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Seedlings Newsletter

Week Beginning: 10th October 2022

Our central idea:

People learn and care for others.

Next week our focus text will be

The children will be moving their learning onto the story of ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. The children will be exploring the different places that Stick man visits in the story, talking about how he feels in the story as well as how people treat him throughout the different parts.


The children have really begun to develop their listening and attention skills, thinking about what sounds they have heard as well as how sounds can be changed. Next week the children will be moving onto ‘body percussion’. This is will involve the children creating different sounds using body parts, then creating patterns of sounds. For example: a stamp, a clap and a jump. The children will also be working on talking about the sounds that they hear, and how they can change them. For an extra challenge a phonics initial sounds homework has been sent home today, there is no expectation that this is completed but it is a very good way to begin to support your child for starting school in September.


Next week we will be moving onto the number 2! The children will be talking about what they can see around them that is counted in twos, as well as comparing the size of different groups. Number blocks is a great resource for teaching about number two. Please click the link for more information.


The children will be exploring the different places that Stick man visits in the story, talking about how he feels but also how they would feel in that place. For example; “I would feel happy at the beach because I can build sandcastles”. The children will also be recreating the story in their play within the nursery.


In forest school the children will be creating their own stick man characters. They will also be creating their own edible stickman character as well painting pictures of stickman. The children will also be exploring which different groups they belong too, starting with their families. If you haven’t as yet sent in an updated family photo please do so over the weekend on Tapestry so we can add it to our learning in the nursery. The children love to talk about their photos with their friends.

Important Information

Tuesday 18th October: Stay and Play Session from 11.00-11.30am for children who attend on a Tuesday morning and 2.15pm for children who stay all day. We would love to see as many different families as we can. Please feel free to bring younger siblings as well.

Friday 22nd October: Last Day of Module One

Monday 7th November: First Day of Module Two