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Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

Maestra Aguayo

Mrs. Mattison

Maestra Hyde

Miss Wong


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Mrs. Mattison


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Maestra Aguayo


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Maestra Hyde


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Miss Wong


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Home/School Communication


Please make sure to check your Spam folder if you have not received any emails from us. Add the spam email back into regular email.

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School Expectations

  • Arrive to school between 7:15 - 7:40 a.m. (breakfast served in cafeteria and recess outside) **Make sure you eat breakfast!!!
  • Please make sure you add funds to their account as needed.
  • Bring red Parent Communication Folder to and from school in backpack daily.
  • Wear Uniform Student and Parent Handbook (pg. 17) (click to access handbook)
  • Be Respectful, Responsible, and Participate
  • Birthday in a Box-Birthday in a Box Form (click to access form)
  • Afternoon recess - 1:10-1:25 (this is time to eat a snack if they bring one) **NO snack or afternoon recess on Wednesdays.


Please do not bring treats to the office for birthdays. We cannot accept them and they will be sent back home.

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  • Unfinished independent work will be sent home to be completed
  • Math workbook (will be sent home this Friday-homework will be review from lessons from the prior week - check 2nd grade website) Please don’t send the math homework to school to be graded - you will check your child’s homework at home.
  • Spelling (English - starts September 5th /Spanish starting next week)
  • Conversations (Spanish starting next week).

  • Suggestions:
  • enrichment using online programs such as Rockalingua, Duolingo, Zearn, Prodigy, epic (additional charge), Xtra math (math facts)
  • Research shows that reading every day helps your child become a stronger reader. We suggest you have your child read nightly for 15-20 minutes.

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Math and English Language Arts

College and Career Readiness Standards Based Instruction - all instruction is based on these standards


Houghton Mifflin


The curriculum for Reading instruction.

Writing experience in Narrative, Opinion, Research and Expository


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  • Summative Assessments (test) at end of unit

  • Formative Assessments (weekly quizzes, exit tickets) as determined by teacher

  • Classroom work


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“A” means, “I know this skill/concept so well I could explain it to others, or extend it to new situations.”

* “B” means, “I know this skill/concept well enough to have mastered the grade-level expectation.”

“C” means, “I am still working towards the grade-level expectation, and getting closer.”

“D” means, “ I need extra support to perform in this area.”

“F” means, “ Even with help, I do not understand this skill/concept or I did not even try.”

*The “B” is the standard for a child to master grade level skills. However, a student who ‘passes’ a skill with a “B”, will be asked and encouraged to keep working toward an “A” if time and opportunity allow.


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  • phonics/spellings
  • grammar
  • conversations



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Spanish skills are learned using



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We will practice conversations using “Real Language Right Now”.


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With Rockalingua students learn new vocabulary and grammar structures through songs.

While students sing, they are using the target language and they are, without realizing it, repeating meaningful vocabulary and grammar structures.


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Land and Water

Earth’s Changing Landscape

Living Things and Habitats

Properties of Materials

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Social Studies

  • Gente y Lugares
  • The Place Where We Live
  • Our Land
  • Let’s Work Together
  • Our Country Now
  • Our Country in the Past


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What is PBIS?

School-wide discipline system that has

  • clear behavior expectations with incentives and consequences
  • a behavioral recognition system for students doing the right thing
  • an organized set of disciplinary actions


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PBIS Video - click on the big PBIS word and a link for a video will appear.


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Our focus is on the positive!

  • Daily - Class dojo points.

  • Check this daily as students get participation points.

  • School-wide account - no private messaging

Class Dojo


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What can I do to support PBIS at home?

  • Review Class Dojo points online
  • Reinforce expectations at home
  • Recognize child with positive praise and set high expectations outside of school

***Please remember:

a think time is not a punishment, it is to help the student reflect on how to get back on track as a second grader.

Get the free ClassDojo app!

•• on your phone or tablet:

classdojo.com/ios or classdojo.com/android

Or visit: www.classdojo.com


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Classroom Expectations


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Volunteer opportunities:

-Spanish conversation practice

-English reading and math game - small groups (sign up genius will be sent)

-guided study - need you to commit to the duration of the guided study session, can come on same day every week or more than one day a week, can stay for lunch with your son or daughter

-copies, bulletin boards

-art masterpiece

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Make sure you have gotten into Class Dojo to see your child’s positive behavior points.

-If you haven’t gotten on yet, then click on your child’s homeroom teacher below to sign on.

Maestra Aguayo - https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CJ4T7BL

Mrs. Mattison - https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CSTBGKR

Miss Wong - https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=C9G8FCP

Maestra Hyde - https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=C9E7RYX

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Height’s PTO

PTO website: heightspto.com


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Field Trips

We usually go on two field trips a year. If have not paid your child’s activity fee please contact the front office. The activity fee covers the field trip.


We welcome and love having parent volunteers for our field trips

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  • Ream of paper
  • Volunteer Volunteer Application
  • Student/Parent Handbook

Student and Parent Handbook 2023-2024

  • Headphones
  • Empty backpacks nightly
  • No toys


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If you would like to discuss your son or daughter’s academic progress or behavior , please make an appointment for another day or wait until the first conference in October.

Thank you