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Future: Simple, Friendly

Parallel Processing for R

Henrik Bengtsson

University of California San Francisco

R Foundation, R Consortium




New York Open Statistical Programming Meetup on 2020-11-09

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We parallelize software for various reasons

Parallel & distributed processing can be used to:

  • speed up processing (wall time)
  • lower memory footprint (per machine)
  • Other reasons, e.g. asynchronous UI


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History - What’s Already Available in R?


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Concurrency in R

X <- list(a=1:50, b=51:100, c=101:150)

y <- list()

y$a <- sum(X$a)

y$b <- sum(X$b)

y$c <- sum(X$c)


y <- list()

for (name in names(X)) {

y[[name]] <- sum(X[[name]])


y <- lapply(X, sum)

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R comes with built-in parallelization

X <- list(a=1:50, b=51:100, c=101:150)

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum) # 3 minutes

To parallelize also on Windows, we can do:


workers <- makeCluster(3)

y <- parLapply(X, slow_sum, cl=workers) # 1 minute

This can be parallelized on Unix & macOS (becomes non-parallel on Windows) as:


y <- mclapply(X, slow_sum, mc.cores=3) # 1 minute


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Things we need to be aware of


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mclapply() - pros and cons

Pros:� mclapply() works just like lapply() mclapply() comes with all R installations� no need to worry about global variables and loading packages

Cons:� forked processing => not supported on MS Windows� forked processing => does not work well with multi-threaded code� and GUIs, e.g. may core dump RStudio


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Use forked processing with care

R Core & mclapply author Simon Urbanek wrote on R-devel (April 2020):

“Do NOT use mcparallel() in packages except as a non-default option that user can set ... Multicore is intended for HPC applications that need to use many cores for computing-heavy jobs, but it does not play well with RStudio and more importantly you [as the developer] don't know the resource available so only the user can tell you when it's safe to use.


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parLapply() - pros and cons

Pros:� parLapply() works just like lapply() parLapply() comes with all R installations� parLapply() works on all operating systems

Cons:� Requires manually loading of packages on workers� Requires manually exporting globals to workers


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Average Height of Humans and Droids

> library(dplyr)

> starwars[, c(1:3,10:11)]

# A tibble: 87 x 5

name height mass homeworld species

<chr> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr>

1 Luke Skywalker 172 77 Tatooine Human

2 C-3PO 167 75 Tatooine Droid

3 R2-D2 96 32 Naboo Droid

4 Darth Vader 202 136 Tatooine Human

5 Leia Organa 150 49 Alderaan Human

6 Owen Lars 178 120 Tatooine Human

7 Beru Whitesun lars 165 75 Tatooine Human

8 R5-D4 97 32 Tatooine Droid

9 Biggs Darklighter 183 84 Tatooine Human

10 Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 Stewjon Human

# … with 77 more rows


11 of 68

parLapply() - packages must be loaded

library(dplyr)�y <- lapply(c("Droid", "Human"), function(kind) {� mean(filter(starwars, species == kind)$height, na.rm=TRUE)�})

unlist(y)�## [1] 131.2000 176.6452

y <- parLapply(cl, c("Droid", "Human"), function(kind) {� mean(filter(starwars, species == kind)$height, na.rm=TRUE)�})

## Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : �## 2 nodes produced errors; first error: object 'starwars' not found


12 of 68

parLapply() - packages must be loaded

clusterEvalQ(cl, library(dplyr)) # load 'dplyr' on all workers

�y <- parLapply(cl, c("Droid", "Human"), function(kind) {� mean(filter(starwars, species == kind)$height, na.rm=TRUE)�})�unlist(y)�## [1] 131.2000 176.6452


13 of 68

parLapply() - globals must be exported

avg_height <- function(data, kind) {� mean(filter(data, species == kind)$height, na.rm=TRUE)�}

clusterEvalQ(cl, library(dplyr)) # load 'dplyr' on all workers��y <- parLapply(cl, c("Droid", "Human"), function(kind) {� avg_height(starwars, kind)�})�

## Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : 2 nodes produced�## errors; first error: could not find function "avg_height"


14 of 68

parLapply() - globals must be exported

avg_height <- function(data, kind) {

mean(filter(data, species == kind)$height, na.rm=TRUE)


clusterEvalQ(cl, library(dplyr)) # load 'dplyr' on all workers

clusterExport(cl, "avg_height") # export function to all workers

y <- parLapply(cl, c("Droid", "Human"), function(kind) {

avg_height(starwars, kind)



## [1] 131.2000 176.6452


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Design patterns found in CRAN packages


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My customize sum function

total_slow_sum <- function(X) {

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)



> X <- list(a=1:50, b=51:100, c=101:150)

> y <- total_slow_sum(X)

> y

[1] 11325


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v1. A first attempt on parallel support

#' @importFrom parallel mclapply detectCores

total_slow_sum <- function(X, parallel = FALSE) {

if (parallel) {

y <- mclapply(X, slow_sum, mc.cores = detectCores())

} else {

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)




> y <- total_slow_sum(X, parallel = TRUE)

> y

[1] 11325


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v2. A slightly better approach

total_slow_sum <- function(X, parallel = FALSE) {

if (parallel) {

y <- mclapply(X, slow_sum) # Better; user decides number of cores

} else {

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)




> options(mc.cores = 4)

> y <- total_slow_sum(X, parallel = TRUE)

> y

[1] 11325


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v3. An alternative approach

total_slow_sum <- function(X, ncores = 1) {

if (ncores > 1) {

y <- mclapply(X, slow_sum, mc.cores = ncores)

} else {

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)




> y <- total_slow_sum(X, ncores = 4)

> y

[1] 11325


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v4. Support also MS Windows

total_slow_sum <- function(X, ncores = 1) {

if (ncores > 1) {

if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {

cl <- makeCluster(ncores)


clusterEvalQ(cl, library(somepkg))

clusterExport(cl, "some_global")

y <- parLapply(X, slow_sum)

} else {

y <- mclapply(X, slow_sum, mc.cores = ncores)


} else {

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)





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  • Can you please add support for AAA parallelization too?

  • While you’re at it, what about BBB parallelization?


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v99: Phew … will this do?

total_slow_sum <- function(X, parallel = "none") {

if (parallel == "snow") {

cl <- getDefaultCluster()

clusterEvalQ(cl, library(somepkg))

clusterExport(cl, "some_global")

y <- parLapply(cl, X, slow_sum)

} else if (parallel == "multicore") {

y <- mclapply(X, slow_sum)

} else if (parallel == "clustermq") {

y <- clustermq::Q(slow_sum, X,

pkgs="somepkg", export="some_global")

} else if (parallel == ...) {


} else {

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)





What’s my test coverage now?

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  • There is this new, cool DDD parallelization method … ?

  • Still there?


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PROBLEM: Different APIs for different parallelization strategies


  • Which parallel API should I use?
  • What operating systems are users running?
  • I don’t have Windows; can’t be bothered�
  • - Hmm… It should work?!?�- Oh, I forgot to test on macOS.


  • I wish this awesome package could run in parallel
  • I wish this awesome package could parallelize on Windows :(
  • - Weird, others say it works for them but for me it doesn't!?


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Welcome to the Future


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R package: future

  • "Write once, run anywhere"
  • 100% cross platform
  • Works with any type of parallel backends
  • A simple unified API
  • Easy to install (< 0.5 MiB total)
  • Very well tested, lots of CPU mileage

“Low friction”:

  • automatically exports global variables
  • automatically relays output, messages, and warnings
  • proper parallel random number generation (RNG)


Dan LaBar


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A Future is ...

  • A future is an abstraction for a value that will be available later
  • The state of a future is either unresolved or resolved
  • The value is the result of an evaluated expression

An R assignment:

v <- expr

Future API:

f <- future(expr)

v <- value(f)

v %<-% expr


Friedman & Wise (1976, 1977), Hibbard (1976), Baker & Hewitt (1977)

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Example: Sum of 1:100

> slow_sum(1:100) # 2 minutes[1] 5050

> a <- slow_sum(1:50) # 1 minute

> b <- slow_sum(51:100) # 1 minute

> a + b�[1] 5050


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Example: Sum of 1:50 and 51:100 in parallel

> library(future)�> plan(multisession) # parallelize on local computer�>

fa <- future( slow_sum( 1:50 ) ) # ~0 seconds>

fb <- future( slow_sum(51:100) ) # ~0 seconds>

mean(1:3)[1] 2>

a <- value(fa) # blocks until ready


b <- value(fb)�>

a + b # here at ~1 minute�[1] 5050


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Example: Sum of 1:50 and 51:100 in parallel

> library(future)�> plan(multisession)>

a %<-% slow_sum( 1:50 ) >

b %<-% slow_sum(51:100)>

mean(1:3)[1] 2>

a + b # blocks until ready�[1] 5050


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User chooses how to parallelize - many options


plan(multicore) # uses the mclapply() machinery

plan(multisession) # uses the parLapply() machinery

plan(cluster, workers=c("n1", "n2", "n3"))

plan(cluster, workers=c("n1", "m2.uni.edu", "vm.cloud.org"))

plan(batchtools_slurm) # on a Slurm job scheduler

plan(future.callr::callr) # locally using callr



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Globals automatically identified (99% worry free)

Static-code inspection by walking the abstract syntax tree (AST):

x <- rnorm(n = 100) pryr::ast( { slow_sum(x) } )�f <- future({ slow_sum(x) }) | \- `{� \_____________/ | \- ()� |_____________| \- `slow_sum� | \- `x

=> globals & packages identified and exported to the worker:� - slow_sum() - a function (also searched recursively)� - x - a numeric vector of length 100

Comment: Globals & packages can also be specified manually


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Building things using the core future blocks

f <- future(expr) # create futurer <- resolved(f) # check if donev <- value(f) # wait & get result


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A parallel version of lapply()

#' @importFrom future future valueparallel_lapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {� # Create futures fs <- lapply(X, function(x) future(FUN(x, ...)) # Collect their values lapply(fs, value)�}

> plan(multisession)�> X <- list(a = 1:50, b = 51:100, c = 101:150)�> y <- parallel_lapply(X, slow_sum) # 1 minute> str(y)�List of 4� $ a: int 1275� $ b: int 3775� $ c: int 6275


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R package: future.apply

  • Futurized version of base R's lapply(), vapply(), replicate(), …
  • ... on all future-compatible backends
  • Load balancing ("chunking")
  • Proper parallel random number generation

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)� y <- future_lapply(X, slow_sum)

plan(multisession)� plan(cluster, workers=c("n1", "n2", "n3"))� plan(batchtools_slurm)� ...


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R package: furrr (Davis Vaughan)

  • Futurized version of purrr’s map(), map2(), modify(), ...
  • ... on all future-compatible backends
  • Load balancing ("chunking")
  • Proper parallel random number generation

y <- map(X, slow_sum)� y <- future_map(X, slow_sum)

plan(multisession)� plan(cluster, workers=c("n1", "n2", "n3"))� plan(batchtools_slurm)� ...


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R package: doFuture

  • Futurized foreach adaptor
  • ... on all future-compatible backends
  • Load balancing ("chunking")

y <- foreach(x = X) %do% slow_sum(x)� doFuture::registerDoFuture()� y <- foreach(x = X) %dopar% slow_sum(x)

plan(multisession)� plan(cluster, workers=c("n1", "n2", "n3"))� plan(batchtools_slurm)� ...


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Stay with your favorite coding style

# Tidyverse style (purrr & furrr)y <- X %>% map(slow_sum)�y <- X %>% future_map(slow_sum)�

# Base R style (R & future.apply)y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)�y <- future_lapply(X, slow_sum)

# Foreach style (foreach & doFuture)y <- foreach(x = X) %do% slow_sum(x)y <- foreach(x = X) %dopar% slow_sum(x)


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Output, Warnings, and Errors


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Output and warnings behave consistently for all parallel backends

> x <- c(-1, 10, 30)�> y <- lapply(x, function(z) {� message("z = ", z) log(z)� })

z = -1�z = 10�z = 30

Warning message:�In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NaNs produced�>

> x <- c(-1, 10, 30)�> y <- mclapply(x, function(z) {� message("z = ", z)� log(z)� })�>

Whether or not output is visible depends on operating system and environment (e.g. terminal or RStudio)

> x <- c(-1, 10, 30)�> y <- future_lapply(x, function(z) {� message("z = ", z)� log(z)� })�z = -1�z = 10�z = 30�Warning message:�In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NaNs produced�>


  • Output and conditions are displayed just like lapply()

  • This does not work when using mclapply() or parLapply()

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Standard output is truly relayed

> x <- c(-1, 10, 30)�> stdout <- capture.output({

y <- future_lapply(x, function(z) {� str(z)� log(z)� })

})�Warning message:�In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NaNs produced�> stdout

[1] " num -1" " num 10" " num 30"


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Conditions are truly relayed

x <- c(-1, 10, 30)�tryCatch({

y <- future_lapply(x, function(z) {� log(z)� })

}, warning = function(w) {

# Bump warning to an error

stop(conditionMessage(w), call.=FALSE)


Error: NaNs produced


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Can I trust the future framework?


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Future API guarantees uniform behavior


Future Backends

Future Frontends

Future API






(multicore, multisession, local & remote cluster)


(local parallelization)


(HPC schedulers,

e.g. SGE, Slurm, TORQUE)


- Backends conform to Future API

- Very well tested

- Developers don’t have to worry

- Users don’t have to worry

45 of 68

Large amounts of testing … all the time

On CRAN since 2015

Adoptions: drake, plumber, shiny (async), …

�Tested on Linux, macOS, Solaris, Windows �Tested on old and new versions of R�Revdep checks on > 140 packages

�All foreach, plyr, caret, glmnet, ...�example():s validated with all future backends

future.tests - conformance validation of�parallel backends�(supported by an R Consortium grant)


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Not everything can be parallelized


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Some objects cannot be exported to another R process

plan(multisession)�file <- tempfile()

con <- file(file, open="wb") ‎

cat("hello", file = con)

f <- future({ cat("world", file = con); 42 })

v <- value(f)

## Error in cat("world", file = con) : invalid connection

Note, this is true for all parallelization frameworks. There’s no solution to this.


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Non-exportable objects

For troubleshooting, ask the future framework to look for non-exportable objects:

options(future.globals.onReference = "error") ‎

file <- tempfile()

con <- file(file, open="wb")

cat("hello", file = con)

f <- future({ cat("world", file = con); 42 })

## Error: Detected a non-exportable reference ('externalptr')

## in one of the globals ('con' of class 'file') used in the

## future expression

Disabled by default because (i) some false positive, but also (ii) expensive.


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Less obvious, non-exportable objects


xml <- read_xml("<body></body>") ‎

f <- future({ xml_children(xml) })


## Error: external pointer is not valid


## List of 2

## $ node:<externalptr>

## $ doc :<externalptr>

## - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "xml_document" "xml_node"


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Roadmap - what on the horizon?


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Terminating futures, if backend supports it

If supported by the parallel backend, free up worker by terminating futures no longer of interest, e.g.


f1 <- future({ very_slow(x) })

f2 <- future({ also_slow(x) })

if (resolved(f2)) {

y <- value(f2)

# First future no longer needed; attempt to terminate it

discard(f1) ‎ ‎


Bonus: Automatically register a finalize so that removed futures call discard() on themselves when garbage collector.


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Terminate, exit early from map-reduce calls

With terminate, we can also terminate useless futures in parallel map-reduce, and then exit early, e.g.


X <- list(42, 31, "pi”, pi)

y <- future_lapply(X, slow)

## Error in ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) :

## non-numeric argument to mathematical function


The error is not thrown until all slow(41), slow(31), and slow(pi) finish


As soon as the error is detected, terminate all running futures, and rethrow error


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Exception handling on extreme events

If there is an extreme event such as a power outage of a machine where one of the futures are currently resolved, the future framework detects this;

> f <- future(quit("no"))

> value(f)

Error in unserialize(node$con) :

Failed to retrieve the value of MultisessionFuture (<none>) from cluster RichSOCKnode #1 (PID 25562 on localhost 'localhost'). The reason reported was 'error reading from connection'. Post-mortem diagnostic: No process exists with this PID, i.e. the localhost worker is no longer alive.


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Exception handling on extreme events

We can handle these exception at the very lowest level:


v <- value(f)

}, FutureError = function(ex) {

# Do something, e.g. restart worker and relaunch future


Open questions:

  • How to relaunch a future?
  • How to restart a worker - whatever that means?
  • How should this work for map-reduce APIs, e.g. future.apply and furrr?


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Prepopulate workers with data


cl <- makeCluster(4)

huge <- very_large_object()

clusterExport(cl, "huge") # Export only once

fit1 <- parLapply(params_1, function(offset) {

lm(y ~ x + 1, data = huge - offset))


fit2 <- parLapply(params_2, function(offset) {

lm(y ~ x + 1, data = huge - offset))



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By design, the Future API does not have a concept of a specific worker

There is no method for exporting an object to all workers. Thus, ‘huge’ is exported to the workers twice:�

fit1 <- future_lapply(params_1, function(offset) {

lm(y ~ x + 1, data = huge - offset))


fit2 <- future_lapply(params_2, function(offset) {

lm(y ~ x + 1, data = huge - offset))



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Sticky globals - avoid repeated exports

fit1 <- future_lapply(params_1, function(offset) {

lm(y ~ x + 1, data = huge - offset))

}, future.cache = "huge")

fit2 <- future_lapply(params_2, function(offset) {

lm(y ~ x + 1, data = huge - offset))


  • Might be ignored: Not all backends support caching
  • Backend API: Identify which workers have verbatim object cached
  • Workers might have garbage collected their cache
  • What should happen if only cached on a busy worker?


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Take home: future = 99% worry-free parallelization

  • "Write once, run anywhere" - your code is future proof
  • Global variables - automatically taken care of
  • Stdout, messages, warnings, progress - captured and relayed
  • User can leverage their compute resource, e.g. compute clusters
  • Atomic building blocks for higher-level parallelization APIs
  • 100% cross-platform code


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Building a better future

I 💜 feedback, bug reports, and suggestions

�Thank you all!




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Q & A


61 of 68

Q. Nested parallelization?

E.g. one individual per machine then one chromosome per core:

nodes <- c(rep("n1", 4), rep("n2", 2), "remote.org", "server.cloud")

plan(list(tweak(cluster, workers = nodes), multsession)) ‎

fastq <- dir(pattern = "[.]fq$")

bam <- listenv()

for (i in seq_along(fastq)) {

## One individual per worker

bam[[i]] %<-% {

chrs <- listenv()

for (j in 1:24) {

## One chromosome per core

chrs[[j]] %<-% DNAseq::align(fastq[i], chr = j)






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Q. Why not detectCores()?

Don’t hard-code the number of workers to parallelize, e.g.

myfcn <- function(X) {

y <- mclapply(X, slow, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())


This is a bad idea because:

  • as a developer we do not know where the user will run this
  • user might run to R processes calling myfcn() at the same time
  • there might be other users on the same machine
  • myfcn() might be called by another function already running in parallel


63 of 68

availableCores() instead of detectCores()


  • may return NA_integer_
  • uses all cores; ignores other settings
  • two or more users doing this on the same machine, will overwhelm the CPUs

R Core & mclapply author Simon Urbanek wrote on R-devel (April 2020):

Multi-core machines are often shared so using all detected cores is a very bad idea. The user should be able to explicitly enable it, but it should not be enabled by default.”


  • always returns >= 1
  • defaults to parallel::detectCores() but respects also other settings, e.g. MC_CORES, HPC scheduler environment variables, …
  • sysadms can set the default to a small number of cores via an env variable


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Parallelize using all but one core?

A very common meme is to use all but cores

ncores <- detectCores()-1

The idea is that we save one CPU core so we can keep working on the computer.

However, note that your code might run a single-core machine, which result in ncores = 0. To account for this and the missing value, use:

ncores <- max(1, detectCores()-1, na.rm=TRUE)

But, again, it’s better to use:

ncores <- max(1, availableCores()-1)


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Q. How to detect non-exportable globals?

Some objects only works in the R session where they were created. If exported to another R process, they will either give an error when used, or garbage results.

There is no clear method for identify objects that fail when exported. However, objects with “external pointer” (<externalptr>) used by native code often fail, although not all of them (e.g. data.table object).

To detect external pointer and other types of “references”, the future package (optionally) scans the globals using something like:

con <- file(nullfile(), open = "wb")

serialize(globals, connection = con, refhook = function(ref) {

stop("Detected a reference")



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Q. Should I use doParallel or doFuture?

The foreach adaptor doParallel supports two types of parallel backends. Which one we get how we call registerDoParallel() and from what operating system.

  • “cluster”: uses the parLapply() machinery

# All operating systems

cl <- makeCluster(4)


# On MS Windows one can also do


  • “multicore”: uses the mclapply() machinery

# On Linux, Solaris, macOS (only)



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doFuture can parallelize like doParallel & more

The foreach adaptor doFuture supports any type of parallel backend that the future framework support, including the two “cluster” and “multicore” that doParallel supports. Here’s how they’re related:





# All operating systems


cl <- makeCluster(4)

plan(cluster, workers=cl)

# All operating system


plan(multisession, workers=4)

# All operating systems

cl <- makeCluster(4)


# MS Windows



# On Linux, macOS, Solaris (only)


plan(multicore, workers=4)

# On Linux, macOS, Solaris (only)


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Extra features that come with doFuture

There is no performance difference between doFuture and doParallel when using “multicore” or “multisession” backends; they both rely on the same parallelization frameworks in the parallel package.

The main advantage of using the doFuture over doParallel is that standard output, messages, and warnings are relayed to the main R session.





cl <- makeCluster(2)

plan(cluster, workers = cl)

y <- foreach(x = 1:2) %dopar% {

message("x = ", x)



## x = 1

## x = 2

cl <- makeCluster(2)


y <- foreach(x = 1:2) %dopar% {

message("x = ", x)



Output is not relayed!