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Troup County, GA

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Utilizing Digital Breakouts to Promote Collaboration and Team Building


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John (Jay) Salerno

Director of Educational Technology | Newington (CT) Public Schools



Presentations Landing Page:


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Session Sign-in

8/6 Middle and High Sign-in: http://bit.ly/tcsstech


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Session Description

Digital Breakouts teach critical thinking, teamwork, and complex problem solving. Through technology integration with the new Google Sites, the response validation feature in Google Forms, and an endless assortment of other technology integration tools, teachers and administrators can create unique experiences that promote collaboration and team building.


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Sample Digital Breakout


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Let’s Try One!


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*Courtesy of Tom Mullaney @TomEMullaney


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G Suite for Education Resources


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Breakout Resources


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News Flash. . .


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Go to Section Based on Answer


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Response Validation

  • Numbers
    • Greater/less than
  • Text
    • Contains
    • URL
    • Email Address


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What can we integrate with Google Sites?


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What else can we integrate?


50+ Digital Resources


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Collaborate & Create!


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The first day of school shouldn’t be about the syllabus, the rules, a lesson, or you talking about yourself. It should be about the students and ensuring they understand this class is a safe, positive place that gives them hope for a great school year. Create an experience that makes them want to come back on the 2nd day.

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We should not be asking students, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” but rather, “What will you make better in the world.”

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What's your lagniappe?

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Learn More! Stay Connected!


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