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New Quizzes Newbies

September 2023

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  • New Quizzes Introduction
  • How it works
  • How Instructure can help with the transition

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New Quizzes: It’s nice to meet you!

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Classic Quizzes

New Quizzes | Published

New Quizzes | Migrated | Unpublished

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Administrator Benefits

  • Blueprint course functionality
  • Bulk Migration from Classic to New Quizzes via the API, Course Copy, and more.
  • Item Bank Sharing at the account level
  • Outcomes Reporting

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Instructor Benefits

  • Better organization and distribution of course content via Item Banks
  • Quiz Moderation- the ability to reopen quizzes, add time, etc., even if students lose internet connection
  • Improved and robust reporting
  • Streamline grading processes
  • Outcomes alignment
  • Ability to print the quiz and student quiz attempt

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Student Benefits

  • Cleaner and modernized quizzing experience and limited distractions
  • Pin questions for review
  • New interactive question types for increased learning opportunities
  • Increased opportunities for individualized feedback
  • Personalized accommodation options
  • Ability to print the quiz

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New Quizzes Benefits

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Classic to New Quizzes Comparison and Parity

  • 85.9% of the Classic Quizzes Features are currently available inside of New Quizzes, including the “Big 3” - APIs, Rich Content Editor, and Migration.
    • All other features will be completed before Classic Quizzes end-of-life
    • You can keep track of when the remaining features will be released by subscribing to the New Quizzes Hub and the New Quizzes Feature Comparison Document.

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Let’s take a look around New Quizzes!

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Let us help you with the transition!

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  • CSM Team
  • Dear Danielle Videos
  • New Quizzes Hub
    • Your go-to location for all things New Quizzes
      • Access to Canvas Guides, updates from Product, feedback discussions and more!
    • Ultimate source of truth for what is actively being worked, what’s planned next, and what is coming before Classic Quizzes EOL
  • Instructor New Quizzes Readiness Checklist
  • Training Services Portal* New Quizzes Course
    • This is free to all customers, no matter their Training Services Portal subscription.
    • *Portal servers are located in the US. Non-US clients will need to sign an opt-out agreement before access the Training Services Portal. Contact your CSM

***Do not utilize tools like Google, institution websites, etc., as these are not updated or maintained by Instructure. Instructure will provide the most up to date and accurate information regarding New Quizzes ***

Go-To Free Resources

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Paid Resources

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Thank You!