Ready for Learning Plan
Salem School District
Revised - March 14, 2023
District Ready for Learning Committee
Wayne Guiltner, Superintendent Jason Howell, Transportation Director�Salem Board of Education Shaun Windsor, Technology Coordinator�David Turnbough, Federal Programs Thelma Allen, Food Service Director�Lindsey Wiseman, Elementary Principal Larry Travelstead, Maintenance Supervisor�Cody Curtis, High School Principal Regnia, Bales, District Bookkeeper �Brandi Sanderson, School Nurse Wanda Koelling, Fulton County Health Department�Makollie Burk, School Nurse J.W. Blevins, Athletic Director�Kim Smith-Harber, ALE Director Casey Oliver, Parent, RN Cardiac Cath Lab.�Salem Elementary Teachers Malinda Mathis, Fulton County Extension Agent�Salem High School Teachers Brittney Fowler, Parent, Bank of Salem� Lucinda Bishop, Parent, Bank of Salem Kelly Miller, Parent, Church Secretary�
Salem School District Ready for Learning Plan of Actions and Assurances
6. We will provide support for parents and students. �7. We will provide a written communication plan for interacting with parents, students, and the community
Action #1:
We will ensure the continuity of teaching and learning by providing a guaranteed and viable curriculum that includes blended learning (K-12) and diagnostic assessments (K-8).
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
A guaranteed and viable curriculum will be implemented by the Salem School District and through online providers used by the Salem School District.
Instruction will be provided on-site unless we have to transition back to online learning. At this time all students are back on campus learning. If we have to make changes, we will do the following:
The instruction will be available K-12 in two formats: 1. Blended on-site instruction. 2. On-line through the district’s Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas and the online platform of Zoom.
The diagnostic assessment to be used to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses and develop individual instructional plans for addressing unfinished learning and shape decisions to be made for new learning will be Renaissance in grades K-12.
Additional local assessments will be used in this process of determining unfinished learning.
Blended and Virtual Learning Plans
Salem Schools will be offering in person learning for the 2022-2023 school year. The district’s LMS will continue to be used; however, Salem Schools will not offer an online learning opportunity, unless we have to transition back to at home learning.
Teachers will continue to train students to use the district’s LMS and Zoom, in case the district has to go virtual for any unplanned event in the future.
Salem Schools will only offer online learning when AMI days are being utilized.
Blended Learning LMS and Online Platform
School | LMS | Online Platform |
Salem Elementary | Canvas | Zoom |
Salem High School | Canvas | Zoom |
Action #2
We will address unfinished learning from the prior year by using the Arkansas Playbook: Addressing Unfinished Learning and district developed resources.
Addressing unfinished learning will continue and will most likely be something we address with all students from now on.
Addressing Unfinished Learning
Continued plans for addressing unfinished learning�Salem Schools has addressed unfinished learning caused by missing school due to the Covid-19 pandemicwith after school tutoring.
After school tutoring will continue to be offered during the 2022-2023 school year with the use of Title I funds.
Unfinished Learning at Salem Schools
Unfinished learning at Salem School District may be different from the unfinished learning at many other districts. Salem Schools only takes the following breaks from school: 1 day for Labor Day, 3 days for Thanksgiving, 8 days for Winter Break, 1 day Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 5 days for spring break. The unfinished learning will be addressed with all learners, but it may not take as long at Salem Schools.
Unfinished Learning at Salem Schools
Teachers at Salem Elementary will meet by grade level during planning periods to plan to address unfinished learning.
Teachers at Salem High School will meet by planning period in order to plan to address unfinished learning.
Both schools will use Renaissance to assess where each student is in his or her learning.
Both buildings will use a plan-do-check approach, and adjust where� needed.
Action #3
We will utilize a Learning Management System.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Both buildings will use Canvas as their LMS. Teachers will receive one week of professional development using Canvas during the initial summer and a training will be provided each year during staff development.
Grades 5-12 have been using Canvas for more than five years. Now all grades will offer blended learning environments.
Action #4
We will offer ongoing teacher training for how to use the selected Learning Management Systems.
Learning Management Systems Training
The Salem School District has scheduled 6 additional hours of technology to address teaching with a learning management system as well as teaching in a digital world.
All teachers will receive 6 more hours of technology during the back to school professional development.
Teachers new to the district will receive additional training for the district’s LMS.
Action #5
We will schedule teacher training for blended learning (delivery of instruction).
Teacher Training on Blended Learning
Each teacher obtained 24 hours of professional development related to delivering blended learning and presenting the material through Zoom to learners at home. All training was homegrown and provided by the district. Even though the district does not plan for students to learn virtually, we will continue to train students on how to learn virtually in the event school has to be closed for any length of time.
During the back to school staff development each year, teachers will continue to be trained on the LMS.
Action #6
We will provide support for parents and students.
Technology Support for Parents and Students
Each student will be provided with a chromebook and charger.
An internet WiFi hub will be located in the parking lot of each campus for families without internet access.
The Salem School District’s Parent Resource Series of videos will include “how to” videos for each of the new technologies learned during the reentry.
Social Emotional Support for Families and Students
Social emotional support will be provided and will include the hiring of an additional counselor. The following supports are in place:
Action #7
We will provide a written communication plan for interacting with parents, students, and the community.
Communication Plan:
The plan will be posted to the Salem Schools website, Facebook, and Twitter in early July.
Communication through School Messenger will be sent to notify parents of the plan and where to find it.
Updates will be posted to the same locations.
The plan will be recorded and released to the local radio station� as well.
The parent resource series for “how to” will also be released.
Ongoing Building Communication Methods
Updates will be made via the school website, Facebook, and Twitter.
#8 Safety Protocol
Transportation Hand Sanitizing Stations
Face Coverings
Cafeteria Usage
Face Coverings
New Guidance from CDC and DESE
No Mask Policy in Place
We will continue to monitor the number of cases in Arkansas, Fulton County, and our school district.
Hand Sanitizing Stations
Hand sanitizing stations will be located at each entry and exit. Hand sanitizing stations will also be located at the entrance of each classroom and restroom. Students and employees will be encouraged to use the hand sanitizing stations.
Ready for Learning Plan Point of Contact
For questions regarding the Ready for Learning Plan�Wayne Guiltner, Superintendent
For question regarding technology (devices and connectivity)�Shaun Windsor, Technology Coordinator
For questions regarding Homeless, Foster Care, and Migrant students�David Turnbough, Federal Programs Coordinator