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Post GCP Service Project

GCP Brunei

3rd Jan 2017

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What is Global Citizenship About?

What is Global Citizenship About?

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Suggested Timeline



11.30 - 12.30

Students will meet up with GCP members in respective venues.

In their project teams, students will start to create presentation.

12.30 - 13.15


13.15 - 13.30

Make adjustments to project

Dismiss students at 13.30

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Session Objectives

  • Meet up with GCP members to finalise project
  • Create a presentation that gives a brief overview of class project
  • Present project overview to rest of class/trip members for critique and evaluation

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What should be included in the presentation?

Details of project

  • What are the dates of the project?
  • Which organisation/group are you planning to work with?
  • How many people are involved?
  • What logistics are needed?

Service Objectives

  • How does the group plan to serve the identified organisation/group?

Learning Objectives

  • What does the group hope to learn from this experience?

Success Factors

  • What will a successful project look like?

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Student Critique/Evaluation

  • After each group presents, have the rest of the class/group give feedback using the following guiding criteria. You may wish to have the students give a numeric score:

Details of project

  • How feasible is the project?
  • Is the timeline realistic?

Service Objectives

  • How clear are the service objectives?
  • Does the service meet the needs of the organisation or group?

Learning Objectives

  • How clear are the learning objectives?

Success Factors

  • How well are the success factors linked to the objectives?

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PROJECT TITLE: Old folk’s Home Visit

LINK TO DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UNBlYEWpvboOoAu4imHdKAbeOqRcSaZjBeQiFz3qNIs/edit?usp=sharing

MEMBERS: Ian, Ethan, Ryan and Max

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)

Many of the Elderly live alone in flats or in Old Folk’s homes and may be bored in these old folk’s homes or want to meet more people.

Our idea is to take a group of Elderly from an Old Folk’s home to interact and play games with them and listen to their stories and experiences.

Group 1

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

To provide entertainment and social interaction with the Elderly such as providing fun and games.by doing this we hope that the elderlys can open up to us and we can hear their stories

Group 1

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

To learn about their lives and emphasise and share their stories to the local community.

Group 1

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

Group 1

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PROJECT TITLE: Love for pets

LINK TO DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OSdiFwajWMfbx8GY5idtvDbnA0-zbvig5FXDyYkBnBg/edit


  • Khrisha
  • Alya
  • Nandanaa
  • Adib

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)

  • Our group which contains 4 people wants to clean and decorate the place which is the home to animals and at the same time help the elderly people who mostly clean and maintain the place as well as the animals. Our project plans to help the elderly in cleaning and also provide a clean environment for the animals.
  • We want to clean and decorate the place over a period of 6 days including preparation of items needed for decorating the place and the collection of items needed for the cleaning. We plan to hold a booth at school to collect items for the cleaning.
  • The logistics we need would recycled materials such as bottles and cleaning materials which would be a rag , mop ,bucket ,broom , cleaning soap.

Group 2

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We want to help the elderly people who clean the farms and maintain the animals and at the same time provide a clean and safe environment for the animals as well and interact with them. We plan to work with Mutts and Mittens. We have not contacted them yet but we will once the project is approved.

Group 2

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

Being able to speculate the possible underlying causes that lie within an ignored problem by society/the community and solve them using critical thinking and unique creativity.

We plan to learn the skills of seeing and realising the possible help we may lend to something or someone, even though it may only be a small matter, or even a big problem, requiring as much voluntary work as possible, in which even that may be ignored by the majority of society.

To constantly observe our surroundings and perceive possibilities even in the minimal help we may give to those who need it, and to overall understand the nature of these problems and address them to the world to raise awareness.

Group 2

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

  • Being able to help the elderly to clean and give them a rest
  • Cleaning the place to provide a safe and clean environment for the animals
  • Decorating the place to look more appealing

In order to make the project successful we need to be friendly and hardworking.

Group 2

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  • (IC) Faqih
  • Kamal
  • Roshan
  • Rishi

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)

  • We plan to do this during the open house, there will be P6 students, their parents and SST students too. The will be more people hence more chance of people donating.
  • We want to work with the Jamiyah Home because we want to inform the rest of the public that there are a lot of people and children that are lesser privileged than us. Donating money to them would help them help those underprivileged ones.
  • All four of us will be involved
  • We will be setting up a booth at the Open House and selling a minimum of 100 pieces. Each fan/light/phone stand (TBC) is $0.40 as we would buy them in bulk. We will be buying these for a total of $40. We will be selling these for $2.50. This creates a total profit of $210.

Group 3

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

  • The objective of this project is to donate all the profits that we will make to the Jamiyah Home to help them. If we are very sure that many people will purchase it, the returns would be higher.

Group 3

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

  • We want people to know that there are other less fortunate people around them and that they can help by doing a small action, like purchasing a useful thing. We also would like to let people know that a little bit of help can go a big way.
  • Booth Location: Near prize booth , ICT Helpdesk

Group 3

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

  • If this project succeeds, we will be able to reach out to a minimum of 100 people. We will then raise at least $100. We will then send all our proceeds to Jamiah homes.
  • However, there is some risk in this project.

Group 3

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LINK TO DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o2w4NaESkcOrZFu2bRqM8N4OFviXA4oOH2bgWlvKVOg/edit


  • (IC) Isaiah
  • Jin Han
  • Jahzeel
  • Euan

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)


We are going to help out with the packing, sorting and storing of food and toys at the organisation. We hope that people will understand that there are less fortunate people in this world and that we should do as much as we can to help them, taking every opportunity to help the needy. We will sign up as volunteers to help out at the FoodHeart organisation. The food will go to needy people and toys will be given to poor children.

-Able to participate and volunteer at their organisations and create a better life for less fortunate people by volunteering

Group 4

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We hope to indirectly help needy people by helping the organisation, Food for the Heart, by packing and storing boxes of food and toys.

Group 4

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We hope by doing this project we can learn that there are less fortunate people than us and we should take every opportunity to help these less fortunate people.

Group 4

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

-Able to participate and volunteer at their organisations.

-Create a better life for less fortunate people by volunteering

Group 4

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PROJECT TITLE: Simple Project

LINK TO DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/a/sst.edu.sg/document/d/1IvidukJfW9avZhHycYeR0B7-yosls89t9r79H-42PgM/edit?usp=sharing


  • Heng Jun Huei (IC)
  • Seongmin Yun (Presenter)
  • Evan Pan (Presenter)
  • Koh Sheng Dhee Nicholas

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)

There are many stray cats in Singapore, especially in residential areas, however in Brunei, almost no stray animals are seen. Our aim of this project is to lessen the number of stray animals in Singapore so that the animals will not get abused.

We plan to work with SPCA to hold a fundraising event in our school which will be held on a time span of about one week. We plan to start raising funds in February.

We would have to sell some things to raise money. We plan to get the items to sell from SPCA.


Group 5

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

Our service objectives are to raise awareness about the stray animals in Singapore by making an animation on it.

We also plan on raising funds for SPCA by selling things such as bookmarks etc. We could also use the the animation to ask for donations to help the animals.

Group 5

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We will learn to take initiative, be responsible, be helpful and be aware of our surroundings. We will also learn to help our community.

We can use these skills in our daily lives and in school. Ex. helping people in need (Be helpful, Be aware of our surroundings), finishing all your homework (Be responsible), answering questions during lessons (Take initiative).

Group 5

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

  • Our presentation needs to be convincing and persuasive
  • We have to get all the items to sell in time
  • The products have to be attractive
  • The animation has to be attractive and convincing
  • Enough people must support our project
  • Location of fundraising

Group 5

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PROJECT TITLE: Blessing in a bag



  • Alya Sufiyah (IC)
  • Maya Elisha
  • Devika Prem
  • Vignesh Raj

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)

Organization: Blessings in a Bag

We selected this organization as it focuses on disadvantaged kids in Southeast Asia, mainly Singapore. We would like to be able to help the underprivileged children enjoy items that is easily accessible by us.

We plan to first spread attention of this service through a flyer we will create. Then we will organise a drive that will collect books and will place the books at their building.

Logistics: Flyer materials, Boxes (to carry the books) and transportation

Group 6

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We hope that the children in the organisation will be able to receive a lot of book to benefit and enjoy themselves. The children will be happy if they receive books from their wishlist and also be exposed to different genre of books.

Dates: Part one of project: Giving out flyers to residents ( / )

Part two : Collecting books from residents through drive ( / )

Part three : Giving to Blessings in a bag ( / )

Group 6

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We hope to learn to be caring by giving our resources which are beneficial to other people who might need them more than us. By donating books, we also clear storage in our house which will also benefit us. ;) We also save trees because the publisher no need print some more books for people to buy. ;)

Group 6

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

  • Books can be donated by us
  • items wanted by Blessings in a Bag may change over time
  • Condition of books

Group 6

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PROJECT TITLE: Rogue one ®

LINK TO DOCUMENT: the link that links the document to another link.com.sg


  • Najib (IC) (1MDB Presenter)
  • Darth Vader
  • Hady
  • Anieyrudh (Presenter)

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Detail of Project (refer to Slide #5)

  • Bring joy and happiness to elderly this Chinese New Year.
  • Distribution of oranges and bun to needy families.
  • Collection of funding from our own drive and using it to buy ‘donatables.’
  • We aim to help needy families, even if our donation may be small.

Group 7

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Service Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

We hope to help the needy families by donating buns and the free oranges to celebrate the festive seasons. This helps to let them rest for a few days as they would not need to buy food. We hope that what little interaction we do have with the elderly or families lights up their day.

Group 7

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Learning Objectives (refer to Slide #5)

To show and demonstrate the values we have learnt through our learning experience.

This is a practical way to try out our values in action by helping the less fortunate who deserve more.

Group 7

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Success Factors (refer to Slide #5)

Should we find ample funding from a charitable source, we may include other goodies such as food vouchers and other food products.

We also depend on the elderlies and families being open and accepting our gifts.

Our project can only reach its full potential if we receive funding from organisations such as NTUC cares.

Group 7