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Unit 5: WWII

Bell Ringers & Exit Tickets

Ms. Smith


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March 14, 2016 Bell Ringer

Analyze the political cartoon by writing down:


Important Words:




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March 14, 2016 Exit Ticket

Which of the three dictators you learned about today would you least like as your leader? Why?

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March 15, 2016 Bell Ringer

What were the two alliances called during WWII?

Which countries were in each alliance?

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March 15, 2016 Bell Ringer

Review: match the terms to their definitions.







B. German dictator

E. Italian Dictator

  • Soviet Union dictator

C. a leader with total power over a country

D. a type of government that tries to control every aspect of a person’s life

F. government is considered more important than the people

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March 16, 2016 Bell Ringer

Which countries were apart of the Allied Powers in WWII?

Which countries were apart of the Axis Powers in WWII?

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March 18, 2016 Bell Ringer

Analyze the political cartoon by writing down:


Important Words:




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March 16, 2016 Exit Ticket

    • Vote: which group do you think was the most creative and accurate in representing appeasement at the Munich Conference? You cannot vote for your own group

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March 17, 2016 Bell Ringer

Analyze the propaganda poster by writing down:

Intended Audience:


Desired Action:

Long Live Germany!

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March 17, 2016 Exit Ticket

    • What is another piece of propaganda you would like to see before you decide how Nazis convinced 99% of Germans and Austrians to vote for the annexation of Austria?

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March 18, 2016 Bell Ringer

Take out your study guide!

Take everything else off of your desk.

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March 21, 2016 Bell Ringer

Analyze the political cartoon by writing down:


Important Words:




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March 21, 2016 Exit Ticket

Write down the following important dates:

  • Jesse Owens homework due April 4
    • Monday after we get back from break!
  • Black History STEM project due Friday, April 15
    • www.moore-sloan.weebly.com

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April 4, 2016 Bell Ringer

Welcome Back!!!

Write down 2 good things that happened to you over break.

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Group Roles

Facilitator: makes sure everyone is participating & every answer is well-defined

Scribe: writes responses on white board for group

Spokesperson: speaks for the group

On-Task Person: keeps group focused on the task at hand

Affirmer: Acknowledges and supports individual/group answers

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April 4, 2016 Exit Ticket

  • Sign your initials on the Social Contract.
  • Write down everything you know about the Holocaust.

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April 5, 2016 Bell Ringer

Describe what you think is happening in the image.

Minimum 2-3 sentences

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April 5, 2016 Exit Ticket

How can you stand up for what is right at Lowe’s Grove?

Why is this important to do?

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April 6, 2016 Bell Ringer

Look at your notes from yesterday that we started about the Holocaust.

Who should be held responsible for crimes committed against Holocaust victims: Nazis, collaborators, deniers? Why?

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April 7, 2016 Bell Ringer

Imagine you are the man circled in the image. Write a narrative (4 sentences) describing your life

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April 6: Participation Points

Write down the topic you are making a page about for our Holocaust book & turn it into Ms. Smith

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April 6, 2016 Exit Ticket

Were all the Nazis who carried out the Holocaust bad people? Why or why not?

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April 14, 2016 Bell Ringer

Based on what you know about the Holocaust, analyze the image.

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April 11, 2016 Exit Ticket

Write down your name and the topic of your Holocaust page. Be specific!

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April 12, 2016 Bell Ringer

Take out your…

  • study guide
  • pencil
  • A sheet of paper

Put everything else away (off your desk)

You have 2 minutes!

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April 15, 2016 Bell Ringer

Analyze the propaganda poster.


Intended Audience:


Desired Action:

“He is guilty for the war”


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April 13, 2016 Exit Ticket

What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far about your topic so far?

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April 14, 2016 Bell Ringer

Concentration camp preview/picture prediction

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April 14, 2016 Exit Ticket

Which slide from the presentation today stuck out to you the most? Why?

Black History STEM projects due tomorrow!

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April 15, 2016 Bell Ringer

Turn in your Black History STEM project right now!!

Peer Review

Then, take out your book page rough draft. Read your partner’s rough draft and give them feedback by writing down 2 positive things and 2 ways to make it better.

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Bell Ringer: April 18, 2016

Analyze the image.

Where is this happening?

Who is involved?

What is going on?

Why is this happening?

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Exit Ticket: April 18, 2016

Which image is from the Renaissance? Write down all the “clues” that tell you the image is from the Renaissance.

Image 1

Image 2

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Bell Ringer: April 19, 2016

  • What should women have done to help win WWII?

2. What should women do to help win a war now?

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Exit Ticket: April 19, 2016

How would our lives be different if the printing press was not invented?

Think of at least 5 ways.

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Bell Ringer: April 20, 2016

Compare & contrast the two Rosie the Riveters.

Rosie 1

Rosie 2

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Bell Ringer: April 21, 2016

Analyze the propaganda poster


Intended Audience:


Desired Action:

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Bell Ringer: April 22, 2016

You have 2 minutes:

Take out half sheet paper (number 1-5, no spaces, write “Bonus”)

Take out something to write with

Everything else take off your desk

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  • African Americans
  • American Women
  • Japanese Americans
  • Mexican American
  • Navajo
  • Sent to internment camps because there were rumors that these people would sabotage the US during WWII.
  • Served in the military but did not fight. Worked in factories to help the war effort.
  • One of the major groups involved in the Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles during WWII.
  • Created an unbreakable code that helped the US win the war in the Pacific against Japan
  • Served in the military in segregated troops. Famous group during WWII included the Tuskegee Airmen.

Directions: Match the group with the event that happened to them during WWII

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Bell Ringer: April 26, 2016

This is an iconic image from WWII.

  • Why do you think the image is so famous?
  • What American values are illustrated in the image?

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Bell Ringer: April 27, 2016

As you watch the videos, write down the pros and cons to using the atomic bomb



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Exit Ticket: April 27, 2016

Analyze the image.

Where is this happening?

Who is involved?

What is going on?

Why is this happening?

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Bell Ringer: April 28, 2016

Take out blank piece of paper, writing utensil & study guide.

Everything else away.

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Bell Ringer: April 29, 2016

Take out your study guide & Bell Ringers from this week.

Everything else off your desk for the test.

After the test work quietly on your Holocaust Book Page. Information is on th Unit 5 tab of my website.