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Grade 4 Module 2 Unpacking

Unit Conversion and Problem Solving Metric Measurement

Facilitated by Christine King

September 9, 2018

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  • Use the materials to make a number bead string.
  • Knot one end, then begin beading.
  • Ten of one color, followed by 10 white beads, then repeat pattern until you reach 100.
  • Knot the end, so your beads do not fall off.

Build a Number Bead String

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Welcome and Overview




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Group Norms





“Norms are the agreements of a group about how the members will work together…” (Center on Disability and Community Inclusion, 2014)

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Session Overview

  • Fluencies and KUD (Know, Understand and Do)
  • Tools, Models and Strategies
  • Incorporating Pedagogical Structures
  • Application, Share Out and Reflection

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Do the problems first.

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Task: Take the Module Exam

  • End-of-Module - Module 2
    • #1 (do 1 section)
    • #2 and #3 (do a, b or c)
    • #4
  • End-of-Module - Module 7
    • #3

As you work, think about:

  • Where you might have made a mistake and then self-corrected?
  • Where you had to re-read to make sense of the situation?
  • Where your students might get frustrated or confused?
  • Where you only knew one way to approach the problem or situation?
  • The DoK levels of the problem.

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What are we learning?

  • What are the Stage 3 and Stage 4 fluencies that are developed and can be assessed during this module?

  • What should students know, understand and be able to do by the end of this module?

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Exploration Stations

  • If I have a meter, how many centimeters is that?
  • If I have a kilometer, how many meters is that?
  • If I have a kilometer, how many centimeters is that?
  • If I have a liter, how many milliliters is that?
  • If I have a kilogram, how many grams is that?

What are the questions that we need to ask for the Customary Units?

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Consistently use tools, models and strategies.

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Tools, Models and Strategies




Place Value Tools

  • Place value chart (printed and physical)
  • Place value discs
  • Base-ten blocks

  • Number Beads
  • Grid Paper (1 cm)
  • Meter stick

  • Yardstick
  • Ruler
  • Measuring Tape


  • base-tens
  • place value discs

Number Line Diagram

Ratio Table

Bar Model

Number Bond


Multiply by 10s, 100s

Pattern recognition (with Metric System)

Unit Form

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The Power of Ratio Tables

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Find tasks that stimulate conversation.

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Task: Lesson 1 Problem Set #4

Pedagogical Structures: Act-it Out, Rally Coach or Pairs Compare

Rally Coach: Student A coaches Student B in how to complete the problem. Student A works to use precise mathematical language.

Pairs Compare: Students work in partnership to complete a problem that the larger group selected. Once they complete the problem the partnerships then compare their solution pathways and answers.

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Task: Lesson 5 Problem Set #1 and #2

Pedagogical Structure: Problem Solving Peer Tutoring Script

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Sprint String, then Fluency Carousel

4 m 80 cm + 1m 10 cm = ____m ____cm

4 m 90 cm + 1m 10 cm = ____m ____cm

4 m 90 cm + 1m 20 cm = ____m ____cm

4 m 90 cm + 1m 60 cm = ____m ____cm

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Converting Measurements

This child is 3 feet 4 inches tall. Is he tall enough to ride this ride?

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Converting Measurements

3 feet 4 inches

42 inches

What is the larger unit of measure?

1 foot

1 foot

1 foot

12 inches

12 inches

12 inches

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Thank you!

