1 of 35

More than a framework

2 of 35

Machine Learning challenges

  • Deployment and automation
  • Reproducibility of models and predictions
  • Diagnostics
  • Scalability
  • Collaboration
  • Business uses
  • Monitoring and management

3 of 35

MLops ecosystem powered by open source

Convenient DL serving

Experiments monitoring

Accelerated DL & RL




4 of 35


  • Deep learning experiments standardisation
  • Autoscaling from single GPU to SLURM cluster
  • Experiments tracking
  • Teamwork organisation, collaboration
  • Community support

5 of 35


  • Reduces development costs
  • Gives data scientists a tool for collaboration
  • Finds useful insights from experiments
  • Connects with the world-wide community

6 of 35

Eugene Kachan

Sergey Kolesnikov

David Kuryakin

Contributors�Researchers, Engineers

Artem Zolkin


7 of 35

  • Collaborations with top USA and RU universities on DL projects
  • Several success ML cases with startups and companies
  • Connections with top russian industrial researchers and community

8 of 35

pip install catalyst

  • Fully reproducible pipelines
  • CV, NLP, GANs and RecSys support
  • Distributed and half-precision training
  • Extra subpackages for �CV and NLP

9 of 35

pip install alchemy

  • Experiment monitoring
  • Hyperparameters storage
  • Search, compare, and visualize training runs


10 of 35

pip install reaction

  • DL models serving
  • Load balancing
  • Sync/Async API
  • Batch mode handling
  • Monitoring
  • Swagger autodocs
  • Telegram integration

11 of 35


12 of 35


13 of 35

pip install catalyst

Sergey Kolesnikov, scitator@gmail.com

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15 of 35

Catalyst.Reproducibility = 🖤

Catalyst has full DL & RL convergence tests for

DL, GANs and RL.

16 of 35


17 of 35

Catalyst.Reproducibility = 🖤

DL pipelines reproducibility over different machines

18 of 35

Catalyst vs for-loop approach


200+ lines!

19 of 35


20 of 35


  • major DRL �on-policy (REINFORCE, PPO) �and off-policy algorithms �(DQN, DDPG, SAC, TD3)
  • distributional value functions, n-step returns, �hyperbolical gammas, etc
  • Trainers and samplers ensembling
  • Distributed training support
  • Open Source, PyTorch

21 of 35


Comparison of catalyst.RL with a number of RL frameworks. �For a more detailed up-to-date table please check this Google Sheet.

22 of 35

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  • Resnet finetuning
  • Cadene integration
  • Augmentations prediction

24 of 35

Pseudo-Labeling is all you need

25 of 35

Anchor-free �object detection

26 of 35

  • Unet, ResnetUnet
  • Linknet, ResnetLinknet
  • FPNUnet, ResnetFPNUnet
  • DSBowl18 – Watershed

27 of 35

  • Unet, ResnetUnet
  • Linknet, ResnetLinknet
  • FPNUnet, ResnetFPNUnet
  • DSBowl18 – Watershed

28 of 35

Temporal Segmentation Networks

29 of 35


  • Vanilla GAN
  • Wasserstein GAN
  • Wasserstein GAN GP
  • Conditional GAN

30 of 35


  • DistilBert pipeline
  • Named-entity recognition
  • Token classification

31 of 35


  • PyTorch models serving
  • Load balancing
  • Sync/Async API
  • Batch mode handling
  • Monitoring
  • Swagger autodocs
  • Telegram integration

32 of 35

33 of 35

  • 3rd place solution of Task 3: Organ-at-risk segmentation from chest CT scans �at MICCAI 2019
  • 4th place solution of Task 4: Gross Target Volume segmentation of lung cancer �at MICCAI 2019
  • 3rd rank at DIBCO 2019

Bac Nguyen Xuan�Kaggle Competitions Master

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Catalyst.Competitions – NeurIPS’18, 3rd place

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Catalyst.Competitions – NeurIPS’19, 2nd place