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Meyer Middle School

Student Services Student and Parent Connection

March 2024

Mental Health Spotlight

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Our goal is to connect with students and parents on what is happening in the School Counseling Department and to provide resources.

Here is what is included in this issue:

-Healthy Technology Use

-Croix Chronicles

-Treats “4” a Cause

-State Testing

-Career Fair Volunteers

-Summer School





Previous Newsletters

Healthy Technology Use

The use of technology can seem inevitable and seems to grow as students transition into their teens. There are numerous positives with technology; however, we also understand the importance of education and knowledge when using technology. It is important to continue to talk about online safety and find a balance that is appropriate. We are sharing a few tips below.

  • Have honest conversations: Talk about what your child is using their technology for, what websites they are using, and what apps they are using

  • Set boundaries or have a family agreement: Decide when and where devices can be used as well as how much time can be spent on devices

  • Address the benefits and risks of social media: Remind your child that anything they upload, email, post, or message could be online forever

  • Put yourself in control: Activate parental controls and check age ratings of games, apps, films, and social networking sites
  • Spend time together: Enjoy watching TV, playing games or going online with your child

  • Encourage involvement in other activities: Encourage your child to get involved with clubs, sports, or other after-school activities

  • Turn off devices: Avoid using technology during meal times and at least an hour before bedtime

Sources: internetmatters.org, kidshealth.org

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Croix Chronicles

Enjoy Spring Break!


It’s hard to believe but Croix will be turning 4 years old next month! We’d like to celebrate his birthday a little different this year. Our idea of helping local pets in the area came from a comment a student made while we were delivering food to the River Falls Community Food Pantry. He said it was sad that there was just one bag of cat treats on the large shelves set aside for pets. We found out many of our families in need have dogs and/or cats but finding treats for them can be challenging.

We would like your help to celebrate Croix’s 4th birthday with a week long donation drive we’re calling Treats “4” A Cause to collect dog and cat treats starting on April 22nd and ending on April 26th! Our goal is to fill the pet shelves at the RF Community Pantry with lots of treats while spreading happiness one tail wag at a time! Thank you in advance for your continued support of our therapy dog program at MMS!

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A Note from the Team

Sommer Bowers, School Psychologist Gary Campbell, 6th Grade Counselor

Jordan Seifert, 7th Grade Counselor Sam Dusek, 8th Grade Counselor

Our 8th grade teachers are

planning a career fair and mock

interviews for all students in 8th

grade. The Career Fair and Mock

Interviews will take place on

May 17th from 7:45am-10:30am.

We are looking for Career Fair

and Mock Interview volunteers.

If you would like to volunteer for

either of these opportunities,

Please fill out this google form

WI Forward State Testing

Meyer Middle School students will be taking the WI Forward assessment the week of

April 15th - April 19th. All students will be assessed in the areas of Math and English Language Arts. Students in grade 8 will also be assessed in the areas of Science and

Social Studies.

Career Day Volunteers Needed

As the school year continues, we want to remind students and families that we are here to support in a variety of ways. We support students with their academics, mental health, peer relationships, and so much more. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about your student.

Check out our website for information and resources on different topics.

MMS Counseling Department

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