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Properties of Clay &�Clay Tools

Everybody needs to get out their sketchbook and a pencil

Bring your supply bucket to your table

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Stages of Clay

  • Wet or plastic
    • Can be easily shaped, cut, or carved
    • Can be recycled
  • Leather Hard
    • The clay is still a little bit bendy, but no big changes can be made to the shape
    • Best stage for carving and adding decoration
    • Can be recycled
  • Bone Dry or Green Ware
    • All water has evaporated, and the piece is ready to be fired
    • No changes can be made to the shape
    • Light gray
    • Can be recycled
  • Slip
    • Used for decoration and adjoining pieces
  • Bisque Ware
    • Very hard
    • Light yellow-gray
    • Cannot be recycled
  • Glazed and Fired pieces
    • Glaze was applied after bisque firing
    • Glaze has been fired
    • The piece is ready to use!

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Class Procedures

  • Class Tour
    • Tool box
      • 1 per table by color
    • Sponge, canvas, & water cup
      • You NEED all 3 when you are working with clay
    • Wedging table
    • Clay counter
      • Only 1 bag out at a time with permission
      • Wet clay goes back in the bag
      • Dried out clay goes into recycling
    • Glazes (We will learn more about them later)
  • Clean up
    • Wipe down all tables
    • Put supplies away
    • Wrap up clay you need to work with next class

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Fettling Knife

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Needle Tool

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Loop Tool

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Ribbon Tool

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Wire Cutter

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