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Some types of trucks

Trucks come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes.

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Trucks are classified by size: light, medium, and heavy. Some examples are...




  • Minivan
  • Pickup truck
  • Van
  • Truck
  • Firetruck
  • Dump truck
  • Garbage truck
  • Tractor trailer
  • Tank truck

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The smallest truck weighs around 6,000 pounds. The largest truck weighs around 33,000 pounds.

Trucks were invented by Gottlieb Daimler in the year 1896.

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Trucks are made out of the materials steel and aluminum.

Truck drivers are called “truckers”.

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In many countries, people need a special license to drive a truck.

Large trucks that travel far distances usually have a sleeping area in the cab.

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If you lined up all the trucks in the United States, they would reach the moon.

The average truck consumes 20,500 gallons of gas each year.

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Trucks are used to do different jobs. Trucks are important because they are used to carry goods and heavy objects.

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Parts of a Truck