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Animal Inspired Clothing


Animal Adaptations

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Can you use what you know about animal adaptations to design a piece of clothing to solve a human problem?

Some Human Problems to think about:

Your pants get wet going down a slide.

You can’t balance well in a tree you are climbing.

You are not tall enough to reach the cookies on the counter.

Your helmet broke and now you can’t ride your bike.

You can’t hear your friends during Zoom.

You can’t get away from your siblings! You need a way to hide!

Feel free to come up with your own idea too!

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After you have chosen your problem, brainstorm some animal adaptations that would help solve it.


Long legs would help me A camouflage shirt could

reach the cookies hide me from my sibling.

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Option 1

Draw a detailed picture of your piece of clothing.

Label it with materials you would use and why.

Take a picture of your drawing in Seesaw

Use the to describe the animal adaptation that inspired your piece of clothing

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Option 2

Make yourself a piece of clothing or an accessory to help solve your problem.

Take a picture of yourself wearing your new clothing!

Use the record button to describe the animal adaptation that inspired your piece of clothing

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Use Seesaw to share your new clothing design with us!