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Composed by Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was a composer from Italy who wrote a piece of music called “The Four Seasons”. We are going to explore the section called “Spring”.

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-Take a moment to think about what sounds you might hear as you walk outside during Spring.

-Vivaldi wanted to write a song to mimic the sounds of Spring. He wanted the listener to close their eyes and picture trees and flowers blooming, birds singing, water rushing, and thunderstorms.

-The next slide is a map of the piece “Spring.” Just like a map helps you get from one place to another, the next slide will help you get from the beginning to end of the piece.

-Notice that some sections repeat.

-Listen to the Recording Below and follow along with the next slide.


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-Did you think the music matched the pictures/sounds of Spring? Why or why not?

-If you composed a song about Spring, what sounds would you use? What instruments would you use?

Optional (but really cool!)

-It’s amazing to think that a piece written well over 300 years ago is still so well known today! Here is a “reimagining” of that piece composed by Max Richter. Which do you prefer?
