

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3D Printing Careers

Read the article. Choose a career from the article. Tell one thing you learned and one thing you would like to know about that career.

Go to Quizlet and practice the vocabulary.

Use this slide deck to see many of the terms.

After reviewing the vocabulary, take this quiz. It is open “book”.

You have to answer the questions in complete sentences.

If you feel you learned nothing, then choose any fact from the article and type that in your own words..

3D Quiz

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Let’s Get Designing!

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What is CAD? Computer-Aided Design. Many careers use CAD software to create designs. You can find a list here.

TinkerCad is software for 3D design. It is for beginners.

You can create digital, 3D designs with this software.

You can watch this video to see how to use TinkerCad

TASK: Go to TinkerCad and join your teacher’s class. Ask your teacher for your unique nickname.

Use this slide deck and the following slides to help you go through your TinkerCad introductory modules. Once you go through the modules, beginning creating a design. This is step 1 and is just to get you familiar with the program. It is not the design you will print.

What is a career that uses CAD?

You have to answer the questions in complete sentences.

If you feel you learned nothing, then choose any fact from the article and type that in your own words..

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Rotate to turn the workplane.

Zoom in and out

Switch to perspective view

Blocks View

Bricks View

Collaborate with someone

Return to Workplane View


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Bricks View



Place workplane back to starting view

Quick Zoom in on Object

Undo and Redo

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Change the objects that you bring in onto the workplane.

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You must click on an object for these options to appear.

Duplicate and Repeat


Customize the shape.

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Show All

Group: To merge two

objects together.




Toggle Notes Visibility

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Click your share button, click, generate link and then copy your link.

Email your link to your partner.

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Import .stl files from Thingiverse, your computer, etc.

Export your .stl file to your computer or flash drive.

Send your .stl file to Google Classroom, download to your computer, or use it with a Merge Cube!

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Works Cited

Julian, R. (2019). How to Export to Tinkercad. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ntDUJ3P5OKsiEYmIShoUigqM4SHkeeI0bWwaz5ZLoFE/edit?usp=sharing

Top 10 3D design lesson ideas for grade 8. Makers Empire. (2018, September 10). Retrieved October 21, 2021, from https://www.makersempire.com/top-10-design-challenges-for-grade-8-students-using-3d-printing/.

Julian, R. (n.d.). Tinkercad. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vtkM1dFvO9PYZH5tLd1ck_zTuSpNxCeh8oP7yAMW5TU/edit?usp=sharing