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Smart Media

Don’t Fall for Fake - phishing & scams

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Don’t Fall for Fake

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Don’t Fall for Fake




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Don’t Fall for Fake

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Don’t Fall for Fake

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Don’t Fall for Fake

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Don’t Fall for Fake

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Don’t fall for fake

If you spot phishing or scams what should you do?

ignore it

Don’t click the link

Tell your parents

Call them back and ask them why they sent it

Add them to your friend list it

block the sender

Click the link

Reply and send your phone number

Tell your teacher

Reply and send your bank account number

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Some New Zealand Examples

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Your Task:

�Create a “fake” Instagram post, Netflix screen or Postcard (see the next page)��Share it on your blog, remembering to also put why we did this activity and what you learnt from it.��Comment on someone else's blog using helpful, thoughtful and positive language.

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