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The Law

  • Civil
  • Criminal
  • Juvenile

What song & artist is playing?

Who was sued for “plagiarizing” the song that is playing?

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Criminal Law

  • Government is always the Prosecution.
    • Plaintiff - Civil Case
  • The individual or group is the Defendant.

2 types of crimes

  • Felonies: serious
  • Misdemeanor: punished by fine or less than a year in jail.

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Civil Law

Involve money

Lawsuits are brought for 3 reasons:

  • Individual is owed money.
  • ________.
  • Individual feels they lost money/property because of ________. (Tort)

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Protecting the Rights of the Accused

________ Amendment

  • Protects against “unreasonable ________ and seizures”.
  • Police need a search warrant.
  • ________ v. Ohio (1961)

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Protecting the Rights of the Accused

5th Amendment

  • No self-incrimination

________ v. Arizona

  • Bans ________ jeopardy.
  • Requires a ________ to indict.

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Protecting the Rights of the Accused

________ Amendment Right to:

  • An ________

Gideon v. Wainwright

  • Confront accusers.
  • A speedy trial.
  • A trial by ________

-Could ask for “bench trial

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Protecting the Rights of the Accused

8th Amendment Protects against:

  • Excessive ________.
  • “Cruel and ________” punishments.

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List Objectionable Questions in your notes.

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  • Bringing (Filing) the Suit
  • The ________ hires a lawyer to file a ________.
  • The ________ receives a ________ from the court.

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Civil Lawsuits

Involve ________

  • The ________, or person bringing the suit, claims to have LOST something and is seeking ________ in return.
  • The ________, or party being sued, must show that there was no LOSS, or he/she is not responsible.

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2. Defendant’s Response

  • The defense responds by explaining why they’re not responsible, or there was no loss.
  • Both lawyers gather ________.

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3. Pretrial Discussion

Four things could happen:

1. Plaintiff ________ suit.

2. Defense ________ suit.

3. Both agree to ________.

4. Both agree to ________.

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  • Select the jury.
  • Opening statements:
  • Prosecution – Defense

A) witnesses give ________.

B) Other side ________.

  • Closing statements:


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4. Verdict

  • ________ or ________ decides if there is enough evidence to suggest that the defendant is ________ responsible.
  • ________ wins – judge/jury award money.
  • ________ wins – gets nothing, plaintiff pays court costs.

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5. Appeal

  • Losing side believes that there were errors in the trial they can ________ to a higher court.

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Steps in a Criminal Case

  • Arrest
  • Hearing, Indictment, and Arraignment
  • Trial
  • Verdict and Sentencing

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  • A crime has been witnessed, reported, or confirmed based on evidence.
  • Suspect is read his/her ________ rights.

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Hearing, Indictment, and Arraignment

  • Accused hears charges and Judge sets________.
  • Grand jury checks evidence and may offer an ________.
  • Defendant is ________
  • Defendant pleads:
    • Guilty, not guilty, or no contest.

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Vocab Review

Bail - $ paid to get out of jail while awaiting trial.

Arraignment - To bring someone before the court.

Hearing - Bring in front of judge to decide if there is cause

Appeal - Review the case, ask a higher court to hear the case.

Miranda Rights - Rights that are read to a person.

Verdict - a court’s decision

Testimony - Sword truth by a witness

Direct Examination - Questions by from your lawyer in court.

Cross Examination - Questions from other side’s lawyer.

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Crimes and Punishments


  • Crimes against people.
  • Crimes against property.
  • Victimless crimes

Purpose of Punishments

  • ________ lawbreakers.
  • ________ others from breaking law.
  • ________ us from lawbreakers.
  • ________.

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Juvenile Justice System

  • Causes of juvenile delinquency.

  • Steps in the juvenile justice system.

  • Supreme Court Rulings.

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Causes of Delinquency

  • ________ that commit crimes are referred to as ________.

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If Found to be Delinquent

  • Reprimanded (lectured)
  • Reformatory school
  • Probation
  • Become a ________ of the court

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Supreme Court Rules

  • The Constitution and Bill of Rights applies to juveniles as well as adults.


Made prank phone calls

Sentenced to reform school until 21.

If adult: only few months in jail and $50 fine.

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MP 3 Grade

Is your grade accurate?

What do you feel you did well in Civics during the marking period?

What, if anything, could you do to improve your learning or your grade?

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