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Nov. 27, 2018 Tuesday Welcome!

  • Greece Newsela Jigsaw and Stronger Clearer Activity
    • Review city state description sheet--add name and annotate
    • Put all your papers about Greece in the folder. I will do another organization of folder check in the next week or so.
    • You will be graded individually on all your work in the unit; so keep your papers in the folder so you can turn them in at the end.
  • Greece: tomorrow Loyalty Challenge for Yellow Sheets
    • Newsela book set
    • Annotate 3 colors: main idea, evidence, new or important ideas/words/vocabulary
    • How to create your own Cornell Notes on Google:
      • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNdR694BuyM
      • Start at 1:55 to follow directions
  • Physical Challenge --balancing for 3 minutes

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Tuesday, con’t

  • Book Talks--
  • Writing Workshop: Argument Writing
  • After school Humanities Help 4-5pm.
  • Homework:
    • Reading 20-30 minutes, keep track of pages
    • read/have notes for 10 and Couch--if time, read the third article and take notes; you will be debating tomorrow, so be ready with evidence for the pro and cons of competitive sports
    • Yellow sheet loyalty challenge!

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Writing Workshop

  • Find an elbow partner and read your paragraph from yesterday. Circle your claim and underline your evidence.
  • Today’s teaching point: When taking sides in an argument, it is important to start by weighing the reasons and evidence offered up by both sides, remaining open, suspending judgment so as to develop a considered opinion. And even that opinion, that position, is a preminimary one.
  • This unit will help you become extraordinarily skilled at argument so that you can advocate for yourself--so you can be convincing and compelling. I want you to be heard!

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Competitive Sports for Kids

  • Note taking--pros/cons/other chart
  • “Listening to Wisdom from a 10 Year Old Son about His Head Injury.”
  • “Get off that Couch and Pay”
  • Examples of notes/post its
  • Consider authors as presenting a position--ask what is the position and what is the evidence? Is it convincing? What contrary view might there be to that evidence?
  • Each text in the text set represents positions on this issue. It is your job as the reader to weight and judge alternative positions.
  • For 20 minutes, read the entire text of “Listening” and collect notes. Then start reading and collecting notes from another text --Pros and Cons of High School Competitive Sports-on google classroom.
  • Create claims and evidence charts for pro and con based on the articles you have read this far.

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Pro: self esteem

Social bonds (Couch) win and lose graciously

Take criticism lowers obesity and diabetes

Deal with pressure

Work hard towards a goal

Self esteem

Physical strength

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Con: teenagers dying after playing too soon after a concussion(10)

NFL athletes exhibit Alzheimer-like symptoms

Ten-year-old kid w/possible concussion drifts asleep on the sidelines

Possibility of concussion and injuries

Who really wants to play? Kid or parent? Is the parent living through the kid.

Concussions can destroy memory/impact the brain negatively
