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Offline Wikipedia for Clinicians and Researchers

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Lane Rasberry

Sam Zidovetzki, MD

Data Science Institute

University of Virginia


Mount Sinai Hospital



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Wikipedia is popular

James Heilman, Andrew G. West. "Wikipedia and medicine: quantifying readership, editors, and the significance of natural language". Journal of Medicine Internet Research, March 2015.


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Wikipedia is popular

~180 million views / month to medical articles, 2018


6 of 45

Put your medical info on wiki, reach a large audience


7 of 45

Wiki quality control


Anyone can edit


Add citations to sources


Check the source and summary, not who added it


8 of 45

Expert organizations edit


(medical schools)

9 of 45

Health students edit Wiki

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PubMed in WikiCite


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Computational biology


International Society for Computational Biology + PLOS + wiki since 2012

12 of 45

Gene Wiki


13 of 45

Wiki Project Med

  • Simple is Key
  • 3 or 4 paragraphs (~750 words)
    • Leads of EN articles
    • Every sentence referenced
  • Topics
    • Diseases, Essential medicines
    • Working with a number of medical schools


14 of 45


15 of 45

Can Wikipedia be trusted?


16 of 45


17 of 45

Do Physicians use Wikipedia?


18 of 45

19 of 45

Medical Stats

  • 50% to 100% of physicians use WP
  • 35 to 70% of pharmacists admit to its use
  • 94% of medical students use WP
  • 20 to 60% of journalists
  • Frequent use by policy makers


20 of 45


  • The most used internet site in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea for Ebola
  • Greater than CNN, CDC and WHO
  • Content available in more than 115 languages
  • ~100 M pageviews in 2014


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The Problem

22 of 45

3.9 Billion people are not online, many of them because they can't pay for it, others because of lack of infrastructure;



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  • Acute coronary syndrome
  • Unstable angina
  • Myocardial infarction ("heart attack")
  • Aortic dissection
  • Pericarditis and cardiac tamponade
  • Arrhythmia
  • Myocarditis
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Bronchitis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Pneumonia
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pleurisy
  • Tuberculosis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Lead poisoning
  • Etc

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Faced with a patient complaining of chest pain, there is the temptation to proceed directly to ‘the plethora of sophisticated diagnostic studies for detection of comnaiy artery disease. However, the cost and the false-positve rate of suchpiernatwe testing are likely to be unacceptably high because of the low pretest probability of CHD in unselected patients2. More useful is a work-up strategy that attempts to determine and stratify CHD risk on the basis of an initial histoiy, physical examination and ECO.History Estimating probability of coronary diseaseA careful chest pain description is critical. The prevalence of angiographically confirmed CHD approaches 90 percent in persons with a classic story for angina.In the Framingham study2, patients presenting with new onset of definite angina had relative risk of a coronary event over 2 years of 3.0 for men and 5.0 for women. Relative risk fell for those with possible angrnato 3.0 for men and 2.9 forwomenandto 1.3 for men and 0.8 for women with non-angjnal chest painAssessment of history for other important causesSome elements of the history suggestive of coronary disease are also important for other cases such as:* Pain brought on by exertion and relieved by rest is certainly indicative of angina, but psychogenic disease and esophageal spasm may behave in similar fashion. A check for anxiety, depression, panic disorder and life long history of other bodily complaints may suggest a psychogenic origin. Heart bum, dysphagia and an absence of CHD risk factors raise the possibility of esophageal disease.* Episodes that last hours to days provide further evidence of a non-cardiac origin.* Prompt response to GTN is another characteristic feature of CHD, but esophageal spasm, coronary microvascular disease, cystic duct spasm and even some psychogenic etiologies may also respond to nitrates.* Chest pain brought on by eating may be due to angina, but in the absence of other risk factors for CHD, one needs to consider gastro-esophagealor pancreatobiliaiy pathology.* Pain worsened by deep inspiration or cough is a hallmark of pleural irritation, but it is also suggestive of pericarditis and chest wall pathology.* Focal chest wall tenderness narrows the differential diagnosis to a chest wall origin.* Pneumothorax should come to mind when pleuritic pain is sudden in onset and accompanied by dyspnea in a young patient with a previous H/O pneumothorax or long standing bullous emphysema.* Pleuritic pain in the setting of an episode of minor viral respiratory disease suggests pleurodynia.* Sudden onset of maximally severe pain is a worrisome presentation, necessitating consideration of aortic dissection. If the episode is accompanied by a new neurologic deficit or a syncopal episode, then urgent hospitalization is indicated.Physical ExaminationThere is no standard physical examination for the patient with chest pain. The appropriate examination is based on the hypotheses suggested by the history. General appearance and vital signs can be telling.* Anxious, sighing, hyperventilating individual who complaints of constant chest tightness is likely to be suffering from an anxiety disorder.* Tachypnea and tachycardia with pleuntie pain are indicative of pulmonary embolism.* Blood pressure difference between extremities for aortic dissection.* Skin for cyanosis, herpetic rash, pallor etc.* ther examination which will be helpful are:* Fundi for atherosclerotic, diabetic or hypertensive disease.* Slow rising carotid pulse in aortic stenosis* JVP transiently elevated during an ischemic episode.* On examinatiOn of the heart look for (1) forceful or having left ventricular impulse which is indicative of significant aortic stenosis (AS) or a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; (2) Signs of ischemic myocardial dysfunction, such as loss of physiologic splitting of the 2nd heart sound and development of 4th heart sound; (3) systolic ejection murmur of AS * If the chest pain is pleuritic, rub may be present. In abdomen look for any tenderness in the epigatric and right upper quandrant region for cholecystitis.* Ailperipheral pulses are checked for any evidence of aortic dissection.* Neruological examination for new focal deficit or aortic dissection. Laboratory studies It should always be based on the working differential suggested by the history and physical examination. 1. Coronary heart disease (CHD) We can divide patients who have suspected coronary heart disease in 3 groups3. a) Clinically high risk: These are the ones with a classic angina history, CHD risk factors, a positive family history, a few crackles, a fourth heart sound and loss of physiologic splitting they have such a high probability of CHD that diagnostic testing will add little except cost. One can proceed directly to management. b) Clinically low risk: Patients with clearly non-anginal chest pain, no CHD risk factors or family history and a normal cardiac examination have such a low probability of CHD that testing, is likely to generate only negative or false - positive results and excessive medical bills. In this category, even a CHD test with high sensitivity and specificity like Thallium stress testing will perfonnpoorly. Occasionally, arresting ECG is obtained to reassure the patient and family. c) Clinically Intermediate Risk: These are the ones who present with atypical chest pain, a single cardiac risk factor, questionable fourth heart sound. In such persons, a positive or negative test result is likely to have a significant effect on the post test probability of CHD and careful design of an evaluation program is indicated. II. Suspected Esophageal Disease Usually clinical presentation rules out coronary heart disease and the patient responds symptomatically to measures that reduce reflux and spasm. Chest pain due to adisorderof esophageal motility is not easy to document. A trial of antacids or H2 blocker therapy is a helpful empirical measure. III. Pleuritic chest pain a) Suspected pulmonary embolization: Patients should have a chest radiograph In short, history, physical examination and x-ray can be used to identify patients who might have an embolism and require further assessment. b) Suspected infection: In such cases chest radiograph may also reveal pnemonitis. Pneumococcal pneumonia and tuberculosis often present with acute pleuritic pain and may be mistaken clinically for pulmonary embolus. c) Suspected pneumothorax: Suspicion of pneumothorax is an indication fora chest film. IV. Psychogenic The anxious patient with psychogenic pain may find a chest X-ray and/or ECG reassuring. Repeating test “just to be sure” may begin to undermine the patient’s confidence in the physician’s explanation and even heighten anxiety. It is important to realize that as many as 10 percent of cases remain undiagnosed, even after careful and thorough evaluation. a) Symptomatic relief: Relief of pain must be based on an etiologic diagnosis. To simply suppress the pain with analgesics or sedatives before a diagnosis is made may hide important clues. However, musculoskeletal forms of chest pain may require analgesia. An antacid regimeno r H2 blockers are helpful in patients with esophagitis. Nitrates and Ca- channel blocker are of benefit to patients with esophageal spasm. Patients with depression or panel disorder require specific therapy directed at the underlying psychopathology. b) Patient Education: A careful and thorough explanation is essential to avoid precipitating a cardiac neurosis or unnecessary visits to several physicians forevaluationof chest pain Patients making many visit usually harbor unexplored concerns that have not been adequately addressed. c) Indications for referral: Urgent referral to the nearest emergency room is indicated for the patient with severe anginal chest pain lasting over 30 minutes. Similarly, the patient with suspected pulmonary embolization, pneumothorax or aortic dissection requires immediate hospitalization. The patient with panic disorder or depression severe enough to cause disabling symptoms deserves consideration for psychiatric referral.

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Internet In A Box


30 of 45


31 of 45

Try it Out!

  • Wifi: Internet-in-a-Box
  • Password: None
  • May need to turn off your cellular data
  • Type: HTTP://BOX.LAN into the browser
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33 of 45

Content adjusted to setting

  • Being used in the DR, Guatemala, Syrian refugee camp, others
  • Build up of modules, other resources such as national guidelines, video content, CDC
  • Costs $30 to 40 USD a device
  • Available “commercially” and free Instructions on how to make your own


34 of 45

Dominican Republic

  • Pilot study
  • Pasantes


35 of 45

Dominican Republic



36 of 45



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38 of 45

Vulnerable populations



39 of 45


40 of 45

Other Projects






41 of 45

Internet In A Box Applications

  • Clinical
    • Western Providers
    • Local Providers
  • Educational
  • Anything Else


42 of 45

Future Directions

  • Partnerships
  • Ultrasound courses
  • Electronic Medical Record


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You can join!

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  • https://www.liveandinvestoverseas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Cellphone-area-cover-in-the-DR-claro.jpg
  • http://healthcare.uiowa.edu/2020/index.html
  • JMIR Med Educ. 2017 Oct 31;3(2):e20. doi: 10.2196/mededu.8188. Comparison of the Impact of Wikipedia, UpToDate, and a Digital Textbook on Short-TermKnowledge Acquisition Among Medical Students: Randomized Controlled Trial of Three Web-Based Resources. Scaffidi MA#1, Khan R#1, Wang C1, Keren D1, Tsui C1, Garg A1, Brar S1, Valoo K1, Bonert M2, de Wolff JF3, Heilman J4, Grover SC1.


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