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3D Lesson

Design Process


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What Do I Print?

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Engineering Design Process

What is it: Steps that engineers use to come up with solutions to problems!

1. Define the problem!

This is a detailed process. The basics are: Define, Research, Brainstorm, Design, Test. Use this organizer to help you with the process!

2. Do Research on the problem.

3. Specify requirements

4. Brainstorm solutions

5. Choose the best solution

6. Develop the solution

7. Build a prototype

8. Test and Redesign

9. Communicate results

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Engineering Design Process

Watch the video on how you can use the design process to create your 3D project.

You have to answer the questions in complete sentences.

If you feel you learned nothing, then choose any fact from the article and type that in your own words..

1. What step do you need more help understanding? If you understand all of the steps state how using this process can help you with your designs.

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Let’s Practice!


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Engineering Design Process

ASK: What’s the problem? You will get the problem from your teacher or you may come up with together.

You have to answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Tell us the problem that you will be solving today!

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Engineering Design Process

Research: Find background information on the problem. What are questions you need to ask about your product? How will your product work and how will you make it? Ask other experts to help you solve the problem.

You have to answer the questions in complete sentences.

2. Begin adding your research here.

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Engineering Design Process

Brainstorm: List your ideas here

3. Brainstorm solutions to your problem. Remember, don’t judge others for their ideas. Right now we are just throwing ideas out there!

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Engineering Design Process

Plan: What do you need to make the product successful? Choose the best solution based on your requirements and begin to design.


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Engineering Design Process

Prototype: Design a prototype. Get a piece of paper and draw out your design. Go to Tinkercad and begin to create.

5. Use this space for any notes.

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Engineering Design Process

Test and Redesign: Review your prototype. What needs to be changed before you print. Use AR and the Object Viewer app to see your design in 3D before you print.

6. Discuss with your team the design and redesign. What did you discover? What do you need to improve upon?

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Task Cards

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Task Cards

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Ready to Print!


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Exporting TinkerCad

AFTER you have designed in Tinkercad and you are ready to print. You need to export!

Click Export

Click .STL

Look in your downloads folder for the .STL file. Share with your teacher in your Google Drive.

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BEFORE You Press Print

Before you print look over your checklist! Here is the design challenge rubric and checklist.

Use the Merge Object Viewer app to view your object in 3D! This can help with the design phase. What do you need to revise in your design? Multiple iterations are easier with this tool!

Teachers, create your account at mergeedu.com. Upload any designs to your account. Sign in on the app. Now the 3D designs are there for you to view in 3D using a phone or iPad.


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Works Cited

Julian, R. (2019). How to Export to Tinkercad. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ntDUJ3P5OKsiEYmIShoUigqM4SHkeeI0bWwaz5ZLoFE/edit?usp=sharing

Top 10 3D design lesson ideas for grade 8. Makers Empire. (2018, September 10). Retrieved October 21, 2021, from https://www.makersempire.com/top-10-design-challenges-for-grade-8-students-using-3d-printing/.

Julian, R. (n.d.). Tinkercad. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vtkM1dFvO9PYZH5tLd1ck_zTuSpNxCeh8oP7yAMW5TU/edit?usp=sharing

The Engineering Design process. Science Buddies. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2021, from https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/engineering-design-process/engineering-design-process-steps.