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School Counselor

Mrs. Polito

Room 46

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3 of 27

4 of 27

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Kelso’s Choices

How to be a Good Problem Solver

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7 of 27

Go to Another Game

Talk It Out

8 of 27

Share and Take Turns

Ignore It

9 of 27

Walk Away

Tell Them to Please Stop

10 of 27


Make a Deal

11 of 27

Wait and Cool Off

12 of 27




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Small Problems

Try 2 Kelso’s Choices to solve the problem!

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Small Problems

Passing notes in class about you.

Borrowing school supplies without asking

Messing up your desk and materials

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Small Problems

Someone is making a noise or bothering you when you are trying to work.

Someone does not go ‘out’ after losing a turn at a game or cheating

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Small Problems

Someone is taking cuts or pushing in line.

Someone is whispering to you during learning time.

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Small Problems

Teasing you about liking someone or your appearance

Someone is calling you silly names

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“I” Message

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Big Problems

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Big Problems

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Mrs. Reed

Mrs. Clements

Ms. Guido

Mrs. Wolsey

Mrs. Elayne

Mr. Carlos

Safe Grown-ups



Mrs. Brunetti

Ms. Nyesha

Mr. North

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Big Problems

Being pushed down by someone.

Throwing rocks or other things at someone.

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Big Problems

Stealing or taking things from another student or teacher.


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Big Problems

Going somewhere unsafe.

Saying racist comments or using bad language

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Big Problems

Playing with matches or weapons.

Writing on the walls

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It’s Your Choice Baby…