Creando aplicaciones web con Scala/Scala.js
About me
Traditional Web Apps share a common core
These web apps are all over the internet
Still, we have to do most of the work from scratch when using Scala/Scala.js
No more!
Now we have the Wiringbits Scala Web App Template
Let’s see a demo
Server Architecture: Controllers
Server Architecture: Actions
Server Architecture: Services
Server Architecture: ExternalApis
Server Architecture: Repositories
Server Architecture: Data Access Objects
Programming paradigm
Works with the React ecosystem
UI fetches data consistently
UI fetches data consistently - Loading
UI fetches data consistently - Error/Retry
Done by AsyncComponent
Typed data models
Typed data models
Forms composed of typed models
Forms composed of typed models (easy to test!)
Requests composed of typed models
Controllers deal with requests composed of typed models
Practical testing utilities
Tests involving a database launch a clean one
Endpoint tests use frontend ApiClient
Auto-generated Admin UI
Auto-generated Admin UI - Settings
Onboarding material
Give it a try