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Chemical Remediation

Hoggard High School March 2024 ECO Club

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Welcome to ECO Club!

We’re glad you all were able to join our session today. As you may know ECO club is centered around promoting environmental knowledge/discussion, fostering a sense of stewardship, and, of course, having fun along the way.

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Addressing the Problem

Today there are many hazardous contaminants in many different locations and places throughout Earth.

  • Contaminants originate from various sources: industrial activities, improper waste disposal, agricultural runoff, and accidental spills.
    • Posing significant threats to ecosystems, human health, and also natural resources including: soil, water bodies, and air quality.

Chemical remediation addresses this problem by employing specific techniques and chemical substances to mitigate or remove contaminants from the environment.

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Introductory Video

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Introduction: What is chemical remediation?

Chemical remediation in the simplest terms is a process which is used to remove hazardous chemicals from the environment.

There are three types of chemical remediation:

  • Soil Remediation
  • Water remediation
  • Sediment remediation

We will go over all three and when it is best to use one or the other.

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Soil Remediation

Chemicals are used to remediate soil by adding chemicals rich with nutrients to will help with microbial growth. This all helps break down the organic contaminants leading to the removal of the original pollutants.

How is soil remediation done?

Pros of soil remediation

The positive effects of soil remediation is it can get rid of all pollutants leading back to its original form, on top of that it is not costly and takes the same amount of time as most other methods. This is a way anyone around the world can help restore soil habitats as long as you know how to do the complicated process properly

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Water Remediation

How is it done?

Water remediation is done by using a absorbent hydrophilic (tendency to mix with water) material with biomass, this is used to remove micro chemicals from the area. The most accessible and optimal to use for most chemicals is aerogel this is due to their porous nature.

Issues with water remediation

While water remediation is very effective for getting rid of chemicals, only certain materials work for certain chemicals meaning that there is no universal material or method causing issues. Leading to waste still being prevalent throughout bodies of water.

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Sediment remediation

How is it done?

Site Assessment: Sample and analyze sediment, assess contamination extent and risks.

Remediation Planning: Develop a plan with goals, timeline, budget, and techniques.

Sediment Removal: Use dredging or excavation to physically remove contaminated sediment.

Containment and Disposal: Employ containment measures and dispose of removed sediment properly.

In-Situ Treatment: Treat sediment on-site if possible using capping, chemical, or biological methods.

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Sediment Remediation Continued


Cost and Resources: Expensive and resource-intensive.

Technical Complexity: Challenging due to varied contaminants, site conditions, and ecology.

Ecological Impacts: Can disrupt habitats and wildlife.

Regulatory Compliance: Must meet environmental regulations and permits.

Long-Term Effectiveness: Requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance for lasting results.

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What We Can Do?


It is very important we advocate for research in Chemical Remediation as well as well as increase use of the process in order to eliminate the dangerous hazardous wastes degrading our environment.

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Do you have any questions?