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What type of water would help plants grow faster?


6th grade

Nativity Catholic School

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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I want to do this project because i want to discover what type of water help plants survive.Also to see how long the plants will grow with differents types of water.The results will help us grow plants faster with the right kind if water.People can learn what type of water will help plants grow faster.People could have a bunch of plants with the right type of water .The water that helps plants grow faster. I think the outcome will discover what water will help plant grow. When we discover what water helps plants we can get more nature for the world.Also find plants that can survive in differents types of water. I am changing the way I do it if I were to do it again. My conclusion is that water helps plants grow the fastest and healthiest. Also my hypothesis was right.The water that help the plant grow the fastest was the regular water then infused water then salt water after that was sparkling water

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Purpose Statement

I want to do this project because i want to discover what type of water help plants survive.Also to see how long the plants will grow with differents types of water.The results will help us grow plants faster with the right kind if water.People can learn what type of water will help plants grow faster.People could have a bunch of plants with the right type of water .The water that helps plants grow faster.

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I think the outcome will discover what water will help plant grow. When we discover what water helps plants we can get more nature for the world.Also find plants that can survive in differents types of water.

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Experimental Procedures and



  • 4 plants
  • Salt water
  • Regular water
  • Fruit infused water
  • Sparkling water


  • Lay 4 plants outside
  • Get all your water(salt,regular,fruit infused,sparkling waters.)
  • Pour ½ cups of water in one plant
  • Pour ½ cups of salt water in another plant
  • Pour ½ cups of fruit infused water into another plant
  • Pour ½ cups of sparkling water in another plant
  • Wait for two weeks
  • While waiting check on the plant everyday.
  • Take pictures of the plant
  • After the two weeks have passed collect data.

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Experimental Results

water help plants grow faster than the rest of the waters because water has everything that a plant needs on a daily basis,like oxygen,hydrogen,carbon. Here is the chart for that.

1.Bottled water (Green)

2.Infused water (Yellow)

3.Salt water (Blue)

4. Sparkling water (Red)

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Analysis of Experimental


I learn that sparkling water and salt water can kill the plants because of how much sugar is in the bottle.I also learn that infused can grow plants but it won’t be proud and tall.The best water is bottled water.The plant grew faster and was tall and proud.

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My hypothesis was right .Some questions i have is 1.Can infused water and bottled water both water a plant together?2. Why does it a plant to grow so long? These questions might help me experiment.That is what i would if I were to continue this project and answers the questions I have.

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I want to say thank you to my mom that helped me with my project the whole way by buying me the plants, waters, and setting things up and doing the project with me. My mom really help threw this project and i am very grateful for that.

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