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Quarterly Growth Review I Q3’22


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H3 Lookback

  • Strategy from last QGR - How did it go?

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H3 Lookback

  • Your Performance Metrics (H3 + YTD where applicable)
  • Highlights & Lowlights

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Q4 Strategy

  • What must be true in order to call Q4 a success?
  • What are 3 things you will do to ensure that?
  • What is something the leadership team can do to ensure that?

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My Growth

  • Recently accomplished
  • Working on now
  • What’s next

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What Motivates Me

Personal + Professional insights invited! + How does this connect to what you’re doing today?

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If I had a magic wand…

If I had a magic wand that I could use to help make the company successful, I would: (relevant to you/your job/your role/your peers, your clients, etc.)