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Schedules of Reinforcement

Learning, Lecture 12

Mark Berg

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Schedules of Reinforcement

  • Continuous Reinforcement
    • Each Specified response is reinforced
  • Intermittent Reinforcement
    • Only some responses are reinforced

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Intermittent Schedules

  • Fixed Ratio Schedules
    • Reinforcement is contingent upon a fixed predictable number of responses
    • FR
    • Produce high rates of responding with a short pause following each reinforcer
    • Higher ratio requirements produce longer postreinforcement pauses

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Fixed Ratio Schedules

  • Eg:  FR 5 Schedule
    • Five responses are required for reinforcement
  • Eg: FR 1 Schedule
    • Only one response is required for reinforcement
    • Also called continuous reinforcement


Factory work or piece work are also examples of Fixed Ratio Schedules of reinforcement

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Intermittent Schedules

  • Variable Ratio Schedules
    • Reinforcement is contingent upon a varying unpredictable number of responses
    • High steady rate of responding with no post reinforcement pause
    • Each response has the potential to result in reinforcement

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Intermittent Schedules

  • Fixed Interval Schedules
    • Reinforcement is contingent upon the first response after a fixed, predictable period of time

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Intermittent Schedules

  • Variable Interval Schedules
    • Reinforcement is contingent upon the first response after a varying unpredictable period of time
    • Moderate steady rate of behavior
    • Little or no postreinforcement pause

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Four Schedules

  • FR & VR schedules produce higher rates of response than do interval schedules (FI and VI).
  • The reinforcer in FR & VR schedules is entirely response contingent
  • FR & FI schedules tend to produce postreinforcement pauses, VR & VI do not
  • Summary Table P 266

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Other Schedules

  • Fixed Duration
  • FD
  • Behavior must be performed continuously for a fixed period of time

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Other Schedules

  • Variable Duration Schedule
  • VD
  • Behavior must be performed continuously for a varying, unpredictable period of time
  • Can undermine intrinsic interest

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Response Rate Schedules

  • Differential reinforcement of high rate
  • DRH
  • Reinforcement is contingent upon emitting at least a certain number of responses in a certain period of time
  • Fast rate

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Response Rate Schedules

  • Differential reinforcement of low rate
  • DRL
  • A minimum amount of time must pass between each response before a reinforcer will be delivered

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Response Rate Schedules

  • Differential reinforcement of paced responding
  • DRP
  • Reinforcement is contingent upon emitting a series of response at a set rate
  • Neither too fast nor too slow

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Noncontingent Schedules

  • Fixed Time Schedule
  • FT
  • Reinforcer is delivered following a fixed predictable period of time
  • Independent of any response

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Noncontingent Schedules

  • Variable time schedule
  • VT
  • Reinforcer is delivered following a varying unpredictable period of time

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Noncontingent Schedules

  • Can lead to superstitious behavior
  • Car Racing
  • Hockey

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