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Tips for Online Learning

How to be a better Remote or Hybrid Student

School Year 2020-2021

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Introduction Video

Tips on how Online Learning

Don’t get sidetracked. After this ONE video, close and come back to presentation!

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Video Reflection:

In the video they shared 4 tips on how to be a better remote learning.

  • Create a workspace
  • Manage your time
  • Take Breaks
  • Use your Resources

In the next slide, please respond on how and what these 4 tips will look like for you.

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DRAW what will your workspace look like at home?

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What will you do to manage your time and assignments?

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How often will you take breaks and what will you do during those breaks?

What will you do to signal the break is over?

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What is one resource you have available that you will start using?

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Advice from High School Students:

Faith: I think that people who are not used to online learning should just go about their day like a normal school day. The only thing that is different is it’s at home and maybe a bit shorter. I have been getting dressed and ready around 9am and sitting at my table to get all my work done so that I could have the rest of the day free.

Abigail: Online learning can be difficult for me sometimes, but once you get into a routine it’s not too bad. I have a very hard time focusing on a normal day in class, even when I don’t have my phone, or if I’m not near friends. So as you can imagine, being home with plenty of distractions makes it very hard to stay on task. I try to remove anything near me that I know will distract me. I even have to turn the mirror on my desk around because I know I might just randomly start tweezing my eyebrows. If there isn’t any written work, I get rid of pens because I know I’ll doodle on my hands.

Hunter: The few tips I would give for students new to online learning is to set an alarm to start working at the same time everyday. For example, I wake up at 10:00am and start working at 10:30am. Another tip I would give is to take breaks and to pace yourself. You know what you are capable of. The last tip I would give is to do your work no matter how unmotivated you may feel. It may seem like a lot, but when you start it goes by very quickly.

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Advice from High School Students:

Alyssa: 1. Be patient with yourself – getting frustrated will just make you dread your school work even more. Take breaks every now and then and just breathe.Take a break for lunch. Take an hour, 45 minutes, something like you would do at school.

2. Don’t get behind – even though you are doing work at home it doesn’t mean you have unlimited time. Keep on your work. It will be way harder trying to catch up on everything a week before school starts.

3. Ask teachers questions – your teachers are there to help. They want to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are stuck!

Brianna: 1. Keep a schedule like you would have to do for school. Do one class fully, and another, and so on. Doing it in the order you are used to is even better.

2. Wake up early. Try to wake up kind of early (ex. I wake up at 8:30am every day) to keep that normalness in your life. You wouldn’t wake up at noon to go to school. This also gives you enough time in the day for you to do your work, take a break, and most likely finish by the normal time we get out of school.

3. Keep your work organized and in a safe place.

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What are you thinking?

Out of the four options, select which one you think is most important for you, to be a successful online learner?

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Wrap up Activity

If you were to give another student advise on how to be a successful online learner/student, what would that advise be?

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