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Evolutionary robotics

Don't code, evolve!

Antonín Jareš

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What is evolution?


[1] The process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

[2] The gradual development of something"

  • Based on Darwin's evolution theory
    • Reproduction is the key to life
    • Better fitted (adapted) individuals have better chance to reproduce (i.e. survive)
    • Successful phenotype* traits are reproduced, modified, combined

�* phenotype - The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.

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How to represent an individual?

  • Each individual has its own genotype → representation of the individual
    • Same as genes in people
  • In programming this can be a lot of things
  • The simplest problems might have individuals represented as a binary number, hard problems might have complex neural nets�
  • One of the simplest evolutionary problems is Max1 → evolve an individual with all 1s, starting with a random population
  • Simple robot problems can be modeled by using neural nets which for example map the robot's input sensors to signals for its two wheels

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Fitness�"Score" of an individual. How good the individual is amongst the population. Survival of the fittest -> the higher fitness one has, the more likely their genes are to be passed on.

Fitness function�Function determining fitness of each individual in the population.

Recombination / Cross over�Altering the genes of multiple individuals by combining parts of their genotypes.

Mutation�Pseudo random altering of genes of a single individual.

Selection�Choosing which individuals continue to the next generation, which recombine etc.

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  • Evolutionary algorithms are de facto population based stochastic search algorithms
    • We are non-deterministically looking for a sufficient individual in a given population
  • Recombination and mutation create variability
    • Also prevent the evolution from getting stuck
  • Selection leads the search in the right direction
    • Only the better traits are preserved

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Simple genetic algorithm

  • In time t = 0 generate a random initial population P(0) of n m-bit genes (individuals)
  • From P(t) to P(t+1)
    • Compute fitness for each individual from the population
    • Repeat n/2
      • Select a pair x, y from the population
      • Cross over x, y with probability pc
      • Mutate every bit of x and y with probability pm
      • Insert x, y to P(t+1)
  • Different settings and probabilities of course yield different results
  • Multiple crossover, mutation and selection options

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  • Based on the individual's fitness
  • Basic: Roulette wheel
    • Each individual occupies a slice of the roulette based on its fitness with regard to the sum of all the fitnesses
    • The roulette is spun n-times

  • Other selection types: Tournament, rank based
  • Possible elitism (the m best individuals are preserved)

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Cross over

  • Single point

  • Multi point

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Evolution in a picture

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Evolution parameters

  • Each problem has its own representation
    • Have to choose proper cross-over, mutation and mainly fitness function
  • Mutation regarding neural nets
    • Change in a weight of a synapse
    • Change of the type of the activation function
    • Adding/removing synapses
    • Adding/removing neurons
  • Other important parameters
    • Population size
    • Probability of a cross-over
    • Probability of a mutation
    • Size of the elite group�

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Simple neural net

  • Possible model for a robot
    • Output layer of 2 neurons represents two wheel signals
    • Input layer represents robot's sensors

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Line follower evolution

for Arduino robot

Antonín Jareš & Petr Martišek

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Line follower problem

  • Something like Hello World for new programmers
  • The goal of the exercise is to develop a robot that can properly follow a black line on a white sheet of paper (with harder version which can have turns and signals etc.)
  • Not a trivial task but a good one to introduce the robotics to the newcomers
  • Programming this robot takes time and people often have to learn new technologies because of the robot's architecture

  • Can lazy people solve it with evolution?

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  • implement a simulator for an Arduino robot used in the subject Introduction to Robotics (NAIL028)
  • develop a line following robot using evolution
  • somehow port to the real robot?

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What we worked with

  • Arduino Parallax Boe-Bot
  • JavaScript/Webpack/Node.js
  • Neataptic.js library
    • Implemented NEAT algorithm in JavaScript

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  • 5 sensors on a ramp
    • digital input (0/1 ~ black/white)
    • analog input (01000 ~ grayscale)
  • 2 wheels
    • possible values: 13001700 (from full clockwise to full counterclockwise)
    • examples
      • (1300, 1700) → robot moves forward at full speed
      • (1700, 1300) → robot moves backward at full speed
      • (1700, 1700) → robot rotates in place
      • (1500, 1500) → robot does not move

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  • custom made in Javascript
  • tailored to the Arduino robot
  • users can use any black and white image (with size specification) which is transformed to pixel representation and used in the simulator
  • http://robot-simulator.herokuapp.com
  • 1 metre in real life is represented by 1000 pixels in the simulator
    • 1mm precision

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  • adjustable parameters:
    • track size in real world
    • starting position
    • interval of sensor detection
    • starting and max speed
    • Arduino servo specifics (values range, which servo signal means stopping)
    • robot’s initial rotation
    • wheel gauge (distance of the centers of the wheel)
    • sensors’ positions in regard to the center of the wheel axis
    • sensor radius
    • controller of the robot (a neural net in our case)
  • metres and seconds used as units

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Robot controlling system

  • neural net with 5 input neurons and 2 output neurons
    • however, the simulator can theoretically work with any controller capable of mapping a 5-dimensional input vector to a 2-dimensional output vector
  • we used digital (=binary) inputs from the sensors (0/1 for black/white)
  • outputs are expected in the interval (-1,1) and are subsequently mapped to (1300, 1700) by the simulator

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  • NEAT used to evolve networks
  • starting with a random 2-layer network with 3 hidden neurons and sigmoid activation function on all nodes
  • Configurations
    • population: 100-200
    • max generation: 200-500
    • mutation rate: 0.8
    • experimented with various mutation strategies and fitness

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  • possible mutations:
    • modify weight of a synaptic connection
    • modify threshold of a neuron
    • modify the neuron’s activation function
    • add a connection
    • remove a connection
    • add a neuron
    • remove a neuron

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First steps

  • mutation: only change of synaptic weights and neural thresholds allowed (no structural mutations)
  • fitness: travelled distance
  • stopping condition: robot is out of track (all sensors see white)

Result:�Failure. Can’t even make the first turn.

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Partial success

  • mutation: all allowed, but:
    • input neurons fixed on LOGISTIC (=sigmoid activation)
  • fitness: travelled distance & middle sensor on the line
  • stopping condition: robot is out of track (all sensors see white) for a certain period of time

Result:�Can navigate about a quarter of the track before failing.

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Cheating robot

  • mutation: all allowed, but:
    • input neurons fixed on LOGISTIC (=sigmoid activation)
  • fitness: travelled distance & middle sensor on the line & speed
  • stopping condition: robot is out of track (all sensors see white) for a certain period of time


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Looks like an image instead of a video?

Every tick, the robot iterates between going full speed ahead and full speed in reverse.

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The “winner”

  • mutation: all allowed, but:
    • input neurons fixed on LOGISTIC (=sigmoid activation)
    • output neurons fixed on TANH
  • fitness: travelled distance & middle sensor on the line & speed
    • big penalization for going backwards
  • stopping condition: robot is out of track (all sensors see white) for a certain period of time

Result:�Flawless on both the training track and a previously unseen, more complicated track.

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Is such a large network necessary?

  • penalization of large network in fitness function
    • always degraded to networks with no hidden neurons
  • fix the structure again, but use better fitness and stopping condition

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Final experiment

  • mutation: only non-structural, but
    • output neurons fixed on TANH
    • input neurons are not fixed anymore
  • fitness: travelled distance & middle sensor on the line & speed
    • big penalization for going backwards
  • stopping condition: robot is out of track (all sensors see white) for a certain period of time

Result:�Flawless on the training track, but problems on the previously unseen track.

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Intermezzo - what could be done better?

  • simulator
    • more parameters
      • friction, acceleration
  • neuroevolution
    • better fitness function
    • penalization for large networks
    • train the neural net on multiple tracks at once
    • or even better, dynamically generate path and train the neural net on it

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Arduino implementation

  • Uses C
    • How to implement the neural net?
  • Using Neataptic.js, we can get the list of nodes and edges and then do the computation ourselves
    • https://pastebin.com/xGHupN7C
  • Error prone, takes too long
  • Can it be done better?
    • YES!
    • https://pastebin.com/7i2zXzaM

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Real world results

  • We have the neural net implemented in C
  • Simulator works
    • Fairy tale environments where nothing can go wrong�No outer influences�No friction�Instant acceleration
  • Would the robot controlling neural net work just by porting it to the real world robot?

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Real world results

  • Yes.

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Thank you for your attention.
