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Ethnic Tension in Kosovo: Causes

Using serbia map bc its kosovo was part of southern serbia. Kosovo - muslim. Brown is kosovo albanian, ethnically islamic. Rest is largely blue, serbs are orthodox christian. Hungary - roman catholic. Diversity: reason these regions are different. Cold war - split bw Yugoslavia and Albania (1960s). When Tito was in power, he crushed any form of nationalism in Yugoslavia - if you allow nationalism to happen in diverse Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia will be crushed.

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Ethnic Tension in Kosovo: Intervention by Others

Two republics are interested - Albania and Serbia (used albania as ethnic basis for serbian power), also NATO

Breakup of Yugoslavia: Cold War ends, the previously communist country stop being communist, Yugoslavia crumbles bc its communist. Miner strike- Kosovo was industrial region of Yugoslavia - MONEY

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Serbian Nationalism as a Cause


Nationalism escalates once Tito dies. Milosevic exacerbates Serbian nationalism bc it gives him power. : connect authoritarian states and milosevic

Serbian Nationalism is happening in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, Serbs live in Kosovo (some ppl say different bc conflict is touchy).

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Milosevic as a Cause

Milosevic - leader of Serbia (comes in second in command, goes to battle of blackbirds area in Kosovo, invokes imagery of the past, of serbian nationalism, uses it to come to power, replaces mentor, takes over for him)

First thing he does - gets rid of autonomous provinces. They are now forced to do what he says.

Kosovo is not the same bc its predominantly muslim. He replaces leadership in Montenegro w someone who is loyal to him. At the voting conference of Yugoslavia, he has 4 of 8 region who are loyal to him and voting for them. - 50% of the votes means that you can do whatever you want, you can stop the other side (obstructionist)

Miners - when he removes autonomy of Kosovo, the miners strike and do not work. He sends police force to force them to go to work. The problem escalates by him sending the police.

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Albanian Nationalism as a Cause

Nationalism - intense pride

Albanian nationalism - primarily in Kosovo (they want a strong Kosovo bc they’re Kosovars)

Nationalism in Serbia = happens in Albania

Nationalism as a whole was the cause of everything that happens in Kosovo.

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Why the UN Didn’t Get Involved in Conflict

Happening in 90s, former communist country falling apart. Happens after rwanda which the UN does nothing to stop. Also, security council has 5 members, including russia, which historically has close ties to Serbia. (WWI russia got into the war bc serbia was attacked (aww))

Logistics: don’t want military to get stuck on the ground during a war. Don’t want another Korean War (no intense fighting).

Internal matter, not international conflict.

Milosevic - it's happening in Yugoslavia, so let's solve it in Yugoslavia.

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Why UN Administered Kosovo

They have a legitimate ethnic breakup - there’s a minority that has a reason to believe they will be targeted bc of the past. Serbia targeted ethnic minorities in Bosnia. Kosovo is a big deal compared to Bosnia (no one cares about them).

Kosovo was a big deal - 3rd strike, homogeneous compared to Croatia,

  • Easier to set up a state here than in a place that is diverse.

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Why NATO Intervened

North Atlantic Treaty Organization - comes as a result of Berlin blockade.

Kosovo is not a nato country, Yugoslavia is not a NATO state. NATO was formed to stop soviet union, which is not around in 1990s, does nato needs to exist since SU does not exist anymore? WHY ARE THEY STILL AROUND?!

NATO - largely under US control, two superpowers in 1990s to one superpower (US could do whatever, no one can stop them) Bill clinton was president - Rwanda was the biggest regret of his presidency, so they’re not gonna let it happen again and will get involved in future similar events. NATO bombed serbian positions when they were shelling Sarahevo, they have a history. Communist country - NATO is against communism.

Shock and Awe

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How NATO Got Serbia Out

Bomb serbian cities. Radio stations, military headquarters, altilaries BOMBED. If you don’t leave, we’ll continue. Ultimatum. Not all countries agreed as they were bombing a soverign country over a domistic issue.

Massive bombing campaigns. Largely in media, stopping this from spreading.

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Economic Impacts on Kosovo

Kosovo was poorest part of Europe. Weak economically.

People are not investing in the country when the war was going on. You can’t get a job.

Increase in poverty issues- medica, infrastructure, food (filling, not healthy potatoes bread), education, no aid from outside countries

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Physical Impacts on Kosovo


Massive refugees, milosevic mingled w refugees to transfer them in and out of country safely, NATO accidently bombed convoy of refugees, hit chinese embassy, bridges are destroyed, homes are destoryed.

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Economic Impact on Region

Balkan peninsula as a whole. Yugoslavia is falling apart. Not receiving income from other countries, war hurting entire region.

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Physical Impact on Region

Serbia will lose a lot of infrastructure as a result of NATO bombing campain, radio, bridges, buildings DESTROYED.

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Impact of UN Occupation

No one likes being occupied - tension bw serbia and UN. Countries that support serbia are frustrated w UN. Serbian nationalists think UN is taking part of their country and making it their own.

UN is annoying and needs to mind their own business.

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Impact of De Facto Independence

Kosovo is granted independence by some countries. If you go to serbia, Kosovo is not considered a country. Some countries accept it as a nation, some don’t.

US + Nato - accepts

These aligned w serbia - Don’t accept

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Justification of Proceedings Against Milosevic

After this happens, Milosevic is removed and arrested for war crimes. Causes tension, some argue you cannot prosecute a government official for what they did as a leader.

Why did they prosecute milosevic and not other people? (like Kagame and Rwanda) - look at crimes committed under milosevic’s authority.

Targeting ppl based on ethnicity.

Justification: Milosevic deserved this bc no person is above the law and what he did was wrong.

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Justification of Proceedings Against Milosevic: No

  • He was president. Political leaders cannot be prosecuted for what they did in their own country (opinion)
  • Never happened before (ex. hitler)
  • Targeting someone from a weak country whereas other leaders from stronger countries were not put on trial.

Why him and not others?

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Impact on International Politics

  • Rebirth of NATO. strengthens the belief that it still needs to be allowed. Grows in 2004. Shows that it is impactful and important.
  • Yugoslavia will break up in 2003. Weakens Yugoslavia and increases tension that the UN is unproductive and should not be around.
  • First time a head of state is tried for war crimes. Shows other leaders that they could be put on trial if they do the same.