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Create a FREE account at:

Click the “Sign Up, It’s Free” & use your school account to sign in.

Yay! No new username/password!

Use other video conferencing platforms.

Let’s keep it simple for ourselves & our parents.

Use Zoom for:

  • Staff meetings
  • Grade level meetings
  • Department meetings

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Use Zoom for meet-ups with your class!

It’s a great way to have face-to-face time during remote learning.

Do 1-on-1 conferences with students.

Make sure parents are aware of EVERY video conference.

Invite paraprofessionals, special area teachers,

and other educators to join in …

the more the merrier!

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Use Zoom for meeting with parents.

Participants do not need to have accounts.

Use other video conferencing platforms.

Let’s keep it simple for ourselves & our parents.

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Use the password feature for additional security.

When creating a meeting, use the password feature to make your meeting even more secure.

This will help protect from unwanted visitors.

Share the link with anyone that should not be there.

Only invite students & parents & other educators necessary.

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Encourage students AND parents to join the meetings.

Require attendance.

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Plan your meetings & give advance notice.

Share invitations with parents via:

  • Parent email
  • Existing communication platforms (Dojo, Seesaw, etc)

Send the invite directly to students OR

Post on social media or in any other public area.

Remember we don’t need to advertise our students!

Give a day or 2 heads up … and follow up with reminders.

If you can set a regularly scheduled meeting time,

even better!

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Keep your meetings reasonable in length.

Allow for some “socializing”, they are missing each other, too!

Don’t be afraid to outline ‘rules’ of your time together.

Have long/extended meeting.

Remember, they are kids!

Be courteous of their time & attention span.

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Remind students at the BEGINNING of the “rules”.

This is new to them, too! Reminders will help reinforce your expectations during the video conference.

Expect students to “know” how to act appropriately.

Remember … it’s new!

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Use the camera so students can see you.

Seeing each other helps make a powerful connection … especially important during our time apart!

Record when students faces/names are shown.

Students have the right to privacy, too!

As the host, you can turn off participants video.

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Pay attention to your students environment.

Be afraid to turn off the video feed for students.

We do not want to embarrass our students.

Be aware of what is going on each student’s background … we are peeking into their world. Depending on their age, they may not understand

appropriate surroundings.

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Enjoy seeing and talking with your students!

Video conferencing is not a real substitution to the real-live classroom … but it is better than no connection at all!

Take screenshots & share on social media.

The same rules apply as taking photos in your classroom.

Some parents are NOT ok with their child being shared.