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The Weekly Hoot

Week of May 6, 2024

English Language Arts

Unit 4: Plants

Week 2: Research Question #1

Plant Parts: What are the important parts of this plant? How is each part important?


We will do research to learn about our plant’s parts. We will also learn how to form an opinion and support it with evidence from the text or picture.

Phonological/Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Manipulation in Two-Syllable Words & First Syllable Deletion in Three-Syllable Words

Phonics/Word Study

Read and Spell Words with Diphthongs (oy, oi, ow, ou)




We will use text/picture evidence to support our opinions.


We will work on being able to add and subtract 10 on a number grid and then using mental math.


We will use this time to catch up in other areas or begin our 1st Grade Memory Books.

  • May 6 - 1st Grade Spring Concert 5:30 @HS

  • May 10 - Calling All Moms 8:15am

  • May 14 - John Ball Zoo Field Trip

  • May 17 - Family Picnic 11:45-12:45pm

  • May 22 - Health & Fitness Day 11:30-2:30pm

  • Please make sure your child has a water bottle AND snack at school. I still have many without.

  • Remove papers from Take Home Folders daily. Make sure they return daily. Also, make sure you return the home reading pocket each day so we can log your child’s steps and exchange books.

  • Please make sure to send your child’s boots still if it is wet and muddy. Our playground can get very muddy after it rains. We try to get the kids out if it is not raining! Also make sure your child has shoes to change into so they do not have to track wetness and mud through our classroom and hallways.

  • We have begun end of the year testing! Please make sure your child is getting good rest and a healthy breakfast.

If you are connected with Class Dojo, you will have received a digital version of this newsletter to be able to click on the links.

BRPS Website


Riverview PTO Facebook Page


First Grade is a Hoot! (Class Website)


We are in need of bulk and individually-packaged snack items.

Bulk Individually-Packaged

  • pretzels - granola bars
  • goldfish - fruit & grain bars
  • animal crackers - packs of crackers
  • Popcorn - mini bags of chips,
  • Cheez-its cheez-its, goldfish, etc.
  • veggie straws

Thank you in advance for helping!

A Peek at the Week

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Friendly Reminders

Classroom Needs