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Political Parties in the United States p. 6

Objective: Differentiate between the two major political parties and describe the role of third parties through class notes, political inventory and class activity.

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The Political Spectrum �p. 19






(status quo)


Favors extreme CHANGE Favors extreme change

to create a entirely new social system

Favors extreme change

to restore society to an earlier more

conservative state

Democrats Republicans


Draw this at the top of p.19

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What is a political party?

  • An organized group of people with common values and beliefs who try to get their candidates elected to political office

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US Political System

  • The US has a TWO-PARTY system
  • Most democracies has a MULTI-PARTY system. To get business done, they must form a COALITION
  • Some countries only have a ONE-PARTY system. These are NOT democracies!

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Democrat or Republican p.19



  • More Power to National Government
  • socially liberal
  • Fiscally liberal
  • promotes limitations placed on Free Market economy
  • looser interpretation of the Constitution
  • symbols: donkey, blue

  • More Power to State Governments Less Federal Power
  • socially conservative
  • Fiscally conservative
  • promotes a completely Free Market economy
  • stricter interpretation of the Constitution
  • symbols: elephant, red

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  • Although popular usage says that a liberal favors more government action and conservatives favor less, that is not always correct. Liberals favor more government action when the issue deals with equality, but conservatives favor more government action when it deals with order

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Function of Political Parties

  • Nominate Candidates

  • Inform Voters

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Functions of Political Parties

  • Ensure candidates are qualified
    • What are the qualifications to be a senator? Representative? President? VP?

Help govern in Congress and State Legislatures.

•Act as watchdogs especially of officials of other parties.

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Party Organization

•National Conventions – nominate candidates







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Party Organization

  • Party Platform – ideas, beliefs, programs of the party (voted on at the Nat’l Convention)

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Party Organization

•National Committee – runs the party’s affairs between elections,

–Headed by the National Chairperson

  • Congressional campaign committee – works to elect and re-elect party members to Congress

TOM PEREZ, lawyer and former

Sec of Labor


Political operative from Michigan

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Political Parties NOTES p. 6

PARTISAN - is the term that relates to a political party - FOR EX: a “PARTISAN” election is one in which the different political parties have candidates.

NON-PARTISAN - means that someone of something is NOT associated with a political party - FOR EX: a “NON-PARTISAN” election would be one in which no political parties are identified (School Board possibly)