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Distance Learning: Create Your Own Schedule*

Step 1: Watch this video. [link] It will walk you through the “how” and “why” of building a schedule. (Link to Slideshow used in video)

Step 2: Make a copy of this document and begin building your schedule!

Step 3: Follow it! It should adaptable, so it can change slightly day to day, but following it will help build routine, and consistency.

*adapted from the Brave New Teaching Podcast

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7am - 9am

Morning Routine: Wake up (set alarm!), get ready (shower, dressed, hair, etc), breakfast, exercise


9am - 11:30am

eLearning: Check in for attendance, check Google Classroom/Class Dojo/Seesaw for assignments, complete 1-2 assignments, attend teacher office hours (if applicable)

A designated, quiet place where you won’t be interrupted

11:30 - 1:00pm

Lunch and Relaxation: Make something healthy and delicious, go outside (weather permitting) and connect with family and friends


1pm - 3:30pm

eLearning: Complete remaining assignments, email teachers with questions, make a to-do list with anything unfinished, attend teacher office hours (if applicable)

Your designated space

3:30pm- 5pm

Creativity and personal growth time: Practice a skill (like drawing, painting, or music), learn a sport, design a contraption, create a tutorial about something you know how to do.


5pm - 7pm

Dinner and Family Time: Help your family make dinner. Check in with your parents, siblings, etc. Social Time: Check in with friends and family. Do something fun. Color. Exercise. Take a hike.


7pm - 8pm

Drop Everything and Read: Make time for a favorite book, comic book, audio book, or graphic novel.

Your designated space

8pm - 10pm

Relaxation and Bedtime Routine: Wind down, watch a show, brush your teeth and GO TO BED AT A NORMAL TIME!

Any & Bedroom

Sample Schedule: