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Indiana State Department of Health

Certified Nursing Assistant

Lesson 19

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Lesson 19

Devices/Interventions - Prosthetics, Hearing Aids, Artificial Eye, Eyeglasses, Dentures, Compression Stockings

Lesson 19 Objectives

  • The student will be able to describe the necessary care and maintenance of various devices used by residents. Prosthetic Devices (Artificial Limbs, Hearing Aids, Artificial Eyes, Eyeglasses, Dentures)
  • The student will be able to describe the need to monitor for complications with the use and maintenance of devices used by residents.

RCPs #70 - 71

Curriculum pages 95 - 98

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  • List potential observations of a stump which should be reported to the nurse.

  • When assisting the resident with eyeglasses, it is important to ensure the glasses are clean. True or False?

  • When elastic/compression stockings are applied, the caregiver must ensure there are no wrinkles or twists in the stockings. True or False?

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Prosthetic Devices


“To improve appearance and ability to perform a specific function”

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Artificial Limbs

Hearing Aids



Eye Prosthesis

(Artificial Eye)

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Artificial limbs allow residents to accept the change in body/life, as well assist to keep resident as independent as able

Keep skin under prosthetic clean and dry

Monitor skin on stump for pressure/irritation. Report any signs of warmth, redness, swelling, tenderness, or skin breakdown

Made specifically for resident

Respect resident’s right to refuse to wear, notify the nurse

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Small, battery-operated devices that fit into the ears to amplify sound

RCP #70

Be sure to always store hearing aids in case when not in resident’s ears. If no case, use denture cup with the resident’s name on it.

Check and change batteries as needed.

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A device that resembles the natural eye but does not allow the person to see

Held in the eye socket by suction and can be removed and reinserted by the either the nurse or the resident

Always check that it is clean

If the eye socket is reddened or swollen, notify the nurse

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Device to allow residents to see close or far away

To be clean and on resident during waking hours

Notify nurse if damaged or resident ℅ difficult to see or headache

Stored in a secure place when not worn

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Allows a resident the ability to chew food and assist with proper nutrition

Come in different forms

Full set - uppers & lowers

Uppers or lowers

Partial - plate with a few teeth

Bridge - one side with a few teeth

Store in cool water overnight

Clean daily

Review RCP #38

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  • To be put on resident when out of bed
  • Be sure TED hose is not twisted or wrinkled
  • Nurse Aide may have wash nightly for TED hose to have available for the next morning

Elastic/Compression Stockings (TED Hose)

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End of ISDH CNA Lesson 19

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