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2-2 Conditional Statements

Learning Target: IWBAT understand conditional statements and their parts

Success Criteria:

  • Recognize conditional statements and the parts of a conditional statement
  • Formulate conditional statements
  • To analyze the truth value of a conditional statement

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Entry Task

  • The sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,… is known as the Fibonacci Sequence. Make a conjecture about the sequence and predict the next two terms.
  • Find a counterexample for the following statement:

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Conditional statements

  • A conditional statement is an “if-then” statement
  • Examples:
    • If you study, then you will get good grades.

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Parts of a conditional statement

  • Hypothesis: the part following “if”
    • written as p
  • Conclusion: the part following “then”
    • written as q

p q means “if p, then q” or “p implies q”

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Identify the hypothesis and conclusion

  • If an animal is a robin, then it is a bird.
  • The Tigers will play in the tournament if they win the next game.
  • If an angle measures 130 degrees, then it is obtuse.

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Diagram of p q

The inner circle represents the hypothesis (p) and the outer circle represents the conclusion (q).

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What conditional statement does the diagram represent?

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Writing a conditional

You can re-write a statement as a conditional statement by first identifying the hypothesis and conclusion.

Example: Vertical angles share a vertex

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Find the truth value of each statement. If false, what is a counterexample?

  • If two angles form a linear pair, then they are supplementary.

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Finding the truth value of a conditional

  • Truth value is whether the statement is true or false.
    • It is false if you can find a counterexample

Ex: If a number is divisible by 3, then it is odd.

Is this true or false? Why?

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Group Activity

  • Write a conditional statement
  • Identify the hypothesis and conclusion
  • Draw a diagram
  • What is the truth value of your statement? If false, give a counterexample.