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Access Google Slides to Edit on iPads

  • From Google Classroom tap on the assignment.

2. At the bottom of the page, tap the up arrow.

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3. Tap on the Google Slides attachment. The slides will open in presentation mode.

4. Tap on the square with the arrow in the upper right corner. This will open the slides in edit mode.

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5. Complete the work as instructed. To drag items on an iPad, tap the object, let go and then drag.

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6. To return to Google Classroom to turn in your work, tap the black arrow in the upper left corner where is says classroom.

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7. You will now see the slides in presentation mode again. Tap the X in the upper left corner. This will take you back to Google Classroom.

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8. If you have finished the work, tap the gray rectangle saying “Turn In”. It will ask you again if you want to turn in the work. If you are ready tap, “Turn In” again.

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9. To return to the classwork page in Google Classroom, tap on the down arrow and then tap on the back arrow in the upper left corner.

You should be back in Google Classroom.